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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. I'm anxious to see if Schiff gets a cabinet position. Now that Trump is on his way out what is he going to do with himself to pass the time?
  2. Does Bernie get a cabinet position, or a mansion??? Stay tuned!
  3. Anxious to see if 2024 is the year of Kamala. Will the blues let it happen?
  4. Bingo. And some people that live paycheck to paycheck can't afford to have Covid, so why get tested? They'd rather live with Covid and the risk than maybe collect disability and get further behind on bills.
  5. Not surprised by this. After the hug with Graham after the ACB hearing was civil the squad members and further left Democrats wanted her in a New York nursing home.
  6. As soon as I saw college professor I should have scrolled by. Maybe online college education should be the way of the future. What happened to just teaching concepts or getting kids ready for the work force? I think I'm going to push my kids towards a trade school like NDSCS.
  7. Okay, from the top.....AGAIN.... Straws-NOT OKAY Heroine-OKAY Thanksgiving-NOT OKAY Meth-OKAY. Pumping your own gas-NOT OKAY LSD-OKAY You need any more help with Oregon law let me know....
  8. Better question. Will there be any limitations on those who refuse the vaccinations?
  9. Ohh its the song that just won't end....it goes on and on my friend. I read in the Boston Globe that certain experts predict some kind of normalcy come a spring time. At the same time thats five more months of this.
  10. Not the Vikings we know and love! Bad loss to a bad Dallas team with a backup QB. Not that home field advantage is a thing this year but my god have the Vikings been terrible at home this year.
  11. Doesn't necessarily belong here, but I'm happy they let the girls volleyball tournament happen. I've been watching a bit with my daughter and she actually asked me to watch it tonight. Her green team (West Fargo) needs to pick it up here. #gopackgo
  12. Agreed. My Grandma and her husband weren't near anyone for 7 months and they got it. Virus gonna virus. I'm guessing in November when I thought I had a bad sinus infection I was being a super spreader.
  13. Give his handlers credit though, undefeated Senate ride in ND as a Democrat. His old ticker just couldn't take it any more. Probably should have retired before the 88 election.
  14. Yup. Republican donors should focus on Georgia as the Democrat donors are.
  15. IMHO Republicans would trade losing the White House with the squad being voted out. I also believe many moderate Democrats privately would love to see them out of office.
  16. Snowflake!!!!!! Glad you are better sir.
  17. For being so fat and a Trumptard to boot I'm surprised you lived.
  18. No officer its just my cocaine!! I swear!!!
  19. I was prepared to attend my grandmother's and her husband, but they both lived. Two World Wars and Covid. They should be on The View!
  20. In Oregon heroine is more legal than plastic straws. Ohh, and Thanksgiving with your family.
  21. I didn't vote for the governor of ND this year, and I'm glad I didn't after his quick little stunt. On twitter if you disagree with Walz you'll get called a right wing stupid republican. I guess then in ND disagreeing with Dougie makes you a bleeding heart liberal? It's a partisanship thing right? So how am I both??
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