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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Cratter

    new coach?

    It is easy to dream. But making things a reality is much easier. "out of our price range" ?? ?? ha Sorry, I have to laugh....It is one of the funnier things I have heard on this board. UND is the oldest and largest institute in the Dakotas. Has more national coverage than both NDSU and SDSU. Is one of the best colleges in the nation (NDSU is not), has more Division 1 titles than both NDSU, SDSU, and USD combined. Should I go on? Out of UND's price range? I think not.
  2. Tickets to the Frozen Four in Denver: ;)
  3. Did you read what "dlsiouxfan" said? I suspect you are like most americans and did not, because if you did you would read. It was not apologizing for "moving up the food chain."
  4. Cratter

    Lennon gone

    Helps the fundraising efforts even more.
  5. Seems rationale to me.
  6. We can talk in hypotheticals all day long.
  7. I still didn't see your proposal? All you said was let others take care of it. Heres the problem with that "solution": Those people whos job it is the fix it are a sometimes a part of the problem (Nixon). Or the system is broken or they know there is a problem but don't care and don't want to fix it. Unlike UND92/96 who is simple pointing out things that don't add up with the current administration. All he is doing is talking and pointing out facts. Nothing wrong with asking questions about the competence of certain individuals in the administration. Your comeback attacking him to his normal competent questions/discussion on a message board? He called his bevavior "foolish." Which is actually the exact opposite. That doesn't seem to add much to the conversation: just attacks the person not the topic at hand.
  8. and moreso, it helps distract from the message, because people have been known to attach the person and not the message. The message remains the same.
  9. The man who talks about honesty and integrity has the right to answer why he lacked to tell his players about the decision when other people already knew about it. Why did his own players have to find out about it from others instead of Lennon himself? I'd like to hear Lennons answer.
  10. So instead of criticizing others: what do you propose to do to fix the problem?
  11. Cratter

    Lennon gone

    I have faith in the UND football program, not one coach.
  12. Cratter

    Lennon gone

    He's going to regret leaving UND just like Blais.
  13. NDSU fans
  14. I have accepted the fact that a lot of MplsBison posts are generally not correct. "More expensive Labor"? I think not. North Dakota is known for its "cheap labor." As our representatives usually use it as a selling point.
  15. Die PDF's DIE!
  16. That is pretty sweet.
  17. I was trying to answer the simple question you asked. Forgive me for assuming but I thought you might have already knew the obvious answers: This will help recruiting in the Twin Cities area. This will help promote the University of North Dakota in a unique way to people outside their usual demographics meaning possible increased enrollment. It will give the administration insight into future games there with other teams. Have a Great Day!
  18. Here's a crazy idea...It might be fun for the fans to attend.
  19. Reminds me of the time John Kerry posed for the cameras on a snowboard.
  20. The internet is going to change the world for the better by taking out the bias Mainstream Media and replacing it with the truth.
  21. Not to mention, I would guess he would make a lot more $$$$$ at UND.
  22. Cratter

    Bon Jovi

    This is "Breaking News!!" according to the Forum website.
  23. I guess what I am saying is why do they have to guarantee anyone anything? The current system doesn't guarantee anything to anyone the way it is. Correct me if I am wrong, but in IAA (FCS) postseason play conferences championships mean little. It is the top rated teams (some sort of poll - no real autobids) that get into the playoffs? Why does there have to be this notion of "autobids." Because like you said earlier, a strong team could just transfer to that weak "autobid" conference and make the playoffs every year. (NSIC in D2 ) I think conferences are/should be just schedule alliances which gives its top member "bragging" / title rights: Conference Champs.
  24. Does WVU or Hawaii have a chance at a National Championship right now? No. As it sits right now nothing would change for them. Except a possibility of a greater chance to win a championship down the road. I would gladly tell the Big East commissioner they suck. They indeed already have agreed to the system (the BCS). Like "sioooux" said same formula except top 8 teams play for a national title instead of 2. Sure there will still be controversy. You can almost never totally eliminate controvery. The key is there will be far less controversy. *as Sicakota saids "Show me the money" or the more boring version "follow the money" : I think you could still have each game named some sort of "bowl game." I don't believe you would actually be losing money anywhere. The other crappy teams can still play in their useless "we won this bowl" bowlgame. The money would come from all the talk and excitement of the upsets and the possibly of more games = $$$$.
  25. What I am saying is: why are you assuming these things? Why do you believe since Ralph didn't give UND the money to build an arena, a future contributor to a football stadium will do the same thing? We all know UND right now does not own the Ralph. Ralph Engelstad leased land from UND and build an amazing hockey arena on it. You are assuming I am saying this is obviously wrong. You can't prove this. You can't say that a philanthropist will not give The University of North Dakota $1,000,000,000,000 with the simple notion: "Build yourself a football stadium. Here have my money UND it is yours. All I ask is you build yourself a nice stadium." In this case UND would indeed own the football stadium. Please stop spreading your statement as if it were gospel which actually deviates from the truth.
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