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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. The picture for this game (Big Sky app on iPad) is much better than the mens game this aftenoon. Does UND go with HD and Montana State doesn't? 82-74 UND final
  2. That's gonna look good in my shop.
  3. As much as you ... and I'm still mad at you that you outbid me for the blender.
  4. Outdoor ice conditions have been questionable at points in the past (see: LA, or Wrigley Field, heck, see Omaha but that wasn't pro). Stars can get hurt walking out from the tunnel, but why put them in conditions (poor ice) that increase the risk? As far as "buzz", look even at this site: the luster of "winter classic" isn't what it was. I'll say it again: The minute this costs an owner a player you'll see teams staying away from the gimick. PS - Playing outdoors, on an outdoor football or baseball field, differentiates ... how?
  5. Rowe going to ASU signals something may be afoot with UND's recruits at forward but I'm not going to go with the irrational exuberance* quite yet. * © Alan Greenspan circa 1990
  6. Gimme a minute ... I'm buyin' a weed whacker for $20 ...
  7. The "MAYHEMSALE.com" commercial was spectacular! (If you're dumb enough to broadcast on social media that your house is vacated ... )
  8. This outdoor game stuff will end the day an owner loses a key player for the season due to questionable ice conditions.
  9. One NFL home team loses this weekend.
  10. Ah, yes, Prior Lake. My mistake. No matter what, it seems an imbroglio moved to become a fracas.
  11. Moorhead and St. Louis Park go "melee". http://www.inforum.com/sports/high-school-sports/3645595-7-ejected-fighting-moorhead-hockey-game 80 PIM; 7 ejections.
  12. Pairwise used to contain a "last 16 games" component but folks complained that making the tournament should be based on a full season's resume.
  13. I give you a copy of the game plan in confidence and you go and do this ... < sigh > ...
  14. C'mon Darrell, Ra's al Ghul killed him off a couple weeks ago.
  15. Local authorities have the Horbacher's / Wells Fargo robbery guy in custody. < applause > But the truck is still missing.
  16. I'm not saying there was a consensus name then. I'm saying we should've done all of this work then and have long since moved on. Instead, we wallow along.
  17. By demanding immediate action and not wallowing in despair for something that was already lost. A strong alumni response then would have forced Dr. Kelley's hand. Now he has pacified that base. As soon as folks adopted the "we don't need a nickname" canard it gave Dr. Kelley exactly what he wanted: time and space to do things his way. Look at the survey data: Alumni are now asking that they be the majority voice in the decision. Key word? Asking. If alumni had stepped up when the name stopped being sustainable they wouldn't be "asking". I hate to blow a good source on this, but when one of the first committees formed (probably five years ago already) they thought they were there to get a new moniker in place. That committee had both Ed Schafer and Leigh Jeanotte on it. (That's pretty much as opposite in ND politics as you can get.) Those two agreed the process should happen quickly. Schafer and Jeanotte ... agreeing on something. Ponderous, eh? Who didn't agree with them? Dr. Kelley. And look where we are now.
  18. FPD has sexual assault guy in custody: http://www.inforum.com/news/crime/3643826-bail-set-500000-argusville-man-suspected-sexually-assaulting-ndsu-students The Moorhead Hornbacher's robbery was actually a robbery of the Wells Fargo bank in that grocery store. They are looking for the stolen get-away vehicle. http://www.inforum.com/news/crime/3643699-suspect-robbery-bank-moorhead-hornbachers-may-still-be-stolen-maroon-pickup And now yesterday afternoon in downtown Fargo: http://www.inforum.com/news/crime/3643963-passer-gun-stops-assault-robbery-downtown-fargo
  19. No. Kidding. Please stand by: The following is a pat myself on the back session. When this fiasco started I said we needed to replace the name immediately to maintain control of the process. (By "we" I mean folks that care about UND Athletics and that supported the retired name as long as it was sustainable.) Well, we didn't and now we don't have control. We have committees and processes ... and delay, delay, delay. We, those who care, lost control. This is where I say my four favorite words: I. Told. You. So. We should have a new name and logo for about a decade already. We should have moved on. Instead we live under the specter of the old logo, including every little possible incident that can be remotely associated to the old name (see: last spring's t-shirts). When I realized that's where we are I changed my avatar to what it is today. My avatar is the DC Comics character "The Spectre".
  20. Thank you for your forensic accounting of and continued interest in University of North Dakota Athletics.
  21. Your request has been taken under advisement.
  22. The performance by Germany v. Canada tonight surprised me. I expected the Canadians to repeat Friday night.
  23. ... again, assuming it is accurate and complete.
  24. Someone with no other substance in their life?
  25. You're assuming the data presented is complete and accurate. You know what they say about the internet. As far as your second statement, you said it ... and prove it.* *You should have said "correctly" as you need an adverb for your verb "looking".
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