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Fighting Sioux vs. Minnesota Game Thread


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I'm in complete agreement. There are always a few bad fans from every school that ruin the reputation for everyone else. I know we have some idiot fans, along with the goofers, along with every other WCHA team. Unfortunately, the drunk ones usually wouldn't heed some good advice if it was given to them anyway. On an interesting side note... was it only the Sioux dumba$$es that got kicked out, or did the goofer boneheads get booted also?

Couldn't agree with you more. St. Patty's day I'm sure added to some of these idiots coming out of the woodwork as well.

I am pretty sure some of the Gopher fans got kicked out for the incident as well, if my eyes served correct. I was only sitting a few sections away.

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I'm in complete agreement. There are always a few bad fans from every school that ruin the reputation for everyone else. I know we have some idiot fans, along with the goofers, along with every other WCHA team. Unfortunately, the drunk ones usually wouldn't heed some good advice if it was given to them anyway. On an interesting side note... was it only the Sioux dumba$$es that got kicked out, or did the goofer boneheads get booted also?

Fans from both teams got the boot.......and ALL of them deserved it !!

Root hard and loud, but be civil. It only a hockey game for crying out loud.

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I'm in complete agreement. There are always a few bad fans from every school that ruin the reputation for everyone else. I know we have some idiot fans, along with the goofers, along with every other WCHA team. Unfortunately, the drunk ones usually wouldn't heed some good advice if it was given to them anyway. On an interesting side note... was it only the Sioux dumba$$es that got kicked out, or did the goofer boneheads get booted also?

agreed, there are dumb fans on both sides. My friend and I had some gopher fans chant Jew haters at us on Friday when we were tailgating with them and some Michigan Tech fans. We had just showed up and weren't doing anything. They then proceeded to tell us that Holy Cross was an old chant and we shouldn't do it, so I chanted Robbie Bina at them instead. Then, we had Gopher fans behind us during our game chant Redneck North Dakotans at us. They got a Still better than Minnesota right back. And not to just talk about Gopher fans, during the St. Cloud/Wisconsin game when Goephert was laying on the ice, my friends and I were standing up trying to see if he was ok and somebody yelled at us to sit down. The Gopher fan behind got a laugh when I yelled back "your team is playing now and not tonight, think about it" I will admit, some of those were stupid things to say back.

Overall, for my first trip to the Final Five. I loved the hockey atmosphere and most of the fans were really nice, but every team has some fans that I would love to punch. The Gophers were a good team Saturday night and they beat us. Though I was freaking out before overtime, and the little boy next to me asked if I was going to cry. I think I was going to.

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Exactly. Anyone that blames Lee for that last goal should pull their head out...the guy was layed out and made a lucky shot...good for them, bad for us...

No I was thinking of earlier during the game where wheeler also beat him wide, the overtime goal was a fluke. But it happened multiple times, and anyone that didn't see that happen needs to pull their head out.

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I have to say the security at the X was better than the last few times I've been there - That place has potential for some really bad stuff to happen - But around me this yr was all good natured Fun ribbing & exchanging interesting info - It is a great place for a tournment - I stayed a ways away (Hotel in Innergrove) but it was a breeze getting to & from & parking was great (I'm not saying where) ;) But we have parking at the X figured out

We even went to the St Pats parade (weird) saw alot of the Sioux players & coaches going from the X back to their Hotel - I had Fun giving goopher fans a hard time about seeing all the green :blush:

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I've been watching this thread most of the day. Here's my two cent's worth.

1. We lost, as far as I'm concerned there are no throw away games, they all matter.

2. I applaud mr. wheeler for his hustle and making a great play.

3. Stay out of the goddamn penalty box.

4. Blind drop passes are bull$%!#. I've seen enough pucks turned over this year because of them.

5. Brian Lee could not have done any more than he did to prevent what happened.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Go to the net and good things happen - it was pretty obvious suring the SCSU game.

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Stories like this really pi$$ me off! Emotionally-charged PLAYERS on the ice sometimes lose their tempers, and drop the gloves ... and then, off they go to the penalty box. But some beer-soaked wannabes, wearing their team's jerseys, who can't control themselves at an ENTERTAINMENT outing like this, should be restricted to watching the TV at home, and busting up their livingroom furniture, rather than embarassing the very sports program that they profess to love.

All they do is make a$$es out of themselves, and, worse, bother the people around them, who paid good money to be entertained at the game. And I don't CARE who starts it - drunk and stupid is no way to go through life. Throw their arses out, or take them off to jail!

Yes it has gotten way out of hand at this tournament. We started going back in the days of the St Paul Civic Center and there was only good loud cheering going on during those days. Each year it gets progressively worse. Everytime you turn around there is an incident and it is freaking ridiculous ............ let's hope fans on both sides of the isle begin to learn some common decency so that those of us that want to watch great college hockey can enjoy it .....

................ IT'S A COLLEGE HOCKEY GAME!

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