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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. They had a poor game last week as well. I don't really like Mack Brown as a coach, but he is a great recruiter.
  2. The Orange really aren't very good.
  3. About five minutes ago I saw a SFA WR get blown up big time and NDSU got a penalty on the play as well.
  4. I have a different cable system here, the NDSU game was on a different FSN, The A&M overtimes delayed getting the UT game by about 45 minutes though.
  5. NDSU is up 14-13 on SFA. The little I have watched makes me think NDSU is a good team but the secondary might be a little weak.
  6. That sounds better, or at least makes a lot more sense.
  7. Here is a stats link for UNO/NWMS http://gomavs.unomaha.edu/livestats/footba...nwmsu/xlive.htm
  8. Did one of the QBs just make a tackle on the kickoff team?
  9. What the hell is a Thunderbear?
  10. I thought UND was going to be doing live stats this year as part of the service, but I can't seem to find it.
  11. So people aren't allowed to be a UND football fan and a deer hunter who puts that priority slightly above UND football? You true fans seem a little snobbish and make it difficult for everyone else.
  12. And people are supposed to stop working, if people want to hunt they do as they please. The games happen to all be on weekends which are the only times most people are free to hunt. I don't like your assumption that rifle season hunters just drive around drunk and look for dear. Bow hunting takes more work, but most of ND isn't ideal for bowhunting either. You take a minority of idiots who hunt and just implied thats what all hunters do and that is far from the truth. Unless things have changed dramatically in the last 7 years or so that I have been out of state.
  13. BigGame

    Streaming Video

    I see I have very likely wasted some money! I thought this service was going to provide live stats as well, but I guess that isn't going to happen either.
  14. BigGame

    Streaming Video

    Is the picture still on during halftime? I just got home, tried to log in to watch but can't get a picture or audio through fightingsioux.com
  15. You should be able to listen for free, and the webcast will be a pay for service.
  16. I think it's only rookie linemen that aren't allowed to talk to the press.
  17. BigGame


    People seem to be reading a lot into the first preseason game!
  18. BigGame

    Away Games

    I am going to go the Western Washington game because I just recently moved to Seattle.
  19. 7 years living in Houston I only ran into UND clothing twice. At a Target near Reliant Stadium and the wife of a coworker was a UND grad. Several UND hockey players were on the Aero's roster during those years but I never ran into them. I have been in Seattle now for 2 months and I have come across UND people 5 or 6 times already. I guess Seattle has a lot more UND folks than Houston does.
  20. GF is a way stinkier armpit than Fargo! People that haven't lived or been to ND don't have any right to pass judgement. It's all based upon stereotypes and they are like the insecure people all over over the US that need to bash something to make themselves feel better. I have lived in the south (hated it), I currently live in the Pacific Northwest (love it, but I have only been here for a month) and every place I have been has it's good and bad. The south has a lot more bad IMO than where I am now but I would not mind living in ND again, I just couldn't suffer another stint in Grand Forks. College was more than enough Grand Forks for me.
  21. All I want is a small bad government instead of the current big bad government.
  22. BigGame

    Gas Prices

    Hasn't it been government restrictions that have limited the ability to refine oil and make it much more difficult to build new refineries? All these restrictions were in place long before GW was elected.
  23. BigGame

    Gas Prices

    You don't like the idea of the government putting a cap on what we buy that's fine but it shouldn't be OK to limit one item and not another. The oil companies are to blame for a lot of the prices even though they claim it's all supply and demand which is complete BS. I work around a lot of people in the oil business and prices skyrocket in the summer months because they know people will pay them or lose a family vacation among other things. These oil companies are all setting profit records and everyone are these companies are getting a fat bonus every quarter. I understand fuel costs have and should go up, but it is BS that they are going to end up 2 dollars higher per gallon in the summer compared to the winter. I agree that people should probably use less fuel, but gas prices don't match up globally. The prices went through the roof during Katrina and Rita because refineries had to be shut down, what's the excuse for the high prices this summer?
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