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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. As long as I'm in the lead I ain't checkin' nothin'.
  2. When you keep getting challenged and keep needing to evaluate what you're doing, don't you think that maybe you should re-evaluate what you're doing to better align to what the rest of the NCAA does?
  3. Sorry for the ugly formatting, but ... Source: http://www.willamette.edu/wucl/pdf/sportslaw/spring07/art4.pdf Basically that says when criteria for use of the third prong (interests and abilities survey) was loosened up, the NCAA was opposed. --> Urged members to decline use of the Additional Clarification (a.k.a. the third prong approach). Why were the NCAA and 140 Congressional representatives opposed to the survey approach? As it says, 129 womens athletes at NDSU (third prong: interests survey); over 200 at UND (first prong: proportionality). 8 mens, 8 womens sports at NDSU; 10 mens, 11 womens sports at UND.
  4. Flip the Nevermann logic: We only get Arrington for a year. We get Nevermann after that. No doubled-up season.
  5. I know its not scholarships/money spent but NDSU participation rates are, shall we politely say, interesting: NDSU: 349/188 men/women (282/129 unduplicated) UND: 289/268 men/women (244/205 unduplicated) NDSU undergrad: 6100/4700 M/W UND undergrad: 6500/5000 M/W Run the numbers and the ratios are nearly identical. But, ... UND athletic participation ratio is 51/49 or 54/46 (duplicated or unduplicated). NDSU's ratio is 65/35 and 69/31 (dup and undup). I'm stunned at how NDSU can sustain this in today's equality minded world. Can anyone show me another DI institution with both football and wresting that doesn't offer additional womens sports to compensate those mens numbers? (NDSU has 8 mens and 8 womens sports.) NDSU is meeting Title IX by using the third prong; but, their proportionality is way, way out of whack. You have to wonder when someone will question their survey (to meet third prong) or their sincerity in providing opportunity for females in DI athletics. Just 129 females at NDSU are DI athletes. There are over 200 female DI athletes at UND.
  6. With all the twists and turns in the college athletics landscape over the last decade or so, I've come to expect the unexpected.
  7. Honestly, you'll see NDSU womens DI hockey before mens because of proportionality and interests challenges to NDSU Athletics under Title IX.
  8. That's not what Volley said. He said the Summit could make it tough on NDSU by mandating mens soccer. The money that would've gone for FCOA would have to fund mens soccer instead.
  9. Hammersmith quoted a number for FCOA at UND. Remember, that number is a max that a school can pay -- the full cost of attendance. A school can offer a lesser amount. UND uses the first prong (proportionality) to comply with Title IX. UND's student body M/W ratio is basically proportional to its student athete M/W ratio. NDSU uses the third prong (interests and abilities survey). That prong is not the one the NCAA recommends using; however, it is still legal were NDSU to be challenged in Federal court. What NDSU should worry about is their vastly disproportionate M/W ratios and their very, very good womens club hockey team and someone challenging their survey techniques i.e. how come NDSU isn't looking to add a womens sport (good womens club team = interest and ability).
  10. So we're talking CFB only, right? Bernie Berggraf doesn't qualify? Put Bernie and Sid in a room together and Ozzie Osborne would qualify as an interpreter.
  11. It's not hard to find a rat.
  12. I'd support it in a heartbeat. The official name "Mjolnir"; in the SID information that goes out to media you'd explain that Mjolnir is war hammer used by Thor, the Norse/Germanic thunder god. The media would pick up on "war hammer" immediately and you'd soon hear TV and radio guys use it just like the media references "the herd" instead of the B-word for that yellow school in Fargo. Remember, only the worthy wield Mjolnir.
  13. Mr. Dahl is correct. You're going to lose players one way or another.
  14. You nailed it. Many have been cheering for the Fighting Sioux, not the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux. With no more "Fighting Sioux" they don't realize who they've been cheering for is still there.
  15. If going without a nickname is next generation smart, the new trend, completely unique, the way to go, and so on and so on ... why hasn't a North American major sport professional sports team done it already. The way some describe the "no nickname" approach here those pro teams would make a fortune with no nickname.
  16. They. They. They. I'm looking for someone that speaks in "we", not "they".
  17. Dear UNDBIZ: Blah-blah-blah. Fetch writes better thread titles than you did.
  18. Basically, let's let all the facts and information come out.
  19. He should not be out in Vegas getting into trouble. Based on his current (and past) girlfriends, he should be at home doing ... things.
  20. Good advice. You should heed it.
  21. Wait a minute here ... Seven posts (all in this thread). Member since just April 8, 2015. < looking into my toolbox >
  22. Not a football player, but I'm pretty sure Tate Maris would disagree with you; and I would agree with Tate disagreeing with you. I'm happy to see UND logos. If you're willing to put that out there for everyone to see it must mean that you support the ethic the logo represents and are willing to accept the slings and arrows of the naysayers.
  23. Back to the true purpose of this thread: Miami's Riley Barber --- GONE! Signs with WAS, gives up senior season. I feel so terrible for Ricci Blasée and his bros. Not.
  24. Good grief. Did no one tell them they can order online and get overnight delivery? http://shop.redpepper.com/ Think how many extra grinders you can get for the cost of four hours of flight time!
  25. Uh, the "Blake" the LA Kings sent out was Assistant GM (and former Kings defenseman) Rob Blake. (Pretty sure Jason doesn't work for the LAK.) http://mayorsmanor.com/2015/04/blake-on-trip-to-north-dakota-waiting-on-ladues-decision/
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