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Lucia's dumb excuse for this stupidity is that the crowds are hard on these guys. Oh please, how lame is that. All that I have to say is get used to it boys, it's only going to get worse when you go on to the next level. If you can't take some ribbing from big rival fans, then the problem is with yourself. The bottom line is that Irmen and Kessel are a couple of classless little punks, and their coach blames their behavior on everyone else. The Don has the nerve to say stuff like "every time there is a fight, NoDak is involved". How about this, evertime there is a classless, look at me, idiotic showboating, individual celebration, a gopher player is involved.

Lighten up, Francis.

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It very well could have been my eyes playing tricks on me. But I think on Friday, after the controversial goal. Jean Phillipe gave the ref a "jerk-off" motion. Did anyone else see that?

My girlfriend pointed that out to me. I thought it was HILARIOUS!!! Completely captured my exact reaction to a "T", he did.

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If Irmen (Jersey Popping) and Kessel (Ear Holding) are classless little punks as you say then Chorney and Lammy are classless little punks also. Since Chorney jersey Popped after he scored against Minnesota and Lammy did his stick taunting after the Sioux victory in Minnesota. Before you reply, remember you are the one who characterize Irmen and Kessel as classless punks for these actions.

Holding your hand to your ear almost around the whole ice surface is the same as rapping your stick on about 10' of boards??? Both are examples of players 'behaving badly' but their should be a limit to where the celebration stops, or else a player is going to take matters into their own hands and rail one of the gophers(who have no class). Lucia pet's excuses are lame for both incidents, any 'good' coach would not endorse such actions at any level. If you are a gopher fan great, enjoy the success of the team and if you are a player enjoy your record and let it speak for itself.

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Holding your hand to your ear almost around the whole ice surface is the same as rapping your stick on about 10' of boards??? Both are examples of players 'behaving badly' but their should be a limit to where the celebration stops, or else a player is going to take matters into their own hands and rail one of the gophers(who have no class). Lucia pet's excuses are lame for both incidents, any 'good' coach would not endorse such actions at any level. If you are a gopher fan great, enjoy the success of the team and if you are a player enjoy your record and let it speak for itself.

First of all, Kessel held his hand to his ear for about half the rink NOT most of the rink that you implied. Lammy did his stick rap from the back boards end to end. If you want to get technical I will give you that

Kessel did his alittle longer. Also, don't forget about Lammy's shooting the puck into the stands at Mariucci on Friday night of the Gopher game. I agree with you that both players behaved badly and yes some player is going to rail a Gopher or Sioux player for these actions. I'm curious on why you think the Gophers are classless? What do they do that other players on teams do not do?

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I apologize if some of us don't want to join the pity party that is "SIOUX LOSS HURTS"? Just because it didn't involve the Sioux directly doesn't mean it wasn't worthy of discussion.

exactly, phil kessel is a blast to talk about, couldn't imagine my day without a little PK in the morning :p;)

if i played college hockey i personally would be very creative with my goal celebrations and go Terrell Owens for you all...maybe ride the stick like a horse and give it some swats as i skate around the whole arena, maybe use my a stick as a sword and go ZORRO for the crowd or even maybe use the stick as a shotgun and take out my teamates as fall to the ice while joining as i rifle them down (probably would not go over well with the parents who bring their young children to the game)...i will do some more thinking to see if i can think of some more creative celebrations ;)

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exactly, phil kessel is a blast to talk about, couldn't imagine my day without a little PK in the morning :p;)

if i played college hockey i personally would be very creative with my goal celebrations and go Terrell Owens for you all...maybe ride the stick like a horse and give it some swats as i skate around the whole arena, maybe use my a stick as a sword and go ZORRO for the crowd or even maybe use the stick as a shotgun and take out my teamates as fall to the ice while joining as i rifle them down (probably would not go over well with the parents who bring their young children to the game)...i will do some more thinking to see if i can think of some more creative celebrations ;)

I think the Chi Chi Rodriguez sword bit would be perfect. :D

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Let's not even get started here, slappy. I don't want to have to make you look stupid AGAIN.

