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TV for Omaha looks slim

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  andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! said:
I still don't see a 100% effort from them to get the game on TV.

I agree.

I see NDSU bias. :silly: 2 of their games on state wide broadcast TV and 0 Sioux games. Their Montana game on, no UNI game. Now no playoff game.

I don't really agree with that, though. Forum Communications has the TV rights for both schools and (with alot of help from UND & REA via the FSSN) has put alot more time and money into televising alot more UND sporting events over the past five years. Last year alone I believe they broadcast over 30 UND games between hockey, football, and basketball. Which is why this is so perplexing to me. Forget road games, all home fb playoff games have been televised in '03, '04, and '05. Now this year we're two games into the playoffs and no TV for either one.

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  southpaw said:
it takes max $150 to drive to omaha from north dakota and get into the game. why doesn't everyone just do that? or is everyone too cheap?

Too cheap. And too lazy.

  southpaw said:
it takes max $150 to drive to omaha from north dakota and get into the game. why doesn't everyone just do that? or is everyone too cheap?

I was waiting for someone to bring up this option... ???

BTW...I have to WORK this weekend. :silly:

  mksioux said:
The "Thanksgiving and family are more important than a football game" excuse given by some on this board is hogwash.

I didn't say that. I said they were more important than a hockey game. And that was my excuse, not WDAZ's. Sorry if that confused you.

  SiouxMD said:
BTW...I have to WORK this weekend. :silly:

Noooooo...........not on the weekend after a holiday. ???

BTW, good to have you back in the States, SiouxMD. You're contributions to our country are greatly appreciated! ;)

  bincitysioux said:

I agree.

I don't really agree with that, though. Forum Communications has the TV rights for both schools and (with alot of help from UND & REA via the FSSN) has put alot more time and money into televising alot more UND sporting events over the past five years. Last year alone I believe they broadcast over 30 UND games between hockey, football, and basketball. Which is why this is so perplexing to me. Forget road games, all home fb playoff games have been televised in '03, '04, and '05. Now this year we're two games into the playoffs and no TV for either one.

Good points bincitysioux. I still do not understand though how NDSU could get 2 games on statewide broadcast TV. ???

But your right. This is perplexing.


Maybe the big guys at Forum Communications Headquarters in Fargo care more about Bison Football than Sioux Football....For heavensakes they sent Steve Halstrom to UC Davis to help cover the game for Comcast Sports Net....

  andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! said:
I still do not understand though how NDSU could get 2 games on statewide broadcast TV. :silly:

But your right. This is perplexing.

You have to remember that one of those games was against Northeastern, coached by Rocky Hager. That game had alot of appeal to alot of North Dakotans. The other game was UC-Davis which was televised on satellite by Comcast. WDAY simply picked up their feed (actually "borrowing" the satellite and transponder that the FSSN uses), and sent down one employee, Steve Hallstrom, to do sideline reporting. This game was probably one of the cheapest football telecast that WDAY has ever pulled off. They did the same thing last year for the Montana St. game, which was NDSU's only locally televised game last year. I am very grateful for the coverage that WDAZ/FSSN has provided the Sioux over the years, which is all the more reason I am upset over the lack of coverage during the 2006 football post-season.

  bincitysioux said:

You have to remember that one of those games was against Northeastern, coached by Rocky Hager. That game had alot of appeal to alot of North Dakotans. The other game was UC-Davis which was televised on satellite by Comcast. WDAY simply picked up their feed (actually "borrowing" the satellite and transponder that the FSSN uses), and sent down one employee, Steve Hallstrom, to do sideline reporting. This game was probably one of the cheapest football telecast that WDAY has ever pulled off. They did the same thing last year for the Montana St. game, which was NDSU's only locally televised game last year. I am very grateful for the coverage that WDAZ/FSSN has provided the Sioux over the years, which is all the more reason I am upset over the lack of coverage during the 2006 football post-season.

Thanks bincitysioux. ??? You make good points.


