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Something Smells Fishy ...


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I agree entirely. I've always said that it would be nice to do away with the tenure program and just have 6 year renewable contract periods that get voted on by the alumni or some other directly impacted/interested groups. If 50% of the people to whom such renewal notices are sent vote in favor, then the professor gets to keep his/her cushy job. These people need to earn their keep and actually keep in touch with reality somehow. It seems like Washington, DC in microcosm.

Same thing with nearly everyone who has a lot of money (or no worries about future income) and a lot of time on their hands. I'm a famous singer; therefore my political opinons are important. I've been in movies; you need to listen to me when I speak on social issues. I inheirited a ton of dough; I get to hold sit-ins and my protests are forgiven years later, no matter what the harm.

Career politicians/professors/political hacks are no different.

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Where's the Fargo Forum story on what the AG's office billed NDSU for representing them against George Ellis' (successful) age discrimination lawsuit?

PS - We taxpayers did pay for that one. We paid Ellis. We paid Ellis' attorney. We paid the AG's office. We paid Dorn, and Bohl, and Miles, et al, for creating the whole mess. We paid.

No answer yet to this, and now more money down this rat hole ....

NDSU to appeal Ellis ruling

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It's the AG's office that decides on what to appeal. Apparently they think they have a case.

I don't think that it costs all that much/is all that much work to file an appeal-they may just throw in a brief and see what happens.

The dumbest part about the Ellis thing is how many times has something like this happened in a state agency and the person just goes quietly away?

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It's the AG's office that decides on what to appeal. Apparently they think they have a case.

I believe the AG has said numerous times that he believes UND has a good case against the NCAA. Or doesn't that count when UND is involved?

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I believe the AG has said numerous times that he believes UND has a good case against the NCAA. Or doesn't that count when UND is involved?

Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if it won't help you in the long run?

It looks like UND has two options, accept the restrictions or join the NAIA. The NCAA doesn't need UND, but UND needs the NCAA. It's time they realize that.

Personally, I don't care if UND is the Fightin Sioux or Fighting Frogs or if NDSU is the Bison or Turtles. It has nothing to do with the quality of the athletes or teams you put on the field. Taking this thing to court is just stupidity.

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Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if it won't help you in the long run?

How would it not help UND in the long run? If UND wins their lawsuit, the NCAA can't enforce the restrictions. Hence the reasoning for the lawsuit.

NDSU firing a guy because of his age is just stupidity. They should tell the AG to quit filing appeals and admit they were wrong. It's time they realize that.

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Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if it won't help you in the long run?

It looks like UND has two options, accept the restrictions or join the NAIA. The NCAA doesn't need UND, but UND needs the NCAA. It's time they realize that.

Personally, I don't care if UND is the Fightin Sioux or Fighting Frogs or if NDSU is the Bison or Turtles. It has nothing to do with the quality of the athletes or teams you put on the field. Taking this thing to court is just stupidity.

Brand is full of himself. Bloated to the gills with his power. Him and his crony don't realize that in order to change the whole policy if they lose the case. Well, that would involve changing the bylaws. That requires a member school vote and it would be impossible to achieve without making it a blanket statement. And, as already stated, there is no way the NC$$ will go against FSU, CMU, and Utah. The bylaw wouldn't pass. Brand would dig himself a hole... unless the NCAA presidents all have gone the way of the idiot.

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Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if it won't help you in the long run?

It looks like UND has two options, accept the restrictions or join the NAIA. The NCAA doesn't need UND, but UND needs the NCAA. It's time they realize that.

Personally, I don't care if UND is the Fightin Sioux or Fighting Frogs or if NDSU is the Bison or Turtles. It has nothing to do with the quality of the athletes or teams you put on the field. Taking this thing to court is just stupidity.

I believe he also said that if the NCAA loses, they would let it go to a vote of all the members.....which is what they should have done in the first place, but they didn't. I don't know what all of you Farm House Fraternity boys do down south, but up north, we don't like the lay down and just take it.......that would be giving up which is the same as losing which is just stupidity.

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Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off.

Actually, he said that if the NCAA loses its case on procedural grounds, the association will change its procedures. It's far, far easier for Brand to say that than it is for him to do it. Only time will tell if he has enough members' votes to implement the policy as legislation. And even if he does, that won't put an end to the issue.

Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if it won't help you in the long run?
Because you're operating from the false assumption that it won't help. That's for the courts to decide, not you.

It looks like UND has two options, accept the restrictions or join the NAIA.

