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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    next season

    I wouldn't jump to call them a troll so fast, they may be but it could be a Sioux fan that has some genuine concerns.
  2. BigGame

    next season

    What was the injury, and when did it occur? I don't remember hearing anything about it, but always wondered what happened to him considering he was doing pretty well at the end of last season.
  3. A rematch would just cause problems anyway, if Michigan played and beat Ohio State they would split on the season and how could you claim one as a National Champion over the other. I think Florida should play Ohio State, but I don't think it will be much of a game. I would like to see Michigan and USC go at.
  4. It doesn't really matter, but UND lost a bunch of time the last 3 plays based on the clock operator.
  5. That was a great Run after catch by Dressler
  6. I agree that he is a very good football player, but his teamates make it pretty easy for him. He usually has a lot of time to throw, WR are getting wide open a lot and all he has to do is throw it up near Fowler and he makes a play on the ball.
  7. Manke has been off target to start the second half.
  8. GV is doing there best to keep UND in the game right now.
  9. GV is very good at holding just enough to let the quick RB get by and not get called for a penalty. Except the guy playing TE, he get's called every time he does it but the interior lineman aren't
  10. Thats was the rumor going into the game.
  11. wolfe makes the play in spite of being held, how that isn't called I have no clue. How can an official miss the call when the guy being held makes the tackle.
  12. Well, going in we knew UND couldn't make a bunch of mistakes and win the game. They have made a bunch of big mistakes so far today, I just hope they can clean it up for the second half.
  13. That should have been defensive holding
  14. Trenbeath is very strong running with the ball for a Freshman. He does a good job running through tackles and the stiff arm on the TD was a little bonus.
  15. Sucks, GV just tackled the UND defender right next to the ball carrier and nothing was called.
  16. On several of the catches he has had good coverage but Fowler has made a couple of great catches.
  17. The blocking has't looked that bad but on a couple plays UND runners have tried to go around blocks instead of cutting up field and end up getting run down. The sack and fumble the blocking wasn't good but Manke could have taken a step forward and avoided the rush easily and the blockers couldn't do anything about Manke's fumbled snap.
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