The next time would be the first time, but as I said lighten up guy - hockey is a game.

btw I got a kick out of #1 Sioux or whatever trying to argue "our sins are less egregious than your sins". :p

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The next time would be the first time, but as I said lighten up guy - hockey is a game.

btw I got a kick out of #1 Sioux or whatever trying to argue "our sins are less egregious than your sins". ;)

no point to this post except i want to call you SLAPNUTZ and i think you should change your name to that as well....ok im done :p

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if i played college hockey i personally would be very creative with my goal celebrations and go Terrell Owens for you all...maybe ride the stick like a horse and give it some swats as i skate around the whole arena, maybe use my a stick as a sword and go ZORRO for the crowd or even maybe use the stick as a shotgun and take out my teamates as fall to the ice while joining as i rifle them down (probably would not go over well with the parents who bring their young children to the game)...i will do some more thinking to see if i can think of some more creative celebrations ;)

I would expect nothing less from the guy who quotes Randy Moss in his signature. :p

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Yeah, that Burrish comment was pretty lame.

As for the whole ordeal, not entirely pleased about it, but it wasn't THAT bad. He said it was spontaneous, and he did take a lot of crap all weekend. Kessel scored from bench side of the ice, cut behind the net, put his hand to his ear, and turned at center ice to go back to the bench. Obviously, not the classiest move ever, but he's a kid and it was a very emotionally charged game. Hopefully we do not see anymore of this over the course of the year.

Did anyone here even see the game? It was quite incredible to hear thousands of people flat-out BOO the kid everytime he touched the puck. Give it up already. As we've been discussing over on GPL, tons of Minnesota kids go elsewhere, and we do not boo them when they return. Perhaps there was a little booing for Z Parise's debut (was at the game, but honestly do not recall), but just the other weekend when CC was in town a fair amount of people clapped when Marty Sertich's name was called. I mean, the kid grew up 10 minutes from Mecca, is a great hockey player, won Hobey Baker, and is a class act. There's no reason to friggin' boo him! I like seeing Minnesota kids come back into town, it goes to show how important our state is to the success of college hockey.

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Yeah, that Burrish comment was pretty lame.

As for the whole ordeal, not entirely pleased about it, but it wasn't THAT bad. He said it was spontaneous, and he did take a lot of crap all weekend. Kessel scored from bench side of the ice, cut behind the net, put his hand to his ear, and turned at center ice to go back to the bench. Obviously, not the classiest move ever, but he's a kid and it was a very emotionally charged game. Hopefully we do not see anymore of this over the course of the year.

Did anyone here even see the game? It was quite incredible to hear thousands of people flat-out BOO the kid everytime he touched the puck. Give it up already. As we've been discussing over on GPL, tons of Minnesota kids go elsewhere, and we do not boo them when they return. Perhaps there was a little booing for Z Parise's debut (was at the game, but honestly do not recall), but just the other weekend when CC was in town a fair amount of people clapped when Marty Sertich's name was called. I mean, the kid grew up 10 minutes from Mecca, is a great hockey player, won Hobey Baker, and is a class act. There's no reason to friggin' boo him! I like seeing Minnesota kids come back into town, it goes to show how important our state is to the success of college hockey.

i remember being at zach parise's 1st game in mariucci. that was pretty much the same treatment, what else would someone expect....the sioux won 4-2 with zach getting 1 goal and 2 assists.

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Yea, I heard AZSIOUX really caused a ruckus during his city league hockey game the other night when he scored a goal, then pretended to moon the opposing goalie. ;)

damn mafiaman, if you would have been there i would have pulled out my sharpie and signed a puck or stick for you.

at least joe buck was not calling the game for fox when i did this so people did not have to listen to him over react like i just lit the building on fire :D

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