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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. *^%&#$%^@#^ Lost season#$#^$%%!@$
  2. This is really starting to piss me off.
  3. Can I get a "Let's go Sioux!"?
  4. I would really hope the boys come out with some fire and desperation to finsh this game. I am sick to death of good performances in losses. There are 3 players of the top of my head that I can think of that need to take this game over. Sorry, but this game has the feeling of same ol' - same ol'.
  5. To each his own I guess. From my own (thoroughly red-blooded American) perspective, few countries have a better neighbor than the US does with Canada.
  6. Hate? That seems more than a bit too strong. Why? Because they're good?
  7. To give up 4 goals each night to this team, a team that hasn't even heard of the the phrase "offensive pressure" is just flat out embarrassing. This is not Sioux hockey.
  8. This team ain't got it, at least not when it counts. No heart, no concentration, no defense, no goaltending.
  9. #@@$%^&%&^*(T*&&^W$E%^%^&(*Y&T*&%$^ER^*^RE$%$QW%$@$EW%&*^&(*&^TR^%%#@$!$%$WE%^%W$@#^&%&((*(^%&%$#%@#$&^%^%*&(&(*&%^$^%#%$#%*^%^*&^(&^$#$#&^%$^(&*^&*%*^#$#$*&^(&%^(*%$*^#&%#$$*^%&)(*&^)*(&^$#&$%#&%^%$()&*&^*(%$$#@@$#*%^&(&*(&^(*%$&$@$&%$%(*&^)*&^%$%*$#@#&*^%^)(*&^*%$^$#@^#@#&%$(*)(*&&)^%*&^%#$^%#@$#^@$%*^%&*)^%(&*%#^#%@^#%$#*&(^%*)^(*%$#&$@^$#@#&^*%$*&^&)(^%%##^@&$%*&)^)%%##@$**&^^%*%$#%#^@%$&%%*&^%%*#@##&$%$%(*&^)*%*%^#@$#$*&(*^&^%*#%$@#$@%$^$%*&^&)^^$$@#$@#$^%^%^&^%^$&#$@#$%$%^&%
  10. Bucky played a solid road game - that said - the boys gave 3 of 4 away. Not good. I want to see a very pissed off (at themselves) Sioux team tomorrow night.
  11. Do you know how to scroll up and page back?
  12. What's it going to take to make these guys realize they have to go all out or their talent don't mean !@$!!!! They should have played the whole game like the 3rd period (intensity-wise). Many, many passes missed. The one thru the slot just before the TO totally surprised our guy standing right on the doorstep!!!!!! Bucky played harder, better and smarter and consequently won. Goaltending wasn't even close - Bucky in a landslide.
  13. Have these guys ever played together before?!!!
  14. Bucky is winning just about every race and really supporting the puck well. Our boys need to wake up.
  15. The boys look like they are skating in mud. They need to have a fire lit under their behinds. Phil could be better, but team D could be a LOT better.
  16. Hostilities broke out when the traitors attacked a federal military installation in Charleston, SC (Fort Sumter). Yes, the Civil War was about states' rights - the right of some states to allow slavery. The Civil War was about slavery, just like the Missouri Compromise, which is widely understood to have delayed the Civil War, was about slavery. If it weren't for slavery, no other issue would have risen to the point of armed rebellion. Every federal military officer that resigned his commission in order to take up arms against the United States should have been hanged by the neck until dead, especially that jackass R. E. Lee. Arlington National Cemetery was rightfully created from his confiscated property. Abraham Lincoln is our greatest president. Ulysses S. Grant is our greatest military leader. Stone Mountain outside Atlanta is a national insult and should be completely and utterly destroyed. The Civil War was about real civil rights abuses, not the imaginary ones in the deluded minds of the nickname opposition.
  17. I agree. I find it truly offensive that these jackasses would feel anything other than shame for having ancestors that took up arms against their own countrymen (for the purpose of 'protecting' slavery, no less).
  18. I'd like to see a letter from Tom Buning apologizing to UND fans, students, alumni, faculty and staff for scheduling a school that has a jackass as AD.
  19. %$#&%$#@^#$@#&%$&^@$ Not a good night for a Sioux fan. Didn't expect this from Hak's pregame. Play has been back and forth, Sioux getting no 'tending and no puck luck. Need to take it to 'em in the 3rd. LET'S GO SIOUX!!!
  20. Sorry, You're right: You are far better at pretending to be knowledgeable.
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