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FIGHTING SIOUX vs. gophers


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As for the chants, things have gotten better over the years. The only series the students do this is this one. If it is shrugged off, there shouldn't be any trouble for the rest of the year. However, I can see problems ahead if this is blown up into a big situation.

Actually there have been worse things come out of the stands than what I heard last night. I suppose we will see the AD lecturing people again about language. Oh, thats right he resigned. Ooopps

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Things are pretty tame campared to the days in the Old Ralph. They rarely spell out O-R-G...teamwork teamwork any more and I haven't seen a dead gopher make an appearance since the New Ralph opened. Not to mention the year they through out that Badger. You are always going to see people behaving inappropriately in public--not just hockey games. Just have to reinforce to our kids what is appropriate and what is not. I did't hear any F-You Sheppard chants last night but I just watched onTV.

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Siouxmama's son made my night!!

There were two goofy fans sitting in front of their row (and it almost is entirely Siouxmama's row). Little Siouxmama, age six, tapped one of them on the shoulder and asked, "Are you cheering for the Gophers?". THe goofy fan said, "Yes I am". Very seriously, Little Siouxmama pointed to the goofy fan section and said, "You should go sit over there!" I almost wet myself, I laughed so hard!!!! ;) ;) ;)

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Siouxmama's son made my night!!

There were two goofy fans sitting in front of their row (and it almost is entirely Siouxmama's row). Little Siouxmama, age six, tapped one of them on the shoulder and asked, "Are you cheering for the Gophers?". THe goofy fan said, "Yes I am". Very seriously, Little Siouxmama pointed to the goofy fan section and said, "You should go sit over there!" I almost wet myself, I laughed so hard!!!! ;) ;) ;)

That was a classic, wasn't it.

Gotta love kids. ;)

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Have season tickets in 110. I didn't take my 7 year old daughter last night but am tonight. There were 2 drunk 20+ year olds in front of us last night...one of each sex. The gal was more of an idiot than the guy but the guy was one of the clowns throwing stuff on the ice. I told them I'll be back tomorrow and if they are back as well one screw up and I'd have them both tossed out as I'm not going to have my daughter subjected to such morons.

this is what makes the ralph lame compared to other arenas. hockey is a passionate game, and a lot of fans feel strongly about it. i think its funny you threaten them with tossing them out. is that really the right thing to do?;) do you want your 7 year old to grow up to be a tattle tale?;) the world is filled with weird people and drunk screw-ups. having season tickets doesnt make you god to throw out some young drunk punks. this is why the ralph is now a sad place to watch hockey. stop whining(its a hockey game for god sakes) and look at what your kid sees everyday out of the arena, on tv, hears on the radio and is subjected to in school. i assure you that its worse than some drunk kids throwing s&!t on the ice.


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this is what makes the ralph lame compared to other arenas. hockey is a passionate game, and a lot of fans feel strongly about it. i think its funny you threaten them with tossing them out. is that really the right thing to do?;) do you want your 7 year old to grow up to be a tattle tale?;) the world is filled with weird people and drunk screw-ups. having season tickets doesnt make you god to throw out some young drunk punks. this is why the ralph is now a sad place to watch hockey. stop whining(its a hockey game for god sakes) and look at what your kid sees everyday out of the arena, on tv, hears on the radio and is subjected to in school. i assure you that its worse than some drunk kids throwing s&!t on the ice.


I disagree about everything you just wrote, except the part about hockey being a passionate game. You dont teach your kids to be tattletales, but you also shouldnt have to sit around a bunch of people that cant handle their alcohol and end up making the FIGHTING SIOUX students, alumni, fans look like a bumch of idiots.

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this is what makes the ralph lame compared to other arenas. hockey is a passionate game, and a lot of fans feel strongly about it. i think its funny you threaten them with tossing them out. is that really the right thing to do?;) do you want your 7 year old to grow up to be a tattle tale?;) the world is filled with weird people and drunk screw-ups. having season tickets doesnt make you god to throw out some young drunk punks. this is why the ralph is now a sad place to watch hockey. stop whining(its a hockey game for god sakes) and look at what your kid sees everyday out of the arena, on tv, hears on the radio and is subjected to in school. i assure you that its worse than some drunk kids throwing s&!t on the ice.


