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UND Lacrosse Poll


UND Men's Varsity Lacrosse at Alerus  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. If UND started a DI Men's Lacrosse team, I would:

    • Buy season tickets, no question
    • Be supportive and go to a few games
    • Go to one match, out of curiosity
    • Follow the progress, but not attend
    • Think it is a stupid idea
    • Be a vocal opponent

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... until a UND team coached by Rylan Kaip is in the Lax Final Four. :):lol:

And for the record:

I have Midco cable and with it I have ESPN2 and ESPN2HD.

Lax was on ESPN2HD but when I jumped down to just ESPN2 there was UND/UNH.

Anybody else try that?

From what I've read they switched the game to hockey after the first period of the hockey game. But that was only in the GF area. Here in the Cities we had to live through the longest NCAA LAX game EVER.

I actually think Lacrosse looks like a great sport, one I would have liked to learn to play. I just didn't want to watch it THEN.

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To be fair, that lax game was over nine seconds into the first OT. It's just that one of the officials thought they were being paid by the hour, and not by the contest, so they blew an inadvertent whistle trying to make some extra cash. :lol:

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Apparently WCH thinks UND fans are bunch of whiners.

3. I almost feel sorry for ESPN about the whole Lacrosse-gate. I thought they handled it as well as they could have. First, you never switch away from an overtime game to the beginning of another game. Second, it's probably a calculated risk choosing to offend people in tiny New Hampshire and North Dakota as opposed to people in Maryland and Virginia. But I doubt ESPN realized what a nation of whiners Sioux fans are. My heart goes out to the poor intern forced to deal with the thousands of grammatically poor emails they must have recieved.
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I grew up with a Lacrosse team being started at my high school in 2003 (in North Carolina) and finding relatively good success. The sport is somewhat interesting and at least garners some attention because it is so new to people.

However, I have found that after the initial "new" factor wears off, college lacrosse can become very dull and boring. I don't see why they play large field lacrosse when the only pro lacrosse is in arenas and arena lacrosse is so much more exciting. It's too bad that most schools wouldn't have a hockey arena at their disposal to make that happen...I think it could get a lot of attention.

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I grew up with a Lacrosse team being started at my high school in 2003 (in North Carolina) and finding relatively good success. The sport is somewhat interesting and at least garners some attention because it is so new to people.

However, I have found that after the initial "new" factor wears off, college lacrosse can become very dull and boring. I don't see why they play large field lacrosse when the only pro lacrosse is in arenas and arena lacrosse is so much more exciting. It's too bad that most schools wouldn't have a hockey arena at their disposal to make that happen...I think it could get a lot of attention.

Actually they do have a pro league for both field lacrosse and box(arena) lacrosse and although MLL(field) is having some financial issues currently, it is where most of the good college players will end up. Box lacrosse can be fun to watch but I find it to be more of a spectacle which diminishes the appeal. You can't beat field lacrosse for technical skills although I can see how people can get frustrated when UVA scores 3 goals in 62 sec and then can't score for 7 OT's.

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... until a UND team coached by Rylan Kaip is in the Lax Final Four. :):lol:

And for the record:

I have Midco cable and with it I have ESPN2 and ESPN2HD.

Lax was on ESPN2HD but when I jumped down to just ESPN2 there was UND/UNH.

Anybody else try that?

I tried that and I am in Mpls and have Dish Network and that did not work for me...HD and regular ESPN 2 both were the LAX marathon. No Sioux game til Lax was over

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As much as I hate to say it, everything he had to say is true. And I do mean everything.

So you agree that the complainers do not know how to speak the english language? Lacrosse sucks we wanted to see the first period of the most importnat game of the year.

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As much as I hate to say it, everything he had to say is true. And I do mean everything.

I dunno I didn't write or call ESPN. Not every UND fan I know is a Whiner, most of the people that Know that cheer for UND are pretty down to earth and take things in stride.. I personally thought it was kind of a stupid thing to say since they advertised a Hockey game and ended up cheating thousands of hockey fans not just in ND or NH that wanted to see a NCAA hockey game and got some elitist lax match. I don't know what fans you're hanging out with. But the Sioux fans I know aren't like that.

