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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Pretty sure that Hak just called out Rowney on the post game interview with TH. Need Carter to start burying his chances.
  2. Damnit, spilled beer on the laptop....come on....
  3. 47-26 are the shots, and the game is over. I'd say they did everything offensively they wanted to do, but Saunders didn't have his best game tonight, and a few defensive lapses cost them. I would love to see the wide open net play that Rowney missed. TH sounds like its a miracle he didn't hit the net.
  4. I wasn't one who anointed him a savior, but I'd say he's playing above my expectations so far. Carter Rowney on the other hand needs to pick it up.
  5. I'll go ahead and give Clark Saunders a break after not exactly his best night in the net. They would have got swept in South Bend last week had he not been remarkable on Friday.
  6. If UND loses 4-2 and Dave Berger is right......again.....I'm not watching or listening to games anymore, I'm just going to his prediction place and calling it good.....
  7. Ball game......yikes..... You'd take them playing like this any night of the season, just can't score on their chances.
  8. No, that would be the other goalie.
  9. If Knight's shot goes off the post and in right away in the third its a completely different game here. Now seems like UND is on their heals.
  10. UND needs CC to make a mistake like a penalty here to get the mo back.
  11. Yup, wrong again.... 3-1. CC. Lots of game to go.
  12. That was one helluva hockey game. BU has a great chance this season if that big goaltender of theirs stays hot. PS: Doc calling Stafford's penalty shot goal against Maine a couple of years ago....amazing....
  13. I think UND gets two this period and gets the W. They've been all over CC, just need to get a bounce here and once they get one, they'll start to fall.
  14. Gosh......this better not turn into a Joe Howe plays well and steals the game for CC......CC's goaltending hasn't been good this year.
  15. BU will beat BC. Good for the PWR of UND. Now lets not turn the puck over.
  16. Good job ladies. Finish now.
  17. Not that I'm not following the UND game, but BU-BC has been a tremendous hockey game. Well officiated, up and down the ice, with good skill plays and goaltending both ways. I wouldn't mind UND joining hockey east.....although they'd have to play BC every year.
  18. I'd say BU has it figured out to shoot high glove on Milner.....Fun game to watch.
  19. Jeez.....Some BU guy just went bar down on Milner, only to see BC come right back......Be nice to see BU help UND's PWR with a win over the Eagles. 2-1 BU.... I'll say 4-3 UND.
  20. Cough...bump.....cough... So the team flew out to Colorado today......
  21. I'm not going to lie. Watching Anders and company lose to Moorhead in the state tournament made me smile.....all that hype.....all they had to do was show up and of course they'd win their first round game. I'm glad the Edinasty waited a year to win the state championship.
  22. Everyone was so worried about the better brother Jaden too.... This weekend will breed a bit of race horse hockey. Hopefully UND's defensemen can keep up.
  23. CC's goaltending has been awful. Then again, so has Saturday for UND. I'll call a split.
  24. I was thinking about this the other day. Brian Lee.....came in with all the expectations of greatness....and then we found out he didn't like to check people.
  25. Nice to see UND sweep Duluth. Also nice to see Duluth not having a former Olympian in goal.
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