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Everything posted by Cratter

  2. Doesn't take a new truck to get a power play clock!
  3. I am tired of an administration that is reactive rather than proactive....Division I. HD TV. And not give me the same lame excuse(money). People ain't buying it!
  4. Yes. Because it was already in the conference? Money? Tradition? Would any of those really mattered to WCHA/NCHC presidents more than Big Sky and its potentials? I mean it's pretty easy for Bruce McClown to have come out and say UND needs to change its name or it will no longer compete in the WCHA.
  5. Why was there no word from the WCHA about dropping UND while this sanctions list came out? Or the start of the NCHC?
  6. With special exceptions? Sounds like there is already one hole in that "constitution." If there was, by the slightest chance, UND might readopt the Sioux name, It would be after the summer anyways. After UND is in the Big Sky.
  7. Do you honestly believe the Big Sky presidents would unanimously vote to kick UND out of the Big Sky is they are the Fighting Sioux?
  8. I have my doubts they will even get 10,000 signatures.
  9. So if UND doesn't chip in for this turf....The Alerus is basically getting no money from UND to use the field...as the turf will cost the Alerus $66,000 per Sioux UND home game based on the terms 10 year life expectancy. I believe the UND pays the Alerus Center under $20,000 per home game....that's not a good business decision if they are going to lose over $40,000 per home game just to have UND play there. Does UND keep the ticket sales? Or the Alerus?
  10. Cratter


    I love the Ducks helmets they got on today....I think it is the first "chrome" helmets I have seen.
  11. Cratter


    While a lot of people are "traditionalists" and don't like anything "new." These players love the jerseys/helmets. They love being flashy....My only criticism of Oregon's jerseys is the numbers look like duct tape. Compare that with the boring Wisconsin uniform....Everythings white with a "W" on the helmet....bland and boring. edit: I love Oregons feathers they integrate in their uniforms reminds me of the Sioux....too bad the sioux didn't do something like that in their uniforms back in the day when they had a chance.
  12. Cratter


  13. Cratter


    No because combat is more than involving military action. At least according to Merriam-Webster dictionary as the #1 definition of combat is
  14. It's fun to watch Bison fans think UND is going to get kicked out of the Big Sky.
  15. I plan to be there.
  16. I really hope UND/the Alerus doesn't drop the ball and NOT put the "ND" at the center..... But they probably will drop the ball. Why no MVFC logos for NDSU?
  17. Give JK the ball all three? times on the goal line. The Vikings got nothing to lose.
  18. Showing passion and a dedication for hardwork and the thrive to win is hardly worthy of being "fired." Quite the opposite.
  19. than that of Grand Forks' total population (when West Fargo is added too.) http://www.usatoday....ta-census_N.htm Pretty astonishing stuff to think in just ten years the area of Fargo (not even counting moorhead) basically added a town of 26,000 people (more than half of Grand Forks).
  20. I don't. I believe SCSU did just that to save their football team. You wanna drop football to help the recruiting image?
  21. The main issue is you really dislike UND football (and basketball) that much that you wouldn't mind UND dropping them? (in the name of fiscal responsibility?) I love Sioux football. I love the tailgating. I would hate to see UND ever consider dropping football....but that is possibly at UND. That is one valid question you could ask...as I have mentioned before... If UND students wanted these sports to be fiscally sound and thus not being "possibly dropped," they could just vote to raise student fees.
  22. I would agree with you if the NCAA allowed it if UND were able to drop certain sports like....soccer. golf. track. cross country. wrestling (opps UND already did). etc. But being DI, UND has to offer so many sports. Certainly I would never drop football or basketball no matter how much money they lose. College athletics is more than "money making." Like a communities "public library."
  23. I see that now. I replied to that before reading the rest of the thread. As apparently my post and your admitted mistake were posted at the same time.
  24. The rubbing is because you tried to defend it. Saying it wasn't a stupid question and/or preposterous.
  25. It is preposterious because it can't happen. You are showing you don't know how college sports works. UND has to sponsor a certain number of sports to even offer hockey at UND. So why bring up something that could NEVER EVER happen at UND? It's like saying UND should move its hockey team to the NHL. I really thought you were smarter than that.
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