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Oshie, Toews, Bina trouble


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I just read the posts. Wow. I like it when fans from opposite teams razz each other, but their comments are going to far. Taking cracks at bina for his neck. I think their parents should of hugged them more when they were younger.

DHG rocks!!!!! he needs no hugs just more BOOZE...........

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What a police office "says" happened and what really happened are often (and by often I mean more times than not) different, than this may play out much different than the public at large will know.

I take offense to that. I used to be one, and you just said that I lied more times that not. Yes, there are "bad apples" out there, but in my agency they were few and far between....and they didn't last very long.

Nevermind, you're a defense attorney and your outstanding clients are always telling the truth-even when the truth is caught on video tape.....and what they tell you was very different than what happened on the tape.

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When I got to UND I was told (by my brother) that underage drinking at Judy's was immune from prosecution. My brother, (who is an attorney) just verified that the immunity is still in place. As long as you don't drink and drive, get in fights, or break the long pool cues (when you should be using the short one by the north wall) these charges won't hold up in court.

Well there you go nothing news worthy in this thread at all :):)

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DHG rocks!!!!! he needs no hugs just more BOOZE...........

There ya go, proof positive that "stupid is as stupid does". To some alcohol abuse is a sport. Go for it guy. I just ask that you stay home and off the roads while your killing yourself.

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20 pages of comments and very little mention of Judy's? WDAZ, no mention of the penalties that the establishment may face? Why?

This is a very simple story...

Unqualified bar operator uses underage popular students to attract business. They get their foot in the door, girls follow, word gets out that they serve minors. Sales grow from selling to minors. Does that cover it? BTW...the risk to the public is very substantial. Serve an individual with a life-time earning potential in the MILLIONS. They drive, get whacked, now...how "responsible" was that ploy to sell "two-fers"?

Alcohol is a highly regualted biz. There's an investigatiove process, in the pre-licensing stage, to keep the clowns out that don't understand the obligations, and responsibilities of dispensing alcohol. The industry is supposed to be operated by a collective group of individuals that "get it".

It smacks of desperation when a municipality allows these clowns to operate in the matter of Judy's, and many other operators in town.

Now, there's propsed legislation to regulate the industry even more. I'm talking about the price-based promotions being debated now in the N.D. Legislature.

Nice going boys...you brought it on yourselves. It makes it very hard to refute the proposed legislation, when you have players like this. The problem is wide-spread, and across the board. Even the lagest off-sale seller in town, that (supposedly) advertises responsibility, boasts "Nickle Bottle Sales".

I guess, my "governement hands off" POV, needs to be strongly reconsidered.

Why? Because of the clowns in the biz.

Perhaps we can compromise, let them low-ball their liquor, but force them to wear a red nose and the big floppy shoes.

That's regulatory legislation I could get behind.

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20 pages of comments and very little mention of Judy's? WDAZ, no mention of the penalties that the establishment may face? Why?

This is a very simple story...

Unqualified bar operator uses underage popular students to attract business. They get their foot in the door, girls follow, word gets out that they serve minors. Sales grow from selling to minors. Does that cover it? BTW...the risk to the public is very substantial. Serve an individual with a life-time earning potential in the MILLIONS. They drive, get whacked, now...how "responsible" was that ploy to sell "two-fers"?

Alcohol is a highly regualted biz. There's an investigatiove process, in the pre-licensing stage, to keep the clowns out that don't understand the obligations, and responsibilities of dispensing alcohol. The industry is supposed to be operated by a collective group of individuals that "get it".

It smacks of desperation when a municipality allows these clowns to operate in the matter of Judy's, and many other operators in town.

Now, there's propsed legislation to regulate the industry even more. I'm talking about the price-based promotions being debated now in the N.D. Legislature.

Nice going boys...you brought it on yourselves. It makes it very hard to refute the proposed legislation, when you have players like this. The problem is wide-spread, and across the board. Even the lagest off-sale seller in town, that (supposedly) advertises responsibility, boasts "Nickle Bottle Sales".

I guess, my "governement hands off" POV, needs to be strongly reconsidered.

Why? Because of the clowns in the biz.

Perhaps we can compromise, let them low-ball their liquor, but force them to wear a red nose and the big floppy shoes.

That's regulatory legislation I could get behind.

Thank you Pat Robertson, now get back to the 700 Club.

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This too shall pass - the lads and lassies will get a fine for being in an establishment that serves alchol and said establishment will also be fined for allowing such.

I find it difficult to believe that this was done by Judys on a regular basis to attract customers like the case at the University of Minny-Mystery. I've been in Judys - albeit many years ago - and it did not impress me as the night club that some folks are makinig it out to be. After all , how many customers can a place the size of a large kitchen attract. On a side note - I knew the owner very well (who also owned the Dairy Queen next door) at the time - late 80's. I'm not sure if he remains as the owner - probably not.

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On a side note - I knew the owner very well (who also owned the Dairy Queen next door) at the time - late 80's. I'm not sure if he remains as the owner - probably not.

The ice cream shack next to Judy's was only open during the summer months. They haven't been open in years. They had the best soft serve ice cream in the city. I miss them. :)

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The ice cream shack next to Judy's was only open during the summer months. They haven't been open in years. They had the best soft serve ice cream in the city. I miss them. :)

I'm not sure why he owned the bar - he did not really impress me a "local bar owner" type of guy. He owned and operated the ice cream store mainly as a place for his kids to work during the summer - at least that is what he was telling me.

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I gotta tell you folks, I'm sick of hearing about this. Why are WDAsshole's still dragging these guy's through the mud? I've seen enough. I urge all FAITHFULL Sioux Fans to call DAZ and voice their opinion on the matter. I'm totally sickened by the fact that they feel compelled to keep doing stories on this s&!t. I don't care if they are "public figure's" or not. DAZ is going beyond the boundries of good taste. Cassie Walder is the news director, please call and give her your opinion, this is getting beyond disgusting. The number is 775-2511.

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I'm not sure why he owned the bar - he did not really impress me a "local bar owner" type of guy. He owned and operated the ice cream store mainly as a place for his kids to work during the summer - at least that is what he was telling me.

Yep, that's what I heard as well. I didn't know the owner. My older son dated an only child of a guy who was one of seven brothers and they all hung out at Judy's. It's more of a 'go to after work for a few' type of bar. I think of it as a neighbor bar like they had when I was a kid growing up in Chicago.

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I gotta tell you folks, I'm sick of hearing about this. Why are WDAsshole's still dragging these guy's through the mud? I've seen enough. I urge all FAITHFULL Sioux Fans to call DAZ and voice their opinion on the matter. I'm totally sickened by the fact that they feel compelled to keep doing stories on this s&!t. I don't care if they are "public figure's" or not. DAZ is going beyond the boundries of good taste. Cassie Walder is the news director, please call and give her your opinion, this is getting beyond disgusting. The number is 775-2511.

Let's put KH on this one, TRIOUXPER. He will be more than willing to address the issues with her.

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How it is that on Tuesday, a half dozen police cars and sheriff's SUVs can descend on my neighborhood with lights flashing and sirens blaring, three people can be led away in handcuffs and not one single word about the incident appears in the local news media? Is the Judy's Tavern scandal consuming too many news-gathering resources? :)

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