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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. To each their own but I love seeing UC Davis at the Alerus Center.
  2. Can someone help me out with this? I know it costs more in tuition for someone out of state to go to a university versus a state they reside in. But does "real costs" change? Who does the U of Montana have to pay for these scholarships? Itself? Their Higher Ed board? Who then in return give them the money back? Does it costs the university more for that out of state kid to sit in on a lecturer? Does he have a higher heating bill in his dorm cause he's from the south? How would you really be "saving money"? (in a non enron accounting sense)
  3. Let's just hope the SBoHE isn't stupid enough to drop the name now after all the work that has been done and how close UND might be to keeping it. *especially now that they don't need to drop it for a sports conference.
  4. Bring on the Gophers! Ending their season would be the great! Heck say UND losses. Skipping the Final Five, getting rested, and soaking in the losses, could even help the team. Just like Denver a few years ago when they missed the Final Five and won a Championship.
  5. Yes but only cause UND will win tonight also.
  6. I don't believe its true. I may be wrong. UMD wins. (plus the other two remaning games) Sioux loss the rest of theirs games (including tonight). CC wins the rest of theirs. UND would not be in fifth place. No way does a UMD win tonight guarantee a UND clinch of home ice tonight.
  7. NDSU has a history of racism/horrid fan behavior in recent times: Reported by the Forum back in 2003: The Forum in 2009:
  8. And the fact she was just in Grand Forks a year and a half ago. Not sure how many would go see her twice in Grand Forks in that short time period.
  9. Isn't that what you want? The concerts there lose money. If you don't have concerts there the less money they will lose and won't have to ask for "more and more money." Just an empty building for most of the year. The naysayers are getting what they want.
  10. yeah no crap. Note to any hockey tv crew: just cause you have an end zone camera you should rarely be using it. They have a "normal camera" and are rarely showing that one at the moment. extremely frustrating
  11. There has also been speculation that if its not the Thrashers it might be the Phoenix Coyotes, which the NHL currently owns due to them filing bankruptcy May of last year (2009). Here is an internal memo the commissioner of the NHL wrote stating they might have to look at the "moving option" and how if moved "should first be offered to Winnipeg." Going with the theme in the memo "this could depend on how much Glendale will contribute" in helping find a buyer. A proposed tax district around the arena failed:
  12. And adding to that the new NHL CBA and the Salary Cap which was not in place back in the Jets era.
  13. In 2005, when those 3 teams left the Big East: 23 teams changed conferences.
  14. Apparently they aren't even sure. Guess we solved the mystery in the suite seats.
  15. I am not sure where you got your number but I believe its wrong: Former Jets return to Winnipeg The MTS Centre website also mentions 15,000 for hockey.
  16. Tipster Reports: Winnipeg to get NHL Team But then again its rumors:
  17. Like I said I realized the shortcoming of the Great West. But who cares its only 13 years. Not a big deal in the long run. Be happy UND is currently in a conference and don't be so eager to jump ship. And yes its all over the US but so is the Summit. It might currently be home for teams looking otherwise but who are you to say it will always be that way. That is very naive on your part. Your only arguement is you don't think they would add UND based on Location? You, my friend, have a weak argument. You want to quit the race before it starts? As I mentioned earlier the Summit stretches from North Dakota to Louisiana, Utah to Michigan. That sir is not helping "contain travel costs." That's what people are saying. Things change. Just cause what's true today doesn't make it true tomorrow. (The shakeup is coming!) The Summit League would love to add UND. The conference is desperately trying to find stability. It's added four teams in less than five years! Let me put it in terms you might understand. The WCHA wasn't looking to expand when they added BSU but they did. Wow you really did throw out alot of criteria!.....Oh I get it now! Your real question is what do you think the "best" conference for UND to get into right now is with an autobid? Oh that's easy. Should have said so at first. That would be the conference that our Dakota Peers are in: and that would be the Summit League. Everyone knows that. People knew that before any of this was ever started happening: Best Possible UND Conference The point of this all is some people are being very short sighted. 5, heck ten years means little to a 100+ year old university. Conferences will come calling again the Summit would love to have UND on its ship. But to act like the sky is falling; like its now or never; do or die.....is preposterous! Sit back. Take a deep breathe and realize if UND doesn't get into the Summit League this year, its not the end of the world!
  18. Maybe cause its irrelevant. About as irrelevant as me saying: it doesn't matter cause, news flash, UND is already in a conference. Why do they need to move to a different one. I understand its shortcoming, but nothing that can't be changed in the years to come. Add some more members, wait a few years, and BAM! You happy I answered your question. Let me guess its not the "answer" you wanted? You need conferences UND could join? Couldnt' you look that up yourself? Or is there some criteria you need to qualify for your answer? Do they have to be close to the Dakotas? Have to be "hiring?" Big Sky? Missouri Valley? Ohio Valley Conference? There's 14 FCS conferences. Maybe you could pick some too? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_I#Conferences_2
  19. I think you missed the point again.
  20. I know we live close to Minnesota, but we ND also borders Montana.
  21. I think your missing the bigger point. Teams are constantly "moving up" the few large schools can't move up anymore despite the fact they want to. Looks like everyones trying to place themselves in position for a move to FBS: NDSU, UND, SDSU, UM. Meanwhile somethings going to give. Too many teams are going to be at the top. Rarely anyone moves down. Everything will be coming to a head sooner rather than later. And it all has to do with money. Everyone wants to play with the big boys. No body wants to play a little boy. The reality is people need to play with their peers. Same attendance same enrollment. After all we are basically playing the same teams of the old "Division 2." People water downed D2 So we water down D1. The NCAA won't tell you what division to play in but stricter rules will be in place. All this means is unstability. I pity the fool who is unable to see the changes coming. Its laughable to think UND couldn't and won't get into a conference as if they are hard to get into. Hardly. People act like these 5-10 years mean anything. They are statistically insignificant in the long run. I know many are use to a stable conference in the NCC where the founding members were together for basically 80 years. News flash. This is Division 1 things are constantly changing. The very nature of wanting to be "D1" shows itself Universities are always looking for the next best thing. I am only in my 20's and I am older than the Midcontinent I mean Summit league. Yet only one original member is still in the league. And the league ain't going to help travel costs. From North Dakota to Louisiana, Utah to Michigan. It has to be one of the most spread out conferences. UND will have no problems joining a conference.
  22. Thanks for posting this. I only heard part of this on the radio. Hak commented that its good to see the team joking around. Something like they hadn't had much opportunity to do that lately.
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