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I dunno I didn't write or call ESPN. Not every UND fan I know is a Whiner.

LaCrosse sucks and there is not one Sioux fan who would rather watch that BS Lacrosse game rather than the first period of the most important game of the year.

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So you agree that the complainers do not know how to speak the english language? Lacrosse sucks we wanted to see the first period of the most importnat game of the year.

Its not so much for the fact that we're complainers. It's the fact that that game going into OT was a REGULAR SEASON GAME! We as Sioux fans obviously think that its the most important game of the year, but in all reality it was FAR more important than that lacrosse game! It was an NCAA tourney game, not regular season! IMO it should've switched, but I am bias. It would've switched for college bball, baseball, FOOTBALL, volleyball, soccer, water polo, and field hockey. Oh well its over.

On another note, lacrosse at UND would never hold up in a million years. It's crazy to think we first could get top tier talent, second even compete, third even get fans to come watch it. The surrounding areas don't even have lacrosse so we can't recruit local talent, who thinks were going be able to recruit guys from NC, VA, and NY to come out here for lacrosse. Fun to entertain the thought, we might as well get a ski team!

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I was one of the "whiners" but I called the complaint line only and did not send an email, grammatically incorrect or otherwise. You bet I complained!! The only option ESPN gave was to follow the hockey game on the net on ESPN360, which, once I went to the site, I learned wasn't available because my carrier is blackballed by the ESPN empire. Unlike those who weren't in ND, I did have Hennessey's call on the radio so I was only blind to the action, not deaf.

And, what was the deal with that lacrosse game anyway--9-9 at the end of regulation (total of 18 goals scored!!) and neither team puts one in the net (one that counts) until the 7th friggin' OT?

Would it have killed ESPN to split the screen and, of course, put the lax game in the smaller box with no sound!!? I recognize that ever since the "Heidi Game"* (Oakland Raiders stage tremendous last minute comeback which most of the country misses after NBC switches to a broadcast of the show "Heidi"), all sports broadcasters are especially leery of leaving any game in its last minutes but, from my perspective, which is really the only one I care about, ESPN2 made the wrong call this time.

*November 1968. Jets leading 32-29 with only 65 seconds left in the game. NBC decides the fat lady has sung and switches away to broadcast a movie, "Heidi." Raiders score 14 points, winning 43-32, in a fantastic finish no one sees.

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Apparently WCH thinks UND fans are bunch of whiners.

Chris likes to takes shots at UND and its fans. It helps him forget about his favorite teams, one a #1 seed that lost to a #4 and the other who has just as bad a reputation as UND for fighting/cheap play.

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ESPN was able to put the hockey game on in ND and NH while keeping the lax game on for the rest of the country. I think this was in response to legitimate complaints by Sioux fans. Call it whining if you want, but this game was a big deal for ND and NH residents (although NH residents can't complain too much since the game was in NH).

I know little about lax, but always thought it was similar to hockey. What I had seen before was mostly the arena version. The field version appeared to be more like soccer - play keep away. However, the overtimes I watched was probably not a fair representation given the fact 18 goals were scored in regulation. What I really do not like about the sport is the crazy number of timeouts for each team and the fact they allow timeouts to be called in the middle of play like BB.

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I'm in ND, and I didn't get the hockey game to replace the lax OT, except a small blip between OT's and time outs (of which there were obviously a multitude).

And it did seem that both teams were playing for a tie, which I was hoping could happen, but apparently there are no ties, which makes the play even more strange.

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I'm in ND, and I didn't get the hockey game to replace the lax OT, except a small blip between OT's and time outs (of which there were obviously a multitude).

And it did seem that both teams were playing for a tie, which I was hoping could happen, but apparently there are no ties, which makes the play even more strange.

I was watching the game at work and someone on the message board posted the alternative channel of 211 so I was able to watch a good part of the game. I think it is a little harsh to call a whole fan base whiners since if the shoe was on the other foot and it was the BU or Michigan fans would he call them a bunch of whiners as well?

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