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No, but Sica's post sure has some shade's of "they better win it or else" to it. I was mereley trying to point out that we are fortunate as fans to be able to watch these kind of players. Plus, we get the added bonus of 4 (or more) of them deciding to stay here one more year, when they clearly could have moved on. Winning another National Championship is really beside the point here. Obviously, it is what you strive for, but reality is something quite different. As Siouxeleven's pointed out, if the effort is there, and they fall short, that's just the way things happen. I do agree with sica about one thing, being 4-7-1 at home is hardly acceptable.

I think the last three years just proves how hard it is to win a National title and that all the stars have to align to win it all... Its about teammates and making sacrifices and putting personal goals behind team goals and believing in the system and your coaches and the game plan they have in place...

The last 4 years UND has had a chance to win it all and didn't but I don't look at the last four years as a failure. There are 50+ teams that would love to

have our chances...

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...... but I don't look at the last four years as a failure. There are 50+ teams that would love to

have our chances...

I'd love to have had number 8 already but damn it's been a great run the past few years. Our boys are the best in the country. It just wasn't meant to be but come 2008, number 8 is ours!!!

Thanks boys. I look forward to watching that magic you share; that magic that makes you the best in college hockey!!

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I appreciate your sentiments in starting this thread Triouxper, and also applaud the young men mentioned for their decision to return for another run at the NCAA title. I don't think "loyalty" is quite the word you were looking for, though. It is close, and I can't quite find the right word within my synapses. But loyalty isn't exactly right.

As I said, I am thankful for

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I appreciate your sentiments in starting this thread Triouxper, and also applaud the young men mentioned for their decision to return for another run at the NCAA title. I don't think "loyalty" is quite the word you were looking for, though. It is close, and I can't quite find the right word within my synapses. But loyalty isn't exactly right.

As I said, I am thankful for

Edited by Goon
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That is an awesome post.

I think that the Boys need to take ownership of the REA and not let teams like MTU sweep them on their home rink. IF, someone come into the kitchen (in front of their net) they need to knock the opponents head off, legally... Thats the only thing that I see that needs to change is the Sioux need to make peole not want to play in the REA...

I think that the fans can help with this too. Cheering and being loud in general... make the Ralph a place that opposing teams do not want to play... get in the other team's head... let them know that we are behind our team no matter what. I'm not sure how to get the casual fans as into the game as we all are... but this sure would be a great year to try!

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I think that the fans can help with this too. Cheering and being loud in general... make the Ralph a place that opposing teams do not want to play... get in the other team's head... let them know that we are behind our team no matter what. I'm not sure how to get the casual fans as into the game as we all are... but this sure would be a great year to try!

REA loud? Ha...it's July 16th, not April 1st.

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REA loud? Ha...it's July 16th, not April 1st.

I don't know why you feel the need to continually harp on this, but if you don't think the REA can be loud and intimidating, then I question how many games you've actually attended there. Over the past six seasons, I've had many opposing players and coaches tell me that they consider the Ralph an intimidating place to play because of the atmosphere. Are they all wrong?

To paraphrase Ryan Bayda during UND's first season in the new REA, you can't expect the fans to cheer when the players aren't giving them anything to cheer about. What's happening on the ice influences how the crowd reacts and how loud people cheer. Most people don't cheer for no reason. While you may wish that was otherwise, it's true at practically every sporting event I've ever attended or watched on TV.

There's a good reason why sportscasters, coaches and players talk about the importance of the visiting team taking the crowd out of the game. That happens when the home team isn't hitting or making plays and the visiting team is. The home team fans can't "will" their team to win when the players aren't showing much will to win. It's that simple.

I've heard Tim Hennessy comment several times on his morning show that he thinks that young players tend to get too comfortable when they play at home. They tend to assume home games will be easier. Being in familiar surroundings and having their friends around makes it easier to get distracted by social activities. I think he's correct in that assessment, and it's something the team will need to work on avoiding.

