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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. So the %gobc likes ... not that there's anything wrong with that ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mY711HJK7pg
  2. The NY Times article about the latest FSU Criminoles. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/15/sports/ncaafootball/for-an-fsu-football-player-a-hit-and-run-becomes-two-traffic-tickets.html?smid=tw-bna&_r=3 I love how in the first article the FSU President calls the NYT story "speculative". Haven't his boys suffered enough?
  3. OK, so they solved the "slow start to season" issue and replaced it with "slow start to games". I'm interested in how they respond to the cold lesson received last night, namely: "You need to play with intensity for more than the last 8 minutes of the game."
  4. Unless the UND Defense/Special Teams provides 17 points (either directly or off turnovers), I predict a loss.
  5. T-birds didn't do so well at K-State. http://deadspin.com/things-went-very-badly-for-this-southern-utah-player-1659084997
  6. Haven't tried their ribs, but I'm yet to have a bad meal here:http://www.wildhogsmokehouse.com/
  7. Noise: You're being rational/logical, not emotion driven; hence, you are clearly wrong.
  8. Neuron? Drink? No ... not possible. Idea? Identity?
  9. The State of North Dakota has reached a binding, legal agreement. North Dakotans don't renege.
  10. The black balloons are on their way.
  11. And there are folks who believe Stanford and Dartmouth will be restoring their "Indians" team names too.
  12. I'll say it again: Sooner or later the NCAA will see through that thinly-veiled ruse and fire up their arbitrary and capricious rule making machine and deliver the next blow.
  13. OK ... it's trivia time: 1. Wahpeton HS's nickname before Huskies? 2. Devils Lake HS's nickname before Firebirds? 3. Grand Forks Central HS's nickname before Knights? Bonus: University of North Dakota's nickname before the one banned by the NCAA? If you are over 30 you probably went 3 for 3; if you're over 40 you probably got the bonus too. If you are under 30 you probably said, "Before Huskies, Firebirds, and Knights? What are you talking about?" If we'd have dealt with this when it was clear the old nickname was no longer sustainable we'd be going on a decade of the new nickname.
  14. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=209765223
  15. Although he says "not related to this" (and I do believe him), Fargo Ass't Chief Pat Claus has announced his resignation effective Nov 26.
  16. Seriously? Hasn't everyone had the MMR vaccine?
  17. Barry Williams?
  18. FYP.
  19. The NCAA thinks it's a branch of government. Heck, there are people out there that believe the NCAA is a branch of government. Reality: The NCAA can not create law. Reality: The NCAA has no law enforcement authority. Heck, the NCAA runs more like ... well ... organized crime: intimidation, blackmail, claiming authority where they have none, knee-capping some (Alaska), ignoring others (North Carolina). It's over a decade old, but I think the NCAA would still make this list if it was created today: http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2002-12-08/the-best-little-monopoly-in-america
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/its-not-that-the-ncaa-doesnt-know-what-its-doing-its-that-the-ncaa-doesnt-know-what-its-supposed-to-be-doing/2014/11/10/ec1aa64e-6905-11e4-b053-65cea7903f2e_story.html My favorite line in that article?
  21. I wonder what set off the plagiarism detector ... in each paper.
  22. Scott Owens is CC's Chris Mussman?
  23. McFeely is a guy that makes me take past advice into action. The advice was received long ago from a man who worked at KFYR Bismarck and he said every radio has two knobs: one to change channels, one to turn it off. When McFeely comes on I use one of the radio knobs.
  24. I wonder what would happen if you'd drop those two essays into something like Grammarly.com (a free plagarism detection and grammar checking website for teachers)? I wonder if anyone has done that ...
  25. OK, so UND won't be playing in the post-season this year, but this may well be a playoff game for NAU. If NAU loses, they're firmly on the bubble ... or worse. So, there's something to play for.
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