Do you have a kid or work with kids poop? 7 year olds tend to be "tattle tales" and you teach them not to do it so much. Also, unless the 7 year old is growing up in the hood, it is a pretty controlled environment for them. What exactly are 7 year olds subjected to in a school environment? Your last post, using the word "tard" shows the level of intellect that your mind is functioning. Congrats though, you're the first person I've ever put on "ignore"! "Geez" is the best part of your post! ;)

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ok i apologize for my post. it was a little rediculous and probably shouldnt have been said the way i did. but i feel strongly about this subject and feel like students in the ralph get pissed on for being students. college kids will be college kids, and dumb things will be done and said. dont penalize them for having the time of their life and getting them kicked out of games they truely deserve to be at (since it is und's team and they are a part of it).

i grew up watching scsu right next to the dog pound and it was so awesome as a kid. just the intensity and adrenaline the students provided was one of the best moments of my life back then, and it kept me coming back. i just think the ralph has really favored season ticket holders and really taken the game out of the students hands.

like i said, i apologize for my previous post but i feel strongly about the issue and just hope things can slide a little at a hockey game.

as for what kids are subjected to in school... are you seriously that oblivious to what kids talk about and the trash that they talk about? i went to a private school, which is supposed to be the better thing for a child and i had a good amount of crap that was entering my head. maybe here in GF things are different?? i dont know, but things must be or else you would have an idea also. if you want me to i will dive into a few things ive heard just teaching soccer to 6 year olds. but since my post is long i wont indulge any of you about the facts that kids hear and see more crap on the tv and in school than they do a hockey game. enough said like it or leave it.

and for those who want to ignore me, fine, i really dont care what you do with me on an internet forum.

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Things are pretty tame campared to the days in the Old Ralph. They rarely spell out O-R-G...teamwork teamwork any more and I haven't seen a dead gopher make an appearance since the New Ralph opened. Not to mention the year they through out that Badger. You are always going to see people behaving inappropriately in public--not just hockey games. Just have to reinforce to our kids what is appropriate and what is not. I did't hear any F-You Sheppard chants last night but I just watched onTV.

There was a F-You Shep chant after the goal that didn't count on Fri night. And a gopher made an apperance on the ice at tonight's game.

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this is what makes the ralph lame compared to other arenas. hockey is a passionate game, and a lot of fans feel strongly about it. i think its funny you threaten them with tossing them out. is that really the right thing to do?:lol: do you want your 7 year old to grow up to be a tattle tale???? the world is filled with weird people and drunk screw-ups. having season tickets doesnt make you god to throw out some young drunk punks. this is why the ralph is now a sad place to watch hockey. stop whining(its a hockey game for god sakes) and look at what your kid sees everyday out of the arena, on tv, hears on the radio and is subjected to in school. i assure you that its worse than some drunk kids throwing s&!t on the ice.


I am going to reply to you on this topic once because any more might cause your head to implode! If you condone public drunkenness, stupidity, vulgarity and just plain being an a**, that is your right. But when someone tells me "Hey I paid for this ticket and I can do what I want" that mentality coupled with yours is why we have so many unresponsible and accountable idiots around. Your argument is an argument of enabling which I'm sure your folks did for you as you grew up! Tattle tale, acting like God because I have season tickets?? What does that have to do with someone acting completeley inappropriate for any kind of public setting...oh I forgot it is HOCKEY. Don't respond to this as your illogical dival will only cause you to look like more of any a** to everyone on this board.

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I am going to reply to you on this topic once because any more might cause your head to implode! If you condone public drunkenness, stupidity, vulgarity and just plain being an a**, that is your right. But when someone tells me "Hey I paid for this ticket and I can do what I want" that mentality coupled with yours is why we have so many unresponsible and accountable idiots around. Your argument is an argument of enabling which I'm sure your folks did for you as you grew up! Tattle tale, acting like God because I have season tickets?? What does that have to do with someone acting completeley inappropriate for any kind of public setting...oh I forgot it is HOCKEY. Don't respond to this as your illogical dival will only cause you to look like more of any a** to everyone on this board.

my parents were pretty good parents actually. they didnt hide me from the word fluck and pop bottles or dead gophers being thrown on the ice. they didnt fill my head with "the world is a pretty place and that its your own fairy tale." they would have also kindly asked the "idiots" to stop instead of threatening to kick them out. yeah real good parenting there. also, ill respond to whatever i want actually, and really, if im so illogical may i ask you what the hell dival means? since youre leaps and bounds ahead of me in intellect maybe its a word i dont know?

and to be honest how do we know just how inappropriate the fans were being? all oxbow told us was that they were drunk idiots and throwing things on the ice and possibly chipping in on an f u gopher chant. if thats the case does it really give a right to oxbow to tell them if they screw up tomorrow theyll be out? could he have maybe asked them to keep it down a little tomorrow instead? or maybe explained his 7 year old daughter was coming and he would appreciate it if they werent so vulgar? because threatening someone is really going to change something.

and yeah maybe i should stop posting because im "illogical" its just too bad so much info that the public doesnt need to know wont be coming to you anymore.

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I haven't read ALL the posts regarding poor behavior at REA, but I'll post my take. I agree with both sides for starters.

