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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Cratter


    Stories like that all around the country. "flash a piece of paper" Its a joke. As we are seeing outside Bridgestone right now.
  2. Cratter


    Long line is all cause of "vax pass."
  3. Cratter


    Hard to do when they knew it was a sellout months in advance.
  4. "The coaches didn't fumbled the football."
  5. The coaches do a great job of putting us in positions to win these games. But also do the most boneheaded things.
  6. Back to back games against stud qbs and wasn't that impressed.
  7. Heartbreaker is the only word that comes to mind.
  8. Wasn't that the same battle cry when Mussman was the coach?
  9. Outcome was expected. Bookies pretty much nailed it.
  10. Sucks the season is over so soon. "We'll get them next year."
  11. Game is basically over. Have to so something. Ain't gonna stop 2 yards on 4 downs.
  12. Need to let MSU score the TD to hope UND can have time left now.
  13. The football gods are sending a message.
  14. Really would have hated to watch this great second half of a football game!
  15. 4th down and inches should be a gimme with a QB sneak up the middle with Q!
  16. UND is not in the red zone yet!
  17. Passes likely gonna open up as MSU knows we need to run and run the clock.
  18. 4th and 2 to clinch a win.... Bubba: "Lets's have the running back throw the ball!"
  19. This game changed quickly again. Not feeling good. Bubba likes to go "clock management" in these situations.
  20. Check that. Two point conversion upcoming. Difference between a game winning field goal or TD.
  21. Offense Team and coaches need more confidence. Why else trick play on 4th and 2. Or punt from the 36.
  22. Missouri State about to grab the momentum back and only be down 4....
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