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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Cratter


    You are missing the point again. Your coach is the biggest hypocrite in college hockey.
  2. Omaha by 14.
  3. Because of the opportunities and academic reputation not seen in Fargo (see below). Therefore their residents look elsewhere for an education and then move back home. I would know.
  4. Hey now. Don't go telling Bison fans this. They actually believe geography was the reason. When in reality it was many more factors of which geography had little to do with. The Big Sky stretches from CA to MT. They don't care that much about geography. We are not talking about the former NCC here where most of the schools are within three states.
  5. Why would the Heraldo publish a piece that reports things as facts when they are far from it? The editorial stated that UND had officially said they would never move to Division I without a conference (invite). Which has never been said. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?sh...mp;#entry169093 Heres your answer: UND is continuing to develop the Bronson Property and that will soon bring in $1 Million/year to the university, which will only increase in the future. Guarantee money from football games Increased student fees Increased Alumni contributions / Endowment (didn't UND just receive a large donation?) Frozen Four money not currently available as a D2 member among other sources. No need to worry about us.
  6. .......or when we (almost) lose a game because of it?
  7. Cratter

    Northern Iowa?

    Chadron St over Montana St. UND over UNI
  8. Straight from Iowa, this game just reinforces what many a Sioux fans have been saying for many years now(myself included), there isn't that big of a gap between the top teams in IAA and D2 like many fans of certain schools want you to believe. Also, don't be suprised if UND is a average NCC team this year. PS. Bunning is a class act. (reinforced from talking to him tonight again.)
  9. The Sioux need to not play conservative like they usually do. Hard to do I know (think NDSU at Montana fake field goal, Sioux playoff game another fake field goal). A helluva game from the new kicker.
  10. It's just WAY to easy with you.
  11. What does this have to do with UND's Reclassification to Division I?
  12. How about the one already in place? That was agreed upon? Seems fair to me, and others at the time. But Chapman says "NO." If a new one is set up, won't someone else always say "NO," The question is will they have the power like Chapman?
  13. Reading what you wrote, I thought there was going to be some BIG news coming out about how terrible Potts was, but instead it was the same old thing. Sorry Brown, one campus or another is always going to have "less per student than other campuses." None are always going to be equal. But it would have come from somewhere. If those 3 campuses are so "underfunded" then certain schools in ND, like Valley City State University, are way "overfunded." We could take money away from them to help "equal things out." Bottom line: There is no imperical way to show that one school is underfunded or one is overfunded, but if you want to use the current criteria of percentage of "peer schools." The only solution is to take away money from "overfunded" not to only increase money to certain schools. Now that would not seem fair, No wonder that bill failed.
  14. and without any teams a conference is pretty worthless for basketball and football.
  15. So what I got was NDSU is a lot like Troy and UND might be a lot like Jacksonville?
  16. Chapman and NDSU fans have problems with Potts and now The Board also? Which one is it? I guess now the board and the chancellor were/are incompetent. Yes, its the boards fault no one wants the position. The board made this mess.
  17. I want to thank the visionary Chapman again for going around the boards authority and lobbying for NDSU and helping force out such an incompetent leader in Potts (after getting such good reviews), now we can replace him with a much better candidate. The ones that are currently taking themselves out of the race cause they don't want the position. This will indeed in the end make the North Dakota University System a better place for all in higher education. Again. I say thanks. Cratter.
  18. Cratter

    WE Fest

    You couldn't pay me enough to subject myself to a bunch of music that no one still listens too. All the bands at Moondance Jam are way past their prime and should have retired along time ago, along with the hairstyles of most of their fans. I believe some of them need to catch up with current trends. Such as a type of music that is ever increasing in popularity, country music.....but I will try and not put down people for their tastes and will simply ignore and not respond.
  19. The report had 4 things to do before a move, and if they all weren't complete the report recommended staying in their current division. So at best NDSU would get a 75%, of which half are subjective. I'll make it easy on you. That means it can be different in everybodys mind and can't be proven with facts. I can prove that NDSU didn't have a D1 conference lined up when they moved, but I, nor you, can prove or disprove, NDSU "Established an institutional consensus......"
  20. You mean the current equity funding that NDSU and the rest of the state universities agreed to a few years ago? Oh yeah by NDSU "underfunded standards." Valley City State is WAY overfunded. Can someone please take a bunch of money away from VCSU to help NDSU out!!!! NDSU needs to stop comparing itself to UND for funding and thinks its getting shorted. Why weren't they smart enough to think there was a problem before they signed on to the agreement?
  21. Mom I only told a 10% lie. You can't follow 90% of something when it says "Do NOT move to Division I without a conference." NDSU knew it was going to move regardless of what the CARR report said, and it showed. UND was smarter (no surprise there) and saved the money, because they knew they were going to move no matter what a report said. They look nice on paper that's about it.
  22. Any ones guess.
  23. If NDSU is offered a Big Sky invite once they are in the MidCon, NDSU will jump so quick it won't even be funny. No way in hedoublehockeysticks will they turn down their dream conference for an unstable one.
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