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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Just win the game. Not good to sit on a loss for two weeks.
  2. Wilbur

    FCS Playoffs

    Better not be watching that game or we'll get posters from Sam Houston and Eastern Washington coming into the forum calling us jealous fans. Because the only football games you should be watching are Sioux games or nothing.
  3. Wilbur

    FCS Playoffs

    You mean you sat down in front of a computer. Typed in siouxsports.com, clicked on the UND football tab, clicked into FCS playoffs thread, and took the time to post on your least favorite school's fan forum. Yeah, and we're the jealous ones. Hahahahahahaha. Ohhh....and taking the time to even make a username and set up a password and all that stuff....hahahahaha.....and I'm jealous of you....yup....
  4. Best option. You earn a number one seed you earn the home ice advantage. This way teams like Minnesota and BC don't fall into a regional they're city hosts. BC is always in Worcester.....always. Wouldn't mind seeing them have to go to Mariucci or Miami to find their way to the frozen four.
  5. Agreed. Legit five minute major, no questions asked. I was hoping the video would change my opinion, but not even close.
  6. Happened in a bad spot for the camera guys. But the guy on the red line would have had a great shot of it if he had been following the play. It was so blatant where we were sitting that my wife (who never knows the score of the game) even saw it. And both officials arms shot up like they were volunteering for more paid vacation. Gwoz didn't even need to go crazy to get that call.....
  7. That was another "what in the world is he doing?" moment. Like I said, they played well together. But they can't take penalties. Their job is to steal shifts through the period so Kristo and Grimaldi can get more legs for their next shift, not take penalties so Kristo and Grimaldi have to kill them.
  8. I thought the fourth line had a great five periods together this weekend.... I'm glad i'm not the coach. I'd bench his rear end because that was just 100 percent stupid. Plus if Denver came back and won that game people wouldn't be talking about how well the fourth line played together. Let him serve his one game could of cost my team the game suspension then back on Saturday in Houghton.
  9. Gleason can take Jim's spot on the fourth line.
  10. Okay, need to get this off my chest. WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU DOING JIM?? I was at the game, and it was well on its way to being 7-1....then he takes one of the more mind blowing penalties in UND hockey history. It was a blatant CFB right in front of George Gwozdecky and the Denver bench....the reffs didn't even let him in the penalty box....it was that obvious. Then low and behold, Denver gets two (should have been three) and UND is on their heals for just about the rest of the game. Had you asked me, outside of pulling their goalie, whats the dumbest thing that UND could do right now? That might have been the answer. As a fourth liner you're told to go out there, eat up minutes, and for the love of God, don't take a penalty or get scored on while you're on the ice. Jim.....err...... [/rant] Jim sits next game.
  11. That top line of Denver played a ton....I mean a ton......the older Shore brother must have played every other shift in the third period.... One thing I'd like to see get cleaned up is the ice conditions.....talk about bouncy pucks all night. Yuck.
  12. Yeah, what happened in that third period was a goalie from Finland going out of his mind. He makes one great save (very lucky that Mark didn't lift the puck half a foot higher) and after that he's not going to give one up. Could tell that Denver was dog tired at the end, and UND playing four lines really helped their cause in the third and OT. Upset that UND didn't get another point, glad that Denver didn't shoot one off someone's butt and in the net and get two points.
  13. No one has said much about North Dakota kids lately that haven't committed. Two I'm hopeful that find their way to Grand Forks. ~Jordan Nelson of the Fargo Force (Williston) has 12 points in 22 games, and is second on the team in shots on goal, with a +/- of +4. Mason Morelli of the Minot Tauros (Minot) has 9 points in 22 games, but is minus 7 in the plus minus area. I believe this is Nelson's last year of Juniors while Morelli is only a Junior in high school. I'm thinking its more likely Morelli ends up in Grand Forks (with a Grandpa and dad with ties it helps), but I'm holding out hope that a kid like Nelson could be a four year role guy for UND that gives his heart and soul every shift.
  14. Lots of talent on that roster. Not going to lie, I know zero about the goaltending. Which we have seen make team USA (Campbell, Goepfert), or kill them (Thomas Fricken McCollum......)
  15. Gaarder-Rowney-Parks.....in the end that line will make some magic....
  16. It was nice to see Drake attack the defenseman and get to the net. A lot of times this year we've seen forwards pull up after gaining the zone and wait for something to develop. Hopefully we see more plays like this one.
  17. Wilbur

    FCS Playoffs

    A team that can't move the ball through the air won't beat NDSU. Their down linemen and linebackers are just too darn good to let a team run wild on them. I'll say a similar score to last week. NDSU 28.....Wofford 7.
  18. Brad just posted the UND sports recap or whatever its called, and I've got to say....talk about some nice goals scored this weekend. ~Drake Caggiula's goal on Friday night was a thing of beauty. Undress the defensman, then the goalie.....wow.... ~Corban Knight's pass to Dillon Simpson.....my goodness.....hands..... This team has struggled to put the puck in the net, but those were some pretty goals.
  19. Wilbur

    FCS Playoffs

    I would say the same thing in regards to paint thinner nation.....
  20. Its funny how Minnesota and Denver always have a scuffle or two when they get together, or something really cheap always happens. Talk about a three teams that don't like each other at all. PS: Here is a little Kyle Rau love for Zucker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaIgM-Guz_8
  21. Would have paid money to see that fight. I remember reading about that thinking that Paukovich finally got his..... Wish we would have got one chance to see Zach Jones go nuts on someone.....
  22. I just wish someone would have gone with Paukovich.....anybody......I don't care if they would have gotten pummeled.......just one punch is all.... I guess Prpich did attempt to make him a gelding though.....
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