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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame


    From what I saw of the game I thought the line did a pretty good job. It looked to me more like Freud was nervous and would start to role out early. By doing this you are destroying the pass pro, because the line are blocking based upon where the QB is supposed to be and if he roles right or left before he needs to (which Freund did a lot) the line has no opportunity to make those blocks.
  2. I would like to watch the game on Satellite if possible because the webcast is not reliable. Is the game going to be sent out on Satellite feed?
  3. No, the comment is legit considering the UND athletic department has some problems. Some Sioux fans can see thing for what they are and don't always operate on homervision.
  4. Has anyone heard how the Freshman that did not get the redshirt taken off are doing? Who looks good and could be impact players over the next few years?
  5. To me this just seems like you are stroking someone's ego to keep them happy. It doesn't really make a lot of sense to have 2 d-coordinators. Who actually calls the defense?
  6. Using football to work out the kinks for hockey?
  7. I don't agree, this is a very large drop off in the overall quality of the defense compared to most years. It was expected to a degree, but this isn't the usual Sioux defense.
  8. It sounded to me like Mankato had a lot of dropped passes, not as many as UND though.
  9. In his defense, the WR's/TE's have dropped at least 5 or 6 passes today. It doesn't really matter that much if the defense can't get a stop.
  10. BigGame

    Josh Murray

    He's not as fast as Chappel but the little I have seen him run I think he's got better vision and certainly has more power which is very impressive for a true freshman.
  11. They used to use both Riddell and Schutt. I think like most football programs the brand can change from year to year.
  12. Even if they put a rule like that in place, the kids could still go play juniors in Canadia. Or are the Canadians trying to keep all the dirty americans on the other side of the border?
  13. Why in the world would a person attend UND if the name Fighting Sioux offends them so much?
  14. BigGame

    Sioux at WWU

    I just got home from watching the game. UND's offense looked lathargic in the first half and were still very good. The Sioux O looked unstoppable in the 3rd quarter and the guys played at a noticably quicker pace. Most of the damage in the 3rd was on the ground and during the first half I wish they would have run the ball a little more. Dressler is a stud, but I couldn't honestly say he deserves the Harlon Hill without seeing all the canidates play. D2 football has a lot of good players. The defense looked good at times and horrid at others. The WWU RB is a very good, he reminds me a little of Phillip Moore only smaller and can move laterally a little better. Almost all of the medium to long run plays occured on misdirection type plays where the backside of the Sioux defense overpursued, lost contain and paid for the lack of disipline. The secondary played a pretty good game overall, but as a team UND had some trouble tackling in the open field. The defense needs to clean in up, because WWU is a pretty good team but UND is going to see better offensive teams and can't afford to make those types of mistakes. The absolute lack of any pass rush is a major concern, but the Sioux didn't blitz nearly as much as I thought they would, it's hard to get pressure rushing 3 guys. The officials were not great, but they were not bad either. They let a lot of holding go uncalled in the first half, and in the second half when they started calling it UND suffered even though WWU did at least as much if not more holding. The North Dakota State label from the ref. was funny, I think the trainer went out and corrected the guy shortly after he said it. WWU is a pretty good football team with few very good football players. I thought the QB moved around and threw the ball pretty well. He seems to make the right choice and read almost every play and threw a couple very nice blocks to spring the RB on some run plays. RB is small, but fast and along with having great quickness and agility. The slant to WWU tall WR for a TD in the 2nd half was a great call, It looked like they had an ideal matchup and would try to throw him the fade again. It was a pretty good UND crowd on hand at the game. It was nice to be able to attend a game in person again, it's been a long time. I would guess that Coach Lennon is not happy at all with the defensive performance. It was extremely ugly at times, but most of the problems are very fixable things. Pass rush will be one of the more difficult things to improve, unless they start bringing more rushers almost all the time. Overpursuit and losing contain are typically the result of being to aggresive and not actually thinking about assignments, this is very fixable with coaching.
  15. BigGame

    Sioux at WWU

    That's not how it happened. I am not sure which play your talking about, but the only plays when Chappel was tackled in the open field from behind or from the side were either because of him slowing to set up a block or a good pursuit angle by the safty. On the 90 yard TD run the safty took a bad angle and then he just outran everyone.
  16. That's funny, growing up in ND I thought I was the only Seahawks fan in the region.
  17. Is anyone on the message board going to the game? I'm pretty excited because it will be my first chance to see UND live and in person in 6 or 7 years. I have also heard that Western Washington has a nice campus.
  18. BigGame

    UND vs CWU

    I don't know, Reilly was pressured and beat up a lot in spite of most CWU passes being 3 step. It's very difficult to get pressure on a play that is 3 steps and throw, I think the LB's need to read quicker and get into pass drops faster and DB's need to react more quickly in order to stop that type of offense.
  19. BigGame

    UND vs CWU

    I thought Hammer said it was 10,400 and change.
  20. BigGame

    UND vs CWU

    2 fumbles on the goaline going in, UND is trying to give the game away.
  21. BigGame

    UND vs CWU

    It looks good for a minute and then craps out again. I have had to reload the game 6 times already, I am giving up on the video soon.
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