Students are students. No matter where you go, what the sport is, etc. etc., a rowdy student crowd will always be that way. UND student crowds at hockey games have been this way for years...actually worse before the new REA. It should be no surprise as to what goes on at the game, so those with young ones should take that into account before possibly subjecting their kids to what goes on. People outside of the student section should not be lumped in with them just because they are of similar ages. Those people are stupid and ignorant. You should be respectful in relation to those around you. If everyone around you is rowdy and crazy, fine, be rowdy and crazy. To think you have the right to do anything b/c you paid for a ticket is b-s&!t.

I never agree with throwing things on the ice b/c of bad calls and whatnot. That's one thing I never agree with. Throwing things never does anything but make you look like an idiot. However...exceptions can be made in hockey if you throw things like dead animals, because that's part of the game and part of the fun, it isn't something that happens due to a poor call.

Kids do see things all over the place, and especially in school that are much more negative than you'd see/hear at a hockey game. In school, there's always a kid that's like "my big brother told me this" and it's something new everyday, and it's never something good. I also went to private school and it's no different than anywhere else.

Point is, you can't blame the students for being students. A college hockey crowd is not church, so remember that before you show up...stupid/vulgar fans aren't something new, they've been around forever in sports. Use these as a tool to maybe teach your kids how NOT to act and do it by setting a good example. Kids look up to their parents, so if they see them kicking someone out, is THAT any better than having them see someone throwing something on the ice? (even though I hate things thrown on the ice out of anger)

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all siouxmama told us was that they were drunk idiots and throwing things on the ice and possibly chipping in on an f u gopher chant. if thats the case does it really give a right to siouxmama to tell them if they screw up tomorrow theyll be out? could she have maybe asked them to keep it down a little tomorrow instead? or maybe explained her 7 year old daughter was coming and she would appreciate it if they werent so vulgar? because threatening someone is really going to change something.

Sorry, but it wasn't me that said that. I think it was Oxbow6.

I've never threatened to have anyone kicked out, but many times have had to explain the behavior of others to my kids.

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I haven't read ALL the posts regarding poor behavior at REA, but I'll post my take. I agree with both sides for starters.

Students are students. No matter where you go, what the sport is, etc. etc., a rowdy student crowd will always be that way. UND student crowds at hockey games have been this way for years...actually worse before the new REA. It should be no surprise as to what goes on at the game, so those with young ones should take that into account before possibly subjecting their kids to what goes on. People outside of the student section should not be lumped in with them just because they are of similar ages. Those people are stupid and ignorant. You should be respectful in relation to those around you. If everyone around you is rowdy and crazy, fine, be rowdy and crazy. To think you have the right to do anything b/c you paid for a ticket is b-s&!t.

I never agree with throwing things on the ice b/c of bad calls and whatnot. That's one thing I never agree with. Throwing things never does anything but make you look like an idiot. However...exceptions can be made in hockey if you throw things like dead animals, because that's part of the game and part of the fun, it isn't something that happens due to a poor call.

Kids do see things all over the place, and especially in school that are much more negative than you'd see/hear at a hockey game. In school, there's always a kid that's like "my big brother told me this" and it's something new everyday, and it's never something good. I also went to private school and it's no different than anywhere else.

Point is, you can't blame the students for being students. A college hockey crowd is not church, so remember that before you show up...stupid/vulgar fans aren't something new, they've been around forever in sports. Use these as a tool to maybe teach your kids how NOT to act and do it by setting a good example. Kids look up to their parents, so if they see them kicking someone out, is THAT any better than having them see someone throwing something on the ice? (even though I hate things thrown on the ice out of anger)

props to you.. much better said than what i said. :lol:

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Kids do see things all over the place, and especially in school that are much more negative than you'd see/hear at a hockey game. In school, there's always a kid that's like "my big brother told me this" and it's something new everyday, and it's never something good. I also went to private school and it's no different than anywhere else.

In 10 years of teaching in public schools, I have yet to see 7 year olds in an environment that is worse than a college hockey game. If you were talking about late elementary, middle and high school years, I'd agree with you that you hear and see some pretty bad stuff at times when students are not supervised closely. I have the worst of the worst in students with behavioral disorders, who are removed from the regular classroom because of their behavior, and when they're properly supervised, they don't even come close to what you'll see at a hockey game.

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In 10 years of teaching in public schools, I have yet to see 7 year olds in an environment that is worse than a college hockey game. If you were talking about late elementary, middle and high school years, I'd agree with you that you hear and see some pretty bad stuff at times when students are not supervised closely. I have the worst of the worst in students with behavioral disorders, who are removed from the regular classroom because of their behavior, and when they're properly supervised, they don't even come close to what you'll see at a hockey game.

Exactly! If you properly supervise them at the game and use it as a teach tool, you can benefit in two ways: getting to enjoy a college hockey game AND teaching your children life lessons which they'll throw out the window when they hit their teen years anyways.

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