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Everything posted by HockeyMom

  1. I can't edit my last post, but if anything is in plain view it's fair game to seize.
  2. That depends what you're searching for, whether it's a search incident to arrest, whether or not you feel that the car can be moved, where the stuff is in the car, if you have a warrant or not. I would assume that finding kiddie porn in someone's car on a weapons search would be enough probable cause to get a search warrant to search someone's house.
  3. I don't think that they ruled that those kind of pat-downs are unconstitutional, but seizure of the beer cans and charging the kid with MIP was, according to Terry. The officer should have only been able to seize a weapon on the pat-down. I may be wrong. I don't mind opening my bag or being patted down, but then again I don't have anything to hide and I think it's more on the side of safety than anything.
  4. I agree with that ruling based on the fact that the officer didn't believe that it was a weapon, but the dude shouldn't have tried to bring beer in. I do wonder what they will come up with to get around this ruling.
  5. Maaaaaaaaaybe It's just easier to get around on the ice wearing skates.
  6. You're 4 line would be a person short because I'd be sitting in the penalty box. I'm retired, I'll stick to hockey.
  7. Whatever the decision..........good luck, Robbie.
  8. This one made me laugh so hard I was almost crying:
  9. Dude, you're a Gopher fan on a Sioux board what did you expect?
  10. That's just worth quoting.....thanks for the laugh, biggest one I've had all day.
  11. I can drink as much as three people.
  12. I'm bored. Is it October yet? I believe the NCAA changed the number of seats required to host a Frozen Four when the REA was in the process of being built. It's too bad that they can't just buy out the number of seats that REA is short and guarentee the revenue that way.
  13. I'm disappointed. I hope he finds someplace that really, really, really wants him. The nickname issue will come up regardless, it seems to every time they hire a new president.
  14. Thanks for the pics. *sighs* My heart dropped when I looked at the team shot of Denver celebrating.
  15. I don't think so, go back to sleep.
  16. House cleaning? Buning filled the vacancy that was left open when Roger Thomas left to lead the NCC. I hardly consider that house cleaning. GO SIOUX!!!!!!
  17. Lame duck is very fitting. I hope he gets the Marshall job.
  18. That's great to hear.
  19. Unfortunately, you're probably never going to see that again. Unless of course, you start watching the women's game. And that probably won't happen either. You can still see professional women who play because they love the game more than they love money. Not like there's anything wrong with loving money, but you get my point.
  20. Don't forget that Devon Fingland, Amber Hasbargen, and Meghan Mutrie were named 2004-05 National Scholar Athletes by the American Women
  21. SCORE!! Hockey!
  22. LMFAO *zips lip*
  23. I think I fall into the fogie catagory. AND I hate losing.
  24. Let's settle this on the ice. *puts on hockey gear and waits at center ice for faceoff*
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