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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Drinking in the concourses? Trust me, I'm old enough to be your ... older brother I've been asked to go into the Club Room or to my seat. It's not a big deal. I just think of it as being in a Canadian bar with some of those (goofy) standards of conduct. And yes, there are times when non-Club Seat holders can not go into the Club Rooms. I've been told "no go" because I'm in one of the Sections. Did they ask "why?" when they weren't admitted or did they just assume they were being "beaten down by the MAN!"
  2. Listening to KKXL this morning Tim Hennessy interviewed Dean Blais. Coach Blais reported that Andy Kollar told him he couldn't see the 'grenade' that five-holed him and caused him to leave the game. That almost would make sense. Saturday, on the replay of the first goal, it was like Andy didn't react until he heard the pipe behind him as the puck went it. He wasn't screened. The 'grenade' goal was another case of "where is it?" by his posture.
  3. Roses have thorns and can hurt people. That isn't nice. Roses hurts. Pansies would probably work to change the Roses moniker. But I have an idea that is related to a 'field of roses' more or less .... don't ask 'cause I won't tell. (Edited by The Sicatoka at 5:41 pm on Nov. 8, 2001)
  4. leif: You asked, "What in the world were they thinking?" That's easy. SPIN CONTROL! This came out just three days before SCSU re-released the logos story from March of 2001: "Two professors, a former faculty member and a student filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday alleging a pattern of anti-Semitism and retaliation at St. Cloud State University." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/766243.html It's easier to point fingers and direct attention away from yourself than clean your own house.
  5. This issue has been with that NCAA subcommittee for well over a year. They were supposed to act in August of 2001 (after a request by none other that SCSU president Roy Saigo). They didn't. A new chair has taken over the subcommittee. The old chair and SCSU's Dr. Saigo would have gotten along well. I don't know much about the new one. SCSU may go national; however, SCSU would be taking on FSU and Illinois. I'll repeat myself: One of those would get the resolution wording changed from "Indian related" monikers to "race based" monikers to be 'fair' to all people. Suddenly, Notre Dame would have to take interest.
  6. There's a blurb about nicknames at some SD high schools and mention of the "Gamecocks" in here. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,36956,00.html
  7. Remember: Eagles and Bison are sacred animals in American Indian religion.
  8. SCSU wouldn't be trying to deflect attention from their anti-semitic tendencies on campus now would they? http://www.startribune.com/st/qview.cgi?te...;slug=CLOU18%20
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