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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. We all realize a "sellout" isn't attendance. UND gets the money if they show or not.
  2. It's lose lose situation for UND. Discontinue to play the rivalry now and you get Steve's opinion. Quite 5-10 years down the road when NDSU has a major advantage, then get Steve's opinion "UND's scared and doesn't like losing to NDSU anymore, what a bunch of pansies, why now? why at this point? blah, blah, blah.....'' It's going to end eventually thanks to NDSU moving. Now is as good time as any.
  3. Saturday against Yale, pulled Brandt with shutout to put in Parise.
  4. Any one have the stats for Ziggy and JPar last year as both were in the USHL? I believe Ziggy had the better stats and was selected to the All-Star game while Jordan was not, I also believe Ziggy was named Goalie of the Month. I wonder why Jordan comes in and gets a shot and Deano puts "confidence" in him. I know it ain't cause he played better in practice. That excuse is getting old.
  5. There's another report done by Henry. "Developoing Very Large-Scale Wind Energy In ND" http://www.nwclimate.org/Wind%20Report-Jan04-final.pdf
  6. Talk about spoiled. Few year ago people would be thankful they got to see an away game on tv.
  7. I was thinking the same. Dean would have the most pull out of anyone. What would the admin do if he said he wanted the students to stand and he doesn't care who's view it blocks.
  8. Students being watched like hawks = no atmosphere. Zack Parise: "They're just totally ruining our game." These players know the controversies that are going on. It not only affects the fans but the players as well. It's all a mindset, and the students know they aren't appreciated right now. They go from the old arena with half the arena students standing, yelling to 1/4 of that in the lower bowl, forced to sit, and forced to watch everything they say including "butt." Two securities guards also came over to us when we said "who's he, he sucks."
  9. I believe Blais said in the Coaches Show he was keeping the Money Line intact for the rest of the year. But then again it is Blais.
  10. 1. D involved in scoring. 2. Block shots. 3. Cycle, no need to take the shot after entering zone, play as a team. 4. Contribution from everyone.
  11. Where's Auggie rate?
  12. I believe at the beginning of the year WDAZ decided to televise the Duluth away series, instead of CC like last year, so yes.
  13. Maybe this has been posted, but: http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/s...ota/7933536.htm If you ask me he has got some of the some of the greatest potential on the team. I can see Bina as a starter in a few years, if not quite possibly a captain (or associate).
  14. Cratter


    I believe the Wooger pointed out that Massen looks overweight and must be in the doghouse. Unfortunately, there's some truth to that.
  15. Again could you please learn to use appropriate sections of this forum to post appropriate topics? Your probably not aware but you posted this in UND Basketball (and other sports) section. NHL, stands for National Hockey League. \Hock"ey\, n. [From Hook, n.] 1. A game in which two parties of players, armed with sticks curved or hooked at the end, attempt to drive any small object (as a ball or a bit of wood) toward opposite goals.
  16. Eskimos, why didn't you email steve himself? shallstrom@wday.com
  17. You had to laugh when he said what's UND going to do without NDSU. The question is what's NDSU to do with two home football games. I guess WDAZ is of a higher class.
  18. I believes we're in the presence of a celebrity.
  19. Serious question. How old are you?
  20. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforkshe...cal/7916100.htm
  21. This exhibition with Minnesota, will it be an exhibition like when UND plays Bemidji St. in Men's basketball and they don't keep score? Or a normal game with the crowd, like Men's hockey? Doesn't the Big 10 have a rule where the teams can't play teams outside the conference with controversal nicknames?
  22. No one cares what happens on Bisonville. Speaking of which, can we get an ignore button.
  23. Maybe the Betty will sell SRO.
  24. Let's ask ourselves how did UND students turn out differently than other institutes? Is it locale? Ethics? Part of me has to think the administration should take some responsibility for the students actions. Wisconsin has, as many people know, done a wonderful job at their hockey games with the "Crease Creations."
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