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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. And you posted that just to get a rise out of ... nevermind.
  2. Would it be poor form to post something like ... "We tried to contact Dr. Bresciani but he was out of the country and unavailable for comment."
  3. Normally when a company/organization has an "X must approve" policy someone above you must approve it and you're not allowed to approve for yourself.
  4. May the Schmaltz be with you.
  5. It's the "merchandising" scene from "SpaceBalls".
  6. We are coming off of one of those. There's something to be said about someone who knows they need to keep fresh and isn't just playing out the string.
  7. Foo needs linemates named Mann and Choo ... Foo-Mann-Choo --> the mustache line! Then again, Brad Bombardir needed a defensive partner named Pilot ... "Pilot to Bombardir, bombs away!"
  8. This thread is best summed up as ...
  9. The New Orleans Jazz Fest? I figured you to be more the "Uptown Funk" (Mark Ronson) kind of guy. "This hit, that ice cold, Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold ... "
  10. So who's going explain to gfhockey what a "courtesy interview" is?
  11. The guy has everything but a run as a "CEO" at another school, but given where he's been I suspect he's had comparable level of responsibility he'd see at UND.
  12. The last of the group ArchieAlum put out there (the red one) looks like either it was: (a) stolen off the hood of a 1977 Pontiac Trans Am, or (b) stolen from DC Comics' "Nightwing" character.
  13. A six point lead at home with 3:30 to play becomes a loss. These guys couldn't close the deal in the "free test drives" room at a whore house.
  14. I think that goes to "Abe Vigoda's" point: 1/3 of the gas retailer's margin goes to the credit card company the minute you swipe. The card company gives you "rewards" so you keep swiping and thus the credit card company can keep "swiping" from the retailers (fees) and from you (interest charges). Me, personally, I'd rather eliminate all "rewards programs" and "frequent flier miles" programs and just be charged an honest price.
  15. That's why I tend to the places that discount for cash and pay the cash.
  16. We have smart and creative people who apparently will be judged on how well they do the uncreative thing and mimic someone else's work rather than be original.
  17. All I have to say is this: http://collegehockeystats.net/1516/boxes/mcc_stc1.j09 I think that's enough said.
  18. There is a UND alum on one of the 16 marketing firms that applied to develop a Fighting Hawks identity for the university. She graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of fine arts degree. But how about we get away from the standard North Dakota small-town mindset that someone has to design a logo that looks like someone else's logo? I know it's a radical concept, but our state and UND does actually produce some talented, creative people.
  19. Is that what you kids call it these days?
  20. I'm surprised there isn't a big party happening today. It's Dr. Kelley's last day. Ed Schafer starts in the morning. gfhockey, where are you?
  21. Some of the accusations in that article remind me of some of the problems of the Mussman era of UND Football.
  22. The WIAA is merely taking a page out of the NCAA playbook. Source: http://www.undsports.com//ViewArticle.dbml?&DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=3761808 Once you meet that qualification the NCAA claims to have power over who you can talk to and what you can say. Sounds like WIAA to me. My question is this: If they claim "power" over me, don't I have standing to challenge their NCAA internal policies?
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