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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Ryan Johansen for Seth Jones? Seth Jones for Ryan Johansen? Discuss.
  2. Are you starting a rumor that there'll be another rumor?
  3. Ray's problem? All athletics; no academics.
  4. If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve ... oh, wait, you were talking about Bill, not me.
  5. You'll be getting an email explaining the process shortly.
  6. The "#10" withdrawal's title is President. I hope that wasn't this fellow.
  7. Where the < bleep > were you six months ago !!!!
  8. Fetch: Johnson, L. sioux24/7: Ausmus sprig: Sanderson southpaw: Ladue SiouxSax: JJ stoneySioux: Thompson Goon: Sanderson geaux_sioux: Oxbow Blackheart: Goon rhenry8439: Caggiula siouxkid12: Wolanin OshieRoll: Olson 808287: Simonson NoDakFan: Gersich BeazSioux: Sanderson willythekid: Simonson Pretty sure geaux_sioux and Blackheart are done already (because if Oxbow and Goon dress against the U18s we're hurting bad).
  9. That's academics; I'd like to see one for athletics. Better, I'd like a new one that would work for both.
  10. An "ND" logo that is ours and ours alone is a needed addition.
  11. You forgot "with a French name" and "that claims to be Catholic while behaving otherwise".
  12. Seems that way to me also. I suspect that it's hard to be "offensive" (or "hostile and abusive") when you're primary marketing icon is a letter of the alphabet in a color or two so that approach would make academic-types happy. When the new athletics logo comes out I hope it includes a new "ND" icon that isn't the interlocked. We need to step away from "Our Lady of South Bend" and their usage of it (even though we used it first).
  13. Not really. The "winner" of this game (last player standing) will forever be knows as the person who can consistently pick the best worst of the best.
  14. I think Johnny Manziel should trade a wig and mustache for Ethan Couch's "affluenza" defense.
  15. I'm going to pile on right here based on a conversation recently with past poster. I'll admit I'm stealing a few of their words. I would argue that "the press" or "journalist" is any person or organization that wants to communicate through a technical means that aids in the mass transmittal of the message. It used to be anyone who owned a particular machine, but no more. Now there are many machines that have more or less replaced the press. (See: Internet) Part of the problem in this country is that the media has convinced the public that it is a separate class entitled to special rights. Anyone in the public can immediately become a member of "the press" if he or she has the means to do so (See: Rob Port). That means today is a computer and an internet connection. Given all that, I completely agree with Volley: Don't like it? Go dig in. Hey, if Goon can do it with college hockey writing ...
  16. True, however, I've been told (by Ron Ness of NDPC) it used to take a rig four to six weeks to drill out a well and that a rig today can do that in two weeks. Even without the "off the cliff" in oil prices, rig counts would be down because of a doubling of drilling efficiency of the rigs.
  17. Disapproval means there's conscious thought, intelligence, to decide whether you like or dislike something. What you propose shows the opposite of intelligence.
  18. Here's what hurts me the worst: If Ralph had lived we'd have come through this much better. Ralph had vision and was a businessman. He probably wouldn't like or agree with it, but he could change as the business environment changed around him. And he was pragmatic. He would've led a move to a new name and it would've had de facto fan base wide support. How dare I say that? That's from a November 12, 2015, KVLY news story. Ralph saw change coming already in the late 1990s. Think about this: Ralph said "five years" in the late 1990s. Gee, about five years later what opened? REA. Imagine if Ralph's idea had passed muster and the arena would've been rolled out with a new nickname as well, with Ralph's imprimatur. Source: http://www.valleynewslive.com/home/headlines/UND-Nickname-Ralph-Engelstads-possible-response-to-controversy-may-surprise-you-346958212.html
  19. http://www.worldjunior2016.com/LiveTicker_wm20.html?url=widget_en_2016_wm20_live_ticker_game_31 The PIM totals are pretty good.
  20. sprig: Sanderson southpaw: Ladue SiouxSax: JJ stoneySioux: Thompson
  21. It's ANTI-Survivor. Fetch: Johnson, L. sioux24/7: Ausmus
  22. I'll say it again: Would you rather (a) be preparing to host SEA, or (b) getting ready to visit WAS? GB got a loss that was a victory.
  23. Yup. Don't expect to see a bird in a native head dress.
  24. But I left you in charge.
  25. < BLEEP! > I stepped away from a 1-0 lead to return to a 2-1 deficit. What happened?
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