Is it possible that SOUTHPAW works for WDAZ. He seems to be passionately supportive of the station and seems to know a lot about the situation. He seems to have the inside information on the debacle. Let's face it. The ball was dropped on this one. After next year WDAZ is not going to have to worry about any playoff games for many years. Suck it up and support the University, the players and the community. The University and the city of Grand Forks could use a little positive exposure across the state and region.

  sultan said:
Is it possible that SOUTHPAW works for WDAZ. He seems to be passionately supportive of the station and seems to know a lot about the situation. He seems to have the inside information on the debacle. Let's face it. The ball was dropped on this one. After next year WDAZ is not going to have to worry about any playoff games for many years. Suck it up and support the University, the players and the community. The University and the city of Grand Forks could use a little positive exposure across the state and region.

i do not work for wdaz. i did in the past, i currently work for their competitor. however, i also have worked with the fssn and i understand how it works. grand forks and UND get a ton of exposure across the state and region because of the fighting sioux sports network. everyone just takes it for granted. no other school (other than umn) has anything close to fssn in the uppermidwest. we're spoiled.

  bincitysioux said:

On the basis that their reason for not televising is "due to a shortened work week".

I apologize if I offended you PCM. I'd compare my passion for Sioux Football to that of yours for Sioux Hockey and if a Sioux hockey playoff game fell on a holiday weekend and was not televised, I'm sure many more would be very upset. But, like I said, it's only football.

If it is that important that you see the game, get up, drive, and watch in person. The game isn't in Florida.


Absolutely hilarious, so misguided in our angst that the game isn't on tv. "Sweeny better do this..." "I wrote Degelder", does anyone realize who the real decision maker is over there? It's the person in charge of the purse strings, and also in charge of submitting the bids... the GM. My goodness has anyone even asked if Sweeny if he wanted to do the game, I for a fact know that he wanted to do it, and the reason he stated for not doing it was true, that answer came from the top I'm sure.

In my humble opinion, for being in market #500 (not exact number) just an exageration of how freakin insignificant we really are, we have been incredibly fortunate to have the games over the years telecasted playoff or otherwise. It's not as if they charge $10,000 per 30 second spot and that a road broadcast will typically cost an estimated $7,000 to break even. Honestly, is it raining money in GF last time I checked my salary in GF- its not, and then again maybe you're all right-- their all greedy and DAZ makes too much money and they just decided not to spend it. By the way someone should do some research and see how often UNO gets any of their sports on TV and Omaha is a considerably bigger market than say the entire state of North Dakota.

Fact is, this time the game is not being broadcast, oh well this is GF, I'm surprised that we've had as many games as we've had. I love the Sioux, I'm not going to whine, In fact when I see the radio guys or TV guys I'm going to shake their hand and say thank you for doing all the work you've done for all these years. Then I'm going to drink my glass of shut the hell up, because I really don't have a freaking clue, because I'm not in the media...so I'm going to cut them some slack- why because their probably Sioux fans too and I like to respect other Sioux fans and then I'm going to suck it up get in my car and go to the game. We will see some of you there.

Go Sioux, beat the mavs, beat Pat Behrns and beat the NCAA while your at it. I wish I could serve the NCAA a glass of shut the hell up someday.

I'm not compelled to write often. I'm not motivated enough to delegate my time to do so.


I mentioned that Sweeney should at least give the reasons on the air as to why they weren't televising the game. In no way shape or form am I blaming Pat Sweeney on this situation. Let me repeat myself, Sweeney is not at fault. WDAZ and it's management are the ones that dropped the ball.


Is there any chance UND could put together a webcast on this short of notice? I have no idea how difficult that is, but presumably it's far easier, cheaper and less labor intensive than putting together a tv broadcast.

  UND92,96 said:
Is there any chance UND could put together a webcast on this short of notice? I have no idea how difficult that is, but presumably it's far easier, cheaper and less labor intensive than putting together a tv broadcast.

Probably would take too much time and effort for someone to set up a camera..........