I applaud and commend every single player who's coming back next season, whether or not he had the opportunity to sign a pro contract. My hope is that this year's team will have a core group of experienced players who understand the commitment needed all season long not only to get to the Frozen Four, but also to win it.

There's no doubt in my mind that the Sioux will have one of the most talented teams in the country. But talent and loyalty don't win championships. Hard work, commitment, leadership, good coaching and a dedication to teamwork will ultimately be what gets it done.

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just go cheer as loud as you can and tell all others to screw off if they havea problem and cheer as well........simple solution, but yeah, lets keep this thread on track as this subject just sucks.. ;)

oshie 4 hobey and the C on his chest!!

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There's no doubt in my mind that the Sioux will have one of the most talented teams in the country. But talent and loyalty don't win championships. Hard work, commitment, leadership, good coaching and a dedication to teamwork will ultimately be what gets it done.

Well Said PCM, Bravo...

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I don't know why you feel the need to continually harp on this, but if you don't think the REA can be loud and intimidating, then I question how many games you've actually attended there. Over the past six seasons, I've had many opposing players and coaches tell me that they consider the Ralph an intimidating place to play because of the atmosphere. Are they all wrong?

To paraphrase Ryan Bayda during UND's first season in the new REA, you can't expect the fans to cheer when the players aren't giving them anything to cheer about. What's happening on the ice influences how the crowd reacts and how loud people cheer. Most people don't cheer for no reason. While you may wish that was otherwise, it's true at practically every sporting event I've ever attended or watched on TV.

There's a good reason why sportscasters, coaches and players talk about the importance of the visiting team taking the crowd out of the game. That happens when the home team isn't hitting or making plays and the visiting team is. The home team fans can't "will" their team to win when the players aren't showing much will to win. It's that simple.

I've heard Tim Hennessy comment several times on his morning show that he thinks that young players tend to get too comfortable when they play at home. They tend to assume home games will be easier. Being in familiar surroundings and having their friends around makes it easier to get distracted by social activities. I think he's correct in that assessment, and it's something the team will need to work on avoiding.

I applaud and commend every single player who's coming back next season, whether or not he had the opportunity to sign a pro contract. My hope is that this year's team will have a core group of experienced players who understand the commitment needed all season long not only to get to the Frozen Four, but also to win it.

There's no doubt in my mind that the Sioux will have one of the most talented teams in the country. But talent and loyalty don't win championships. Hard work, commitment, leadership, good coaching and a dedication to teamwork will ultimately be what gets it done.

I question how many other places you've been to. As for REA, I was at all but 2 home games last year, both work related absences. Year before I was at about 3 out of 4. Go to a game at the Kohl Center...at a school where hockey is 3rd on the list of popularity.

I continually harp about it, because a school with this good of a team and with this much tradition, where hockey is also the number 1 sport (year-round pretty much), it should be much louder. Just a couple minutes after a goal it's back to the pin-drop silence every time.

Sorry, just the facts. Also, tv does a terrible job with actual fan noise. They filter out the loudness of most events, so you can't compare to tv.

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its different at the new ralph, just how it is for now with a bigger building and more corpie, oh friken well, people will do what they want so just do your part and who cares about the others really, enjoy it no matter what as people in g forks are spoiled to have sioux hockey every weekend, what i wouldnt give to own my own plane and fly back every friday afternoon til sunday!! i will someday so until then i come back to see the sioux/gophs and its a hell of a time, i dont worry about others, i enjoy myself and my company around me, long live 32 oz beers at the ralph for only 6.00!!! GO SIOUX

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I question how many other places you've been to.

I'm not talking about other places. I'm talking about the new REA.

As for REA, I was at all but 2 home games last year, both work related absences. Year before I was at about 3 out of 4.

Big deal. I've been to nearly every Sioux men's game there since the place opened and every game during the World Juniors. That gives me a pretty good idea of how loud the place is capable of getting -- with or without Sioux fans and with or without students present. I also attended a fair number of games in the old facility. So I have that for comparison.

