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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. There are always games like this, where a hot goalie'll steal one. That's why they can't ever take a game off, especially with such a young team.
  2. A very bad UND audio webcast.
  3. Let's get some positive going. Once that happens, no tellin' where it'll go.
  4. Boys can't buy one and UAA get's 'em off our skates. Some people just live right.
  5. You're DamStrait you will! That's the spirit!
  6. We need to all, collectively, concentrate on producing good karma. There's probably not many of us still out there listening, but if we all work together, it'll work. If not, no harm done. Let's have a roll call for those still out there.
  7. Fabian's gonna get us going. Then Prp. Then Duncan. Then Oshie. Then Toews.
  8. Come on boys! Get one and the floodgates will open!
  9. I'm expecting this to be a game where the boys battle back from adversity. I refuse to have another meltdown like after the second game @ UAA last year, so the boys need to come back and win this one.
  10. Yes, thank you Sica, that is who I meant, not CSP. My bad, hey, I got the town right anyway.
  11. ...sigh...why do I bother? 1. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT IS CONVINCED IT IS "ALMOST CERTAINLY" NECESSARY. 2. STARTUP COSTS FOR REINSTATING IT (IF NECESSARY) ARE LOW. Are you illiterate as well as obtuse? I list eight when you say I need four, and then you question the only one of the eight I qualify? I guess if you derive that much enjoyment out of being a jackass, there is nothing anyone can do or say that will bring about your improvement. It's obvious I've underestimated just how obtuse you really are. Just go away. I'm done responding to your drivel, as your only intent is not a reasonable, intelligent discussion, but only to make snide comments, camouflaged in 'who me?' feigned innocence.
  12. Wow, skippy, guess you really told me. Got some advice for ya: People that live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. You come on to this board with your back handed comments towards UND, and then wonder why some may be less than completely pleasant when responding to you. Are you really THAT obtuse? As mentioned previously (and just above by UND92, 96), if UND does move then all the remaining members will have to decide what to do. Already the conference has had to go all the way to WA for associate members in football. They can rob from ths NSIC (maybe, if any would be interested) but it would result in a weakened NCC. I could see any of the following determining that the least undesirable option (should UND leave the NCC) would be joining a new DIAA NCC (in no particular order): SCSU, 'kato, UMD, NDSU, SDSU, UNO, USD, maybe even CSP. Also, even if UND were to drop golf, do you think if that were the deciding criterion in order to join the BSC (I don't think they want us though, actually), that it couldn't be added at that time? With Ray Richards already in existence, I just don't think the program startup costs would be at all significant. How's that for common sense?
  13. This is an awfully confidently worded statement. Do you have anything other than your hatred of all things UND to support this? Or perhaps it'll be you that sets the conference membership criteria? Personally, I think a DIAA NCC is the most likely new home for UND athletics (This is not to say that it is likely, but that it is the most likely). If that is the case, I can see that conference membership rules will likely change (and change to be more flexible, rather than more rigid).
  14. I heard the only reason you post on this board is because you are a jackass of a troll.
  15. Roger, I remember now. Thought it was still tied when Wheeler scored.
  16. When was the 4th goal scored by the US and by whom?
  17. Did you see/listen to the game (I didn't)? If not, where did you find ice time numbers (I haven't been able to find them)? As far as PP time goes, these guys haven't spent a lot time playing w/ each other, and have to make the most of what opportunities they have, in hopes they can gel when team chemistry IS needed.
  18. Vaht? USA Hockey ain't gonna go out of their way to make anyone on the team look better than anyone else. All they're gonna do is try to win games. Kessel looked good last night, but quite frankly, Norway's D was horrible. Multiple USA forwards getting behind everyone in a Norway sweater to get in alone on the Norway 'tender. Uuuuugly.
  19. Man, when you beat a horse, you make sure to beat it dead.
  20. GK, please continue to run your mouth. You are doing a better job of discrediting the pro name change rationale than any of us that wish to keep the name could ever accomplish.
  21. What the heck! Didn't Canuck see this post yet? I thought for sure I'd get a rise out of him. Maybe my trap was too obvious for one so wise.
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