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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. What no talk about your "goal" being to win only one game?
  2. So much for moving up to play greater competition and increase your "image" 4 of the 7 (that I know of) schools were D2 3-4 years ago.
  3. This guy says it all.
  4. The question is do we want a corporate atmosphere like Xcel OR a collegiate atmosphere like Wisconsin. I might be the minority here, but I think that playing piped in music and movie clips will only make the crowd mechanical. I believe that when there is no piped in music to fill the dead air then students and fans would eventually learn to come up with creative cheers to fill it, like they do in Wisconsin and somewhat at the old ralph, instead of movie clips and commercials, but unfortunately that pays the bills. Why do we need "Welcome to the Jungle" to start playing before we all cheer in unison?
  5. Let's keep the Grand Forks RR/Central domination going! http://www.dakotahockey.com/default.asp?Pa...LE&ArticleID=89 "History of ND HS hockey"
  6. Not to burst your bubble, but it was under titantv.com for the last month or so, I'm not sure if they are showing it, but just a heads up that titantv.com probably never changed it from when it was first scheduled to be aired.
  7. The issue that needs to be addressed is that Cirrus wanted to move their "headquarters" to GF but had to eventually move it to Duluth, because of GF/ND's red tape. The new neuroscience research center that is currently being built behind the Med School should help bring in future dollars to the community. I wonder why UND has trouble developing their Tech Park?
  8. Maybe we should buy Thomas and Kupchella tickets to the Sioux at Wisconsin series next year, so they can see it first hand. Much like the Alerus/UND officials did for tailgating when they went to Kansas City.
  9. Well I do know that they advertise MSU hockey on their website victorysports.com, but was unable to actually find any scheduled games. I was able to see that Victory is showing the CC vs SCSU games this weekend. I also like the fact that they broadcast regional HS games like: January 29, 2004 Grand Forks Central vs. Red River, Boys basketball
  10. It's not so much the Twins baseball that would draw me in, but the possibility of watching SCSU and Mankato play the Sioux. Victory wants $2.20 per subscriber. Fox Sports Net hasn't given up on Twins rights. http://www.startribune.com/stories/503/4623022.html
  11. Didn't UND sometimes do a lap goal at the old ralph?
  12. He's a gopher fan.
  13. I've gotta believe GVSU is not going to win another championship with a new coach.
  14. It's time to bring the MacNaughton back to its rightful owners.
  15. How was dataflix last nite? Did they learn to zoom yet?
  16. Not all Sioux fans live in GF.
  17. I believe the Curling finals can be seen on NBC March 13th at 2 pm.
  18. The game didn't count in league standings, but did count in overall records and Pairwise. It was technically a "non conference" not an exhibition.
  19. Wow a lot of penalties.
  20. TH said they should have it up soon.
  21. If it is true, then I take it back. I believe the students letters were two sided. I can't remember, but I thought one side was directed mainly at the students.
  22. I'm not sure you got my point. I thank you for trying to set me straight, but all I stated was facts. You do not know how I act at hockey games. I act like you do. I sit there and not swear and cheer "lets go sioux" and stand and clap for goals. But yes I will show some class next time. Thank you. I said standing and swearing are not the issues Aaron and others aren't presenting letter to Kupchella to get them to stand and swear. It's that students have to play by a different rules than the general public. And that is why many are upset. It is not a single issue. I hope I do not come off as the world revolves around me and or any other students. PCM, like I stated. I agree swearing accomplishes nothing. It's the way it is handled, putting letters on seats of students saying swear and get tickets revoked. If this is such a "fan" and not a "student" issue as The Sicatoka states, why didn't everyone in the arena have a letter on their seat, Friday, greeting them?
  23. I guess having the REA is good for other teams fans. How about other teams in the league step it up and broadcast games.
  24. Students signed a contract to not stand. The contract didn't say they wouldn't use unappropriate language, and the second they did they would have their season tickets revoked. For some reason I'm pretty sure the letter Joe Average got in the mail from Roger Thomas didn't say his tickets would get revoked. A lot of students can agree that swearing and standing are not the issues, it's how they are being treated. Was it really necessary to leave that letter on their seats saying they would revoke their tickets if they swore with 2 weekends left on their tickets? The average student have his/her ticket scanned, then his valid ID, then gets a pat down by officers, then must put his or her soda down and find their ticket to show the attendant before entering their seat, and then must make sure they aren't wearing the costume of a non-REA sponsor and ain't holding a sign that says "checking cheerleaders out from behind."
  25. I know it ain't an exact phrase, but his "goal" was to get a split. He didn't say he going to sweep them or going to get swept. He said his goal, what he's aiming for, was to split. The players listen to the coaches show and read these boards. You put it into their minds that their goal is to split and that is what they aim for.
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