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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I wonder if they'll show up tomorrow night.
  2. Lots of missed passes too. If they come to play like that all the time they won't win many.
  3. Thanks. Couldn't figure out how to do that in the mobile app.
  4. What a save. We needed that. Still scoreless.
  5. And then these refs don't call that hook.
  6. Horrible call.
  7. Neutral site game at 7 pm Central.
  8. ... But we still need to win a draw in our own zone.
  9. Wow. Long day ... < facepalm >
  10. No Stetcher or St. Clair tonight. Can't afford another slow Friday night start.
  11. Then there are the folks who go to NDSU as undergrads to play and have fun (let's just say they don't have a lot of "gravitas" in their lives yet) and then realize to get to where they want to be in life they need to get that advanced, professional degree from UND. As far as front and center examples, maybe CAS4127 can help me out with that. CAS: Do you know of anyone who played at NDSU but is making their life's work, and living, off of a graduate-level degree from UND?
  12. Sebastian the Ibis scoffs at you.
  13. Noting that on the September 2015 calendar now.
  14. Fine. The Pickert-Blabon metroplex would remain untouched and unchallenged. (Folks in Blabon are so touchy.)
  15. There's less chance of that than Cavalry.
  16. How? Over your dead body. That's how.
  17. (This is where those 'friends' from the south point out that the closest conference away game in the BSC is 800 or more miles. ... Wait for it ... )
  18. Close: Cooperstown would be a metroplex of Valley City, Lakota, Finley, Sharon, Aneta, Hope, Luverne, ... and Sibley! Note: The dominance of Pickert, ND, would remain untouched and unchallenged.
  19. Harbaugh - 6 yr, $48 MM -- $8MM/yr Kill - $2MM/yr
  20. #6 on "Wallet Wellness" -- sounds pretty affordable to me. Brain drain levels comparable to Texas A&M (College Station, TX) and Purdue (West Lafayette, IN).
  21. ... sincerest form of flattery. (Now put on your "stream yellow" and get to that west parking lot. )
  22. I've said it before: Only two teams win championships, mine or other.
  23. The day the "UND Cavalry" comes onto the playing surface is the day petey's avatar, as the newly elected mayor of Grand Forks, sings the national anthem before the game ... sober. (There'll be a rep from a Tribe on the next committee, and the next, and the next, to head just such a thing off.)
  24. NCHC "Caption the Photo" contest for this week: http://instagram.com/p/wuOAYilEAl/?modal=true I have no idea who'd write something like, "Guys, aren't we in Magness? Look at the colors in the crowd." ...
  25. No kidding. Everyone knows Sasquatch is a wine connoisseur.
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