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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Mike McMahon's latest tweet says ND and NCHC are still talking and not to count the NCHC out yet. As far as numbers go, one of the articles I linked earlier stated the NCHC wants to stay at 8. The only school they would consider a ninth member for is ND. If a new DI program is started, who knows. But for now they are happy with 8 or a 9th if it's ND.
  2. Several good articles on what is/has been taking place with Hockey realignment on CHN. http://www.collegehockeynews.com/
  3. This guy doesn't believe ND/RPI to HEA is a done deal yet. At least his "sources" "close to the situation" claim that no decision has been made by ND. http://twitter.com/#!/mikemcmahonet
  4. As far as ST. Cloud is concerned, I can't believe that the NCHC would have extended an invite if it would potentially chase Notre Dame from being interested. A person doesn't like to make assumptions but either Notre Dame indicated they were ok with WMU and St. Cloud and ND being 9 (or a mystery 10th team) or Notre Dame indicated they wouldn't be coming to the NCHC. There was no reason for the NCHC to rush to add more teams at this point, other than WMU who was sitting on a WCHA invitation. I just can't believe that the NCHC invited these two teams without some info on what ND might do or want. Then again, ND's AD was quoted as wanting everyone to "just slow down" so who really knows for sure...
  5. It all depends on what this "ambitious" tv deal is. Notre Dame has historically been tied to NBC and NBC Sports. Versus is a part of NBC so hopefully there is still an opportunity for the NCHC to sign on with NBCSports/Versus...with or without Notre Dame.
  6. It appears HEA has signed a tv deal with CBS Sports and that another "ambitious" tv deal is coming. Could that perhaps be a hint on where ND is going to go? http://twitter.com/#!/mikemcmahonet
  7. Notre Dame is supposedly going to make their decision on which conference they are going to pick within the next couple of days. Reports are that it is down to NCHC and HEA. Supposedly HEA was out of the picture but due to tv markets, may be back in the picture. Some are speculating as to who would be the 12th team if ND selects HEA. RPI is one of the rumors for a 12th team. Here is a link to Mike McMahon's twitter...a writer for Merrimack college. http://twitter.com/#!/mikemcmahonet
  8. Not to mention schools such as Kentucky don't want to mess with their Basketball program as many of the dates could go head to head.
  9. So it sounds as if BGSU has been given an extension to make it's decision on the WCHA invite. What are their options at this point? Hope like He!! to get into the NCHC, accept WCHA invite, drop hockey, or something else???
  10. I'm not a big proponent of adding St. Cloud to the NCHC, primarily because of their attack on the Fighting Sioux name. But I don't see why some people think all these "big" schools are going to be starting hockey anytime soon. How many schools have begun DI hockey in the last decade? How many of them are "big" schools? I can think of one and that's because of large donation by an alum. The NCHC came about because the schools involved wanted to cut some of the "dead weight" so there weren't so many schools to share revenues with. They also wanted schools that invest in their programs, which they've gotten. Sure they are going after ND, BC, or the outside chance of a new "big" school starting hockey, etc, but in my opinion, that wasn't the number one reason these schools started a new conference. They did it for money and a different management structure and possibly a media contract of some sort.
  11. Maybe he is announcing this weekend to give the GF media some prep time before he visits next weekend when his Lakers play at EGF?
  12. I would also add that the consulting firm that was hired has probably made a list of schools that align the closest with the goals of the NCHC. Here is a link to some info on the consulting firms involved... http://letsgodu.blogspot.com/2011/07/three-consultants-to-guide-nchc.html
  13. If you believe the rumor that ND wanted 7 teams so they could play more non-conference teams in the Big 10 and the Boston Schools, then the news today would indicate they are not joining the NCHC. That's what I was pointing out in my original post...
  14. My guess is that UND already know what ND's decision is going to be. Thus the invite to WMU and SCSU. Chances are they ND has decided to not join the NCHC...either that or they are ok with 9 members (not very likely).
  15. It appears the Alerus Center has booked a decent Rock Concert. It won't necessarily draw huge numbers (I'm guessing 5,000-7,000) but it's still nice to see they are going after bands that are more current. It's not a news release for the GF Show, but GF is listed in the tour dates if you scroll down a bit... http://www.avengedsevenfold.com/
  16. Mixing up UND and NDSU could never happen... As Homer said earlier in the thread
  17. Thanks for the info...should help the Husky program. I still would prefer they aren't a part of the NCHC. I'd rather the NCHC focus on attracting DI teams...
  18. I am in no way advocating for SCSU to be in the NCHC when I post this, but I found it interesting none the less. I have heard that SCSU plans to upgrade their arena. I'm not sure if the work has been approved or if plans are finalzed for the upgrade. I was looking through the JLG website and came across some renderings of upgrades to their arena. Again, not sure if they are doing this, but if so, there arena is going to be pretty nice. http://www.jlgarchitects.com/ Click on "The Work" tab, then "Hockey/Sports" tab, and then National Hockey Center to see the photos.
  19. You could say "Yikes" to pretty much every FBS team in regards to UND playing them. BGSU is not a very good football team...as far as FBS teams go.
  20. Actually UND recruits quite a bit of talent out of Cali. Haven't checked the roster for numbers, but we do have a few Cali kids. UND is also in the same conference as Cal Poly (in San Luis Obispo) and UC-Davis so our team has been out there before and will continue to when we move to the Big Sky Conference next year.
  21. Great...now that you understand, maybe you can go back to your own website and worry about your school. I don't understand why Bison fans are constantly coming over here to stir things up. There are a few Sioux fans who visit BVille, me being one of them, but they are fairly respectable for the most part. They aren't over there constantly talking smack as it seems several bison fans like to do here. There are a few decent Bison fans here and I do enjoy reading their posts, but as for the rest of them...meh, just put them on ignore I guess.
  22. Unfortunately it was the Gauchos that won... http://www.fightingsioux.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=205268991
  23. I agree about the non DI schools. Maybe a DII each year. There's a bit of an odd stretch of games at the end of the year/beginning of 2012: Kansas, Mayville State, New Mexico, then VCSU...
  24. I've seen them at the gym...but it was during a volleyball match and they were taunting the opposing team. It would be nice if Wilmer is healthy and able to contribute some productive minutes this year. If we are able to gets some production down low (meaning 1-2 guys other than Brekke step it up a bit), I think we should have a pretty solid season.
  25. I'm not saying that SDSU needs the game, but curious as to why the Men's team would play a home and home in the same season with UND. Is the Men's program having a more difficult time with scheduling?
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