I'm sure it does look like that to someone who obviously knows nothing about the lawsuit.

The NCAA doesn't need UND, but UND needs the NCAA. It's time they realize that.
That has nothing to do with it. If a court says that the NCAA breached its contract with UND and hurt the university financially by doing so, then the university is entitled to have the NCAA's decision reversed.

Taking this thing to court is just stupidity.

Are you some sort of legal genius? If so, please enlighten us of your qualifications and the case law supporting your opinion. I'm all ears.

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Perhaps when the President of the NCAA states a week ago that regardless of the outcome of lawsuit, they still plan on enforcing the same restrictions on schools with indian nicknames, its time to back off.

A wise (old) man told me once: Anybody can say anything.

To me, that statement from Brand was, quite simply, posturing.

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I believe he also said that if the NCAA loses, they would let it go to a vote of all the members.....which is what they should have done in the first place, but they didn't. I don't know what all of you Farm House Fraternity boys do down south, but up north, we don't like the lay down and just take it.......that would be giving up which is the same as losing which is just stupidity.

Good luck with that vote. I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents. That group would make Hilary Clinton look like a right winger. You might as well cut your losses and change the name now.

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I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents.

Those folks love one thing more than their PC-brand of liberalism: Their power.

If they vote this in they've handed more power over their domains to the NCAA.

An NCAA that is:

- looking at who is in your practices (no men in womens practices?)

- the articles your SIDs run on the website (ratios of mens to womens stories)

- hiring practices of your school for coaches (and Black Coaches Association report cards)

Are they really going to vote to hand away some of their power?

If so, I hope they get everything coming to them.

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Good luck with that vote. I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents. That group would make Hilary Clinton look like a right winger. You might as well cut your losses and change the name now.

in that vote, I believe that in would encompass everyone and not just UND, so I don't think that FSU would go for that or Utah or anyone else who got an appeal.

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Good luck with that vote. I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents. That group would make Hilary Clinton look like a right winger. You might as well cut your losses and change the name now.

That's the conventional wisdom. But answer me this: If the votes were there for the taking, why didn't Brand put it in the members' hands to begin with? Why does he continue with the charade that the policy was "member driven" when any fool can see that it was anything but member driven? Why didn't he put it to a vote of the membership at the latest NCAA annual meeting? That would have made UND's lawsuit a moot point.

Perhaps it's because doing so would be a tacit admission that what Brand and the Executive Committee did was a blatant power grab in direct violation of the NCAA's own constitution and bylaws.

Brand has painted himself into a corner and UND's not about to let him out of it. He's relying on the same bluff and bluster that he thought would work back in August 2005: You have to do this because we are the all-powerful NCAA and we said so.

I'm glad NDSU supporters find comfort in the knowledge that their university would roll over so easily for the NCAA. I'm also glad that UND is showing some spine in the face of the NCAA's hostility and abuse.

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Good luck with that vote. I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents. That group would make Hilary Clinton look like a right winger. You might as well cut your losses and change the name now.

Well, on that vote, if NDSU ever starts a hockey program I'm sure that they will be much better than UND could ever dream of being :D ........so we might as well just give it up right now.

In fact, I don't believe that the colonies could ever defeat the British.......so there is no way that we should have even tried to fight the Revolutionary War.

Your argument of us cutting our losses and giving up now is un-American to me. UND should stand up and fight- the NCAA is telling us that they don't give a crap about the 1st Amendment and that we don't have the right to free speech.

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Good luck with that vote. I don't think you want that decision in the hands of the University presidents. That group would make Hilary Clinton look like a right winger. You might as well cut your losses and change the name now.

To put this to a vote, as someone has already stated, it will have to include ALL schools with Native American names and logos (and in some cases mascots). To state that the use of Native American names and logos (mascots) is hostile and abusive only in some cases, is to hypocritical to stand on any sort of merit and would not be accepted as policy by the majority.

Nope, ain't gonna happen.....

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[ Well, on that vote, if NDSU ever starts a hockey program I'm sure that they will be much better than UND could ever dream of being :lol: ........so we might as well just give it up right now.

I don't think NDSU will be adding hockey anytime soon, but after watching how close Bemidji State is to the Sioux the last couple of years after 5 years in Division 1, you may not be that far off.

If NDSU ever does add hockey, They will pump two or three times the resources into the program than Bemidji can. After a couple of years, they probably would give the Sioux a run. I like a third year Blais coached NDSU team to sweep the Sioux in a home and home series over a Hakstol coached Sioux squad.

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