Go to a game at the Kohl Center...at a school where hockey is 3rd on the list of popularity.

I'm aware that there are other venues with better atmosphere. That's not the issue.

I continually harp about it, because a school with this good of a team and with this much tradition, where hockey is also the number 1 sport (year-round pretty much), it should be much louder. Just a couple minutes after a goal it's back to the pin-drop silence every time.

I'm not saying that the atmoshphere at the Ralph couldn't be better. It most certainly could. Hearing the noise level generated by Canadian fans who attended the World Juniors gave me a good idea of what the atmosphere could be like. I wish it was like that for every game. But realistically, that will probably never be the case. And the new Ralph will probably never have the same atmosphere as the old Ralph. But that's not to say it's anywhere near as bad as you claim because I've been to many games there where the place was positively nuts.

Sorry, just the facts.

Sorry, but your opinion does not equal "the facts."

Also, tv does a terrible job with actual fan noise. They filter out the loudness of most events, so you can't compare to tv.

That's not the point. The point is that what's happening in a game -- to a large degree -- dictates crowd reaction. Fans get fired up by how their team's playing. When the fans are into the game, the home team feeds off their reaction and the visiting team can become demoralized. Having the home crowd actively involved and behind their team definitely helps. But it's up to the players on the ice to give fans a reason to be enthusiastic, excited and involved.

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Yay! Another one of these conversations!!! ;) I'll just say that I think UND should retry getting the whole Sioux Crew thing done at hockey games. The atmosphere and attitude of the students has changed since they tried it the first time and it failed miserably. Maybe it will work better if they try it again and if it does it would only help improve the atmosphere.

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Yay! Another one of these conversations!!! :lol: I'll just say that I think UND should retry getting the whole Sioux Crew thing done at hockey games. The atmosphere and attitude of the students has changed since they tried it the first time and it failed miserably. Maybe it will work better if they try it again and if it does it would only help improve the atmosphere.

SIoux Crew? Come on, Diggler, you're old enough to remember the first (Well, the Pharce doesn't really count) incarnation: Gang Green!!!! ;)

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Yay! Another one of these conversations!!! ;) I'll just say that I think UND should retry getting the whole Sioux Crew thing done at hockey games. The atmosphere and attitude of the students has changed since they tried it the first time and it failed miserably. Maybe it will work better if they try it again and if it does it would only help improve the atmosphere.

Hey, I'm all for improving the atmosphere. I'd like it to be better because I know it could be. But these constant "the atmosphere sucks" comments and pointing fingers at other fans don't accomplish anything. As AZSIOUX says, the best thing you can do is be as loud and enthusiastic as you can and not worry about what everyone else is doing.

Plus, I know from attending many, many games that the best noise-inducing drug for the crowd is the play of the team. The team doesn't engender much support or enthusiasm from fans when it ties UAA, gets swept by Maine or goes 1-5 during a six-game home stand against WCHA teams. Mediocre play at home is met with mediocre crowd response. It's not rocket science.

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You should be happy I didn't go with the good ol' the students are getting screwed and aren't allowed to do anything argument. ;)

People who think the atmosphere sucks and needs to improve should band together and go to REA to talk about it. I'm sure they'll listen to any ideas. Just make sure your spokesman is a non-student. :lol:

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Yay! Another one of these conversations!!! ;) I'll just say that I think UND should retry getting the whole Sioux Crew thing done at hockey games. The atmosphere and attitude of the students has changed since they tried it the first time and it failed miserably. Maybe it will work better if they try it again and if it does it would only help improve the atmosphere.

Sioux Crew will be more involved with hockey this year I think. Athletics is interested in having Sioux Crew board members, and regular members as well, as the game promotion interns for different sports. Being that hockey is very popular here, there may be more than one just for that. So we'll see how everything goes.

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