Southpaw...I really appreciate your passion and support for the network and broadcasting in the region, but WDAZ dropped the ball big time on this one, there is no excuse that is going to satisfy the die-hards on this one.

So glad the UND press relase pointed out the game can be heard on the internet, that great system that stalls and buffers alot causing many sioux fans and former players across the country to turn it off in disgust because it is too frustrating to listen to.

  CoteauRinkRat said:
Probably would take too much time and effort for someone to set up a camera..........

Southpaw...I really appreciate your passion and support for the network and broadcasting in the region, but WDAZ dropped the ball big time on this one, there is no excuse that is going to satisfy the die-hards on this one.

So glad the UND press relase pointed out the game can be heard on the internet, that great system that stalls and buffers alot causing many sioux fans and former players across the country to turn it off in disgust because it is too frustrating to listen to.

don't think that beacause i'm realistic that i'm not a diehard. i'm as pissed about this as many of you, but my frustration isn't at wdaz/fssn. i've been in their shoes and i know what it's like. believe me, (and i know they've been getting a lot of blame lately) but the ncaa is who needs to be blamed for this one. we're spoiled, but at least we get to listen to the sioux football game online for free. fans of a certain school to the south have to pay for that. just think if we were "on par" with all of the other schools in the area. we wouldn't even thought about getting our hopes up that this game would be on tv.



The fact is WDAZ dropped the ball BIG time. They knew this game was going to happen.

"The NCAA was late approving it." Yeah so. You still work on setting the schedule and getting equipment ready while waiting for the approval, because you know it is going to come. And so when it comes you are ready. They have never rejected WDAZ in a situation like this. And guess what the approval came. Go figure. :silly:

This is inexcusable. ???;)

*sitting in corner watching more young fans across the state support NDSU football due to their exposure*

  southpaw said:
but at least we get to listen to the sioux football game online for free. fans of a certain school to the south have to pay for that.

And yet even further south, east, north, and west hundreds of schools all over the country get to listen to their games free online.

  Cratter said:

The fact is WDAZ dropped the ball BIG time. They knew this game was going to happen.

"The NCAA was late approving it." Yeah so. You still work on setting the schedule and getting equipment ready while waiting for the approval, because you know it is going to come. And so when it comes you are ready. They have never rejected WDAZ in a situation like this. And guess what the approval came. Go figure. :silly:

This is inexcusable. ???;)

*sitting in corner watching more young fans across the state support NDSU football due to their exposure*

Talk about a stupid comment. Is there any other TV station that covers UND? Let's fire all of the general managers. The reality is that this game was at risk because of the holiday. The NCAA made it tougher for any station to do the game by delaying it by 1-2 days. Now we the fan suffer. I guess I'll just have to listen to the game on KFGO and then drive to the hockey game from Fargo afterwards.

I'm hoping we win of course but also hoping USD beats Grand Valley!

I'm tired of Grand Valley

  Stack said:
I'm hoping we win of course but also hoping USD beats Grand Valley!

I'm tired of Grand Valley

You mean to tell me that you don't want to see Lakers-Sioux V?? :silly: You're breaking my manufactured heart here. ???;)


BELIEVE ME! We'd like to see Sioux/Lakers V because, as we've found out, that game WOULD be on TV ??? - and maybe "settle" this thing before we leave DII. Not the best scenario for us (If USD wins we would host but I'll take it as an alternative) -- Welcome back Monster!! :silly:


I think people forget to realize that yeah WDAZ is a small station but they are also part of one of the largest media groups in the region....Yeah the NCAA should have responded quicker but on the other hand we should not have sympathy for WDAZ because they have other resources. And we must not forget that Forum Communications has a contract with UND to cover Fighting Sioux sports. I find hard to believe that WDAZ and Forum Comm. would have had a hard time finding the man power. Furthermore these people are in the business of late breaking news and sports...How late breaking is it when it is three hours old?

BTW I too have to work on Friday and Saturday so do a lot of other people I know. Gee it sure would be nice to spend more time with family!

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