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Fighting Sioux vs. Minnesota Game Thread


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I have not read all this

I was at the game

Lammy Played Great !!!

Too many penalties on us

The goophers played good

The final goal was UNREAL (was it luck ? - or a Fluke ?) - I have not seen the replay, except in my head over & over

I still enjoyed the weekend

I have to agree with a fellow duck hunter. Too many stupid penalties on the Sioux. The Sioux players spent too much time running their mouth and not playing hockey. Thats Unacceptable. I believe the penalties early in the game threw the Sioux off of their game plan. The Sioux also threw two power play opportunities away by taking stupid penalties after the infraction was caught by the official. Chay's penalty was horrible, they get the power play and then two Sioux players go after the Gopher players. If I was the coach I would have sat Genoway after that one. The Sioux beat their selves on Friday night and still almost won the game.

Edited by Goon
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Lee had Wheeler:

- on the outside

- shooting from below the dot

- on a bad angle to the net

- angled to the corner

- and having to dive for the puck to get to it

- and did it all without committing a penalty

Show me in that what a defenseman is doing wrong.

The problem started at the attack zone blueline: Get it in deep in OT.

Sicatoka: may I have your permission to print and photocopy this to hand out to all the "Brian Lee s***s" people I've run into the last two years? This is perfect.

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I have a hard time blaming Brian Lee for that goal. If you are going to do that, then you have to look at how the play started. Taylor Chorney made a good play getting the puck up ice, but in hindsight, probably should have gotten it in deep rather than dropping it to Watkins. Matt Watkins also had a chance to catch the pass and throw it in deep, but he had difficulty controlling the puck and it was intercepted.

The bottom line is that it was a fluke goal created by good hustle on the part of Blake Wheeler. There are lot of lessons to be learned by that goal, but its really not fair to blame any one player or really any of the players. Besides there really is nothing that can be done about it now. The Sioux need to refocus and get ready for a good Michigan team.

I was at the game and when Wheeler caught the puck off the boards I immediately jumped up and screamed "He's offside". It looked to me like he was in the zone by a good two feet by the time the puck got in the zone off the boards. Then of course he scores which made it even worse for me.

Did anyone else think it was offside?

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Basil17--Are you the guy from GPL who introduced himself to us and asked politely to take the photo? Although, as I recall, you failed to secure a model release from any of us. :blush:

I am not. That would be Jupiter from GPL.

And to say that he is polite would be a dramatic overstatement... ;)

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I have to agree with a fellow duck hunter. Too many stupid penalties on the Sioux. The Sioux players spent too much time running their mouth and not playing hockey. Thats Unacceptable. I believe the penalties early in the game threw the Sioux off of their game plan. The Sioux also threw two power play opportunities away by taking stupid penalties after the infraction was caught by the official. Chay's penalty was horrible, they get the power play and then two Sioux players go after the Gopher players. If I was the coach I would have sat Genoway after that one. The Sioux beat their selves on Friday night and still almost won the game.

You are spot-on!

Everyone's obsessing about Wheeler's goal ... woulda, coulda, shoulda!

If we hadn't taken so many stupid penalties during the early part of the game, making our big guns have to skate off one PP after another, leaving them too tired to run 'n' gun with the Gophers toward the end, we wouldn't have been outshot 11-5 in the 3rd period, and 4-0 in OT. How many games do you win being outshot 15-5 during that stretch?

This team needs to play SMART, as well as hard, against Michigan (and then, hopefully Minnesota!) and thereafter! We won't have WCHA refs from here on, which some say will be disadvantageous to us, since they'll call penalties more quickly and for more marginal infractions. Dumb penalties from here on could easily cost the game, and THAT is the lesson our boys need to learn from Saturday's game!

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Anybody find out what happened with the fans in the two sections by where the Zamboni came out. There was a HUGE comotion there for a while, a few fans got kicked out and then a few minutes later some other guys got kicked out. There was a big group of Sioux fans right above the Zamboni ramp, a couple of them got kicked out. It looked like they were having a damn good time the whole weekend though.

A Weird story, and I haven't heard it all yet, but the 2 Sioux fans that got kicked out were because they were fighting the 3 Gopher fans apparently. I know the 2 Sioux guys, but I didn't see what happend and haven't had a chance to talk to them. I just know there was a fight that started to break out.

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A Weird story, and I haven't heard it all yet, but the 2 Sioux fans that got kicked out were because they were fighting the 3 Gopher fans apparently. I know the 2 Sioux guys, but I didn't see what happend and haven't had a chance to talk to them. I just know there was a fight that started to break out.

Stories like this really pi$$ me off! Emotionally-charged PLAYERS on the ice sometimes lose their tempers, and drop the gloves ... and then, off they go to the penalty box. But some beer-soaked wannabes, wearing their team's jerseys, who can't control themselves at an ENTERTAINMENT outing like this, should be restricted to watching the TV at home, and busting up their livingroom furniture, rather than embarassing the very sports program that they profess to love.

All they do is make a$$es out of themselves, and, worse, bother the people around them, who paid good money to be entertained at the game. And I don't CARE who starts it - drunk and stupid is no way to go through life. Throw their arses out, or take them off to jail!

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Some people got kicked out in front of us too. I wished I had seen what was going on, but I was getting yelled at by a Gopher fan that yelled at me for telling another Gopher fan they needed to learn proper grammer before they yelled what they were yelling.....

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Some people got kicked out in front of us too. I wished I had seen what was going on, but I was getting yelled at by a Gopher fan that yelled at me for telling another Gopher fan they needed to learn proper grammer before they yelled what they were yelling.....

My head's spinning from trying to figure this one out ;)

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My head's spinning from trying to figure this one out ;)

I yelled at someone that yelled, "Sioux Sucks" and told them that they needed to learn proper grammer before they yelled something like that.....and another Gopher fan yelled at me for yelling that.

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I've been watching this thread most of the day. Here's my two cent's worth.

1. We lost, as far as I'm concerned there are no throw away games, they all matter.

2. I applaud mr. wheeler for his hustle and making a great play.

3. Stay out of the goddamn penalty box.

4. Blind drop passes are bull$%!#. I've seen enough pucks turned over this year because of them.

5. Brian Lee could not have done any more than he did to prevent what happened.

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I'm in complete agreement. There are always a few bad fans from every school that ruin the reputation for everyone else. I know we have some idiot fans, along with the goofers, along with every other WCHA team. Unfortunately, the drunk ones usually wouldn't heed some good advice if it was given to them anyway. On an interesting side note... was it only the Sioux dumba$$es that got kicked out, or did the goofer boneheads get booted also?

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