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NCAA Litigation Progress?


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To anyone who is connected to the case...

Are we any closer to actually submitting a complaint to the court against the NCAA? I was hoping we would have done this before the football and hockey seasons started so we could angle for an injunction against the NCAA in their application of the faulty policy on nicknames. Just looking for some feedback from knowledgeable sources...


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Been wondering if a lawsuit will be filed only after the NCAA's policy causes UND to lose home field advantage in the playoffs. Wouldn't UND's case be that much stronger if UND can show it actually suffered a "loss" because of the NCAA's policy?

Going into this year, football and women's basketball this spring should most likely offer that opportunity. Since a football home field advantage is so dependent on one or two games, every win is crucial. Now, with the points garnered by an away win at a DIAA field, UND will get major points, and should easily be leading the Northwest Region.

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Going into this year, football and women's basketball this spring should most likely offer that opportunity. Since a football home field advantage is so dependent on one or two games, every win is crucial. Now, with the points garnered by an away win at a DIAA field, UND will get major points, and should easily be leading the Northwest Region.

I think that might not be true anymore. I believe the NCAA passed this proposal to remove the strength credit for playing I-AA's. :D I'm really quite sick of the playoff selection criteria for D-II changing every year.

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How assinine is it that USD gets equal points for beating UMC as UND gets for beating UNI? Or at least something close to that. Didn't the Bison miss the playoffs the year they beat Montana partially because of something like this? Had they played Moorhead or some other crap team, they would've made it.

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To anyone who is connected to the case...

Are we any closer to actually submitting a complaint to the court against the NCAA? I was hoping we would have done this before the football and hockey seasons started so we could angle for an injunction against the NCAA in their application of the faulty policy on nicknames. Just looking for some feedback from knowledgeable sources...


Taking a direct quote from our very own athletic director on Saturday while tail-gating at UNI:

"In October, coming to a federal district court near you, will be a case involving the State of North Dakota vs. NCAA"

We shall hear news in the coming weeks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This weekend I got a thank you letter from the group who is representing ND in the case against the NCAA. Did anyone else get the letter and do we have any specific date frames in October as to when the action will be taken in court? Also, I am assuming this is going to be done in Federal Court correct? Lastly, is there any reason why we couldn't have a webpage for this organization created and thus linked with this site so we can get up to date information on the progress of this case? Just a thought....Any feedback would be greatly appreciated...



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This weekend I got a thank you letter from the group who is representing ND in the case against the NCAA. Did anyone else get the letter and do we have any specific date frames in October as to when the action will be taken in court? Also, I am assuming this is going to be done in Federal Court correct? Lastly, is there any reason why we couldn't have a webpage for this organization created and thus linked with this site so we can get up to date information on the progress of this case? Just a thought....Any feedback would be greatly appreciated...



Well, yes and no. Yes it would be nice to have a link to this site so we could get up to date info on the progress of the case, but, if that happened where we can get up to date info on the case, then so could others, namely "the other side". Not sure if they (NCAA) keeps tabs on UND since the name issue started and the pending lawsuit, but, that doesn't mean "somebody" couldn't bring them to light on the site either in an attempt to hurt UND's fight to keep the name.

I guess I would rather be left in the dark as far as the progress of the case than to post anything that could help the NCAA in any way.

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The funny thing about the letter was that it really didn't ask for additional donations..Does this mean they feel they have enough resources financially to prosecute this successfully at this point?

I'd prefer not to try to grab the pebbles from your hand master and leave Shangri-la...Rather, I would just like to apply a flying side kick to the NCAA policies behind!! :0


PS Any other news on the legislation being pushed in the House?;) It would be nice to have the law on our side as well as just principle..... :silly:

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OK so it went over my head Master, teach me and I will become a good soldier!

Where were Kupchella, Harmeson, Buning, et al, on Tuesday? (Hint: It's a two-word answer.)

And did people here listen to them there?

Now, trust (some of) us when we say "patience". It's coming. Soon. :silly:

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