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Sioux vs MSUM -- Sat night


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The entire premise of your pointless play was based on this: "Greg Shepherd wouldn't dare overturn a DQ."

It has nothing whatsoever to do with what Greg Shepherd would "dare" to do. He can't do anything other than what the NCAA rule book says he can do.

So I used the term "dare." I should have used the term "won't" It's why you're the journalist and why I'm just another poster at a Sioux message board.

dagies- I do agree that last night Kaip indeed had a great game. I have been down on him lately, but not because I don't like him or think he shouldn't be playing. I think he hasn't played as good as I think he could have played up until the Minnesota series. After that he's started turning it around.

Goon- I agree with the character of the team, but I do believe we need to stop getting so emotionally involved with what the opposing players spew from their mouths. I think this is where Prpich can be a HUGE leader in resolving. Why not have a trash talker help the team overcome the emotional crap revolving around being trash talked to? You can say it was humorous to not see the likes of Prpich in the fray, but there's a reason why players like Spirko, Murray, Bina, and those types get picked on. Who would pick on a guy as big or bigger than you? Or a player who has a reputation of being a bruiser? Mankato skaters knew that, if they picked on Prpich (and maybe Smaby and Kaip as well), he'd force Mankato into an all out altercation that Mankato could very well come out the loser in. Mankato's "goal" if you will, wasn't to start a fight, but to rather goad or instigate a rash of stupid retaliatory acts by the Sioux. It worked a little bit.

Sicatoka- What you say is RIGHT ON.

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So I used the term "dare." I should have used the term "won't" It's why you're the journalist and why I'm just another poster at a Sioux message board.


It's not about what Shepherd won't do.

It's not about what he'll dare to do.

It's about what he can't do under NCAA rules.

Why don't you just admit that you either didn't know about the NCAA rule or didn't understand it? Stop trying to spin your way out of it.

Being a sudo-journalist gives me no special ability to look up a rule. You could do it, too, if you wanted to.

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It's not about what Shepherd won't do.

It's not about what he'll dare to do.

It's about what he can't do under NCAA rules.

Why don't you just admit that you either didn't know about the NCAA rule or didn't understand it? Stop trying to spin your way out of it.

Being a sudo-journalist gives me no special ability to look up a rule. You could do it, too, if you wanted to.

Exasperating isn't it? Practically as much so as watching Mankato get away with all kinds of crap.

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Why not have a trash talker help the team overcome the emotional crap revolving around being trash talked to?

What in hell are you talking about, does your keyboard have diarrhea? Trash talk, my arse. Those were nasty cross checks to the back of the head, and in Jones case on Friday, to the chin. And the unprovoked horsecollar on Spirko. That cheap shot deserved to be pummeled by the largest Sioux on the ice.

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What in hell are you talking about, does your keyboard have diarrhea? Trash talk, my arse. Those were nasty cross checks to the back of the head, and in Jones case on Friday, to the chin. And the unprovoked horsecollar on Spirko. That cheap shot deserved to be pummeled by the largest Sioux on the ice.

Do you think Mankato decided just to, out of the blue, go at the Sioux? I distinctly saw jaw jacking both games all game long on both sides. A cheap hit or two, IMO, isn't enough to get the kind of a response that we saw otherwise all hell would have broken loose vs. Denver last year.

PCM- Ok, I'm wrong. Sorry to cause you so much grief.

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Do you think Mankato decided just to, out of the blue, go at the Sioux? I distinctly saw jaw jacking both games all game long on both sides.

I saw Saturday's third period coming at about the 15:00 mark of Friday's third period. (And no, I have no mistakes in that sentence.)

And that's what I have to say about that.

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Mankato skaters knew that, if they picked on Prpich (and maybe Smaby and Kaip as well), he'd force Mankato into an all out altercation that Mankato could very well come out the loser in. Mankato's "goal" if you will, wasn't to start a fight, but to rather goad or instigate a rash of stupid retaliatory acts by the Sioux. It worked a little bit.

Sicatoka- What you say is RIGHT ON.

I believe in my HMO that Mankato got its butt handed to them last night. I was impressed with Radke standing up for one of his players. If you noticed Drew got the boys settled down at the end of the game so we didn't lose anymore players to the bush league tactics. This isn't over between our two teams.. In the future maybe coach will have to send out a player like Prpich, Kaip or Marvin to protect skilled players like Sparky.

They call it picking your place. Hopefully PRP picks his time against Denver and Punkovich.

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What in hell are you talking about, does your keyboard have diarrhea? Trash talk, my arse. Those were nasty cross checks to the back of the head, and in Jones case on Friday, to the chin. And the unprovoked horsecollar on Spirko. That cheap shot deserved to be pummeled by the largest Sioux on the ice.

This is what is happening, I think some are considering cross check and horse collars to be trash talk and that isn't true. Its called cheap shots or dirty play and must be responded to.

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BY THE WAY: AHEM: I think you all should stop doubting me. I threw down the gauntlet on Porter and you all scoffed! 2G 1A this weekend and he played VERY VERY well. I think PCM, CRR, and jk need to own up!

Oh, redwing, you know I'd never doubt you. YOU doubted ME though...

I heard that. :D

I thought you had me on ignore :D

Trying to make me jealous?

You know there's always a special place in my heart for you.

He won't get it though. Two SCSU players, Reeder and Kronick both had 6pt weekends IIRC.

Kronick had 6 points, including a hatty, and he used to play for the 'Dogs, so I'm going to bet on him. I am also going to bet that he never ever has a weekend like that in his life. He's a hack, albeit a very lucky hack.

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BTW, with all the grief that Kaip has gotten lately on these boards, I think it's fair to point out when he plays a solid game. I was at Friday's MN game, and watched Saturday's gopher and last night's game on TV. It looked like last night was Kaip's best performance of the games I saw. Keep it up!

I'm wondering how the 3rd period scrum would have looked if Prpich and Kaip had been on the ice? Radke does seem to like the rough stuff as well.

I was at the game tonight and I thought Kaip played pretty well. He actually had a couple of decent chances to get his first career goal. You would think just by chance in all these games he would have scored a goal by now. It's gotta be king of like a gorilla on his back by now. After all the object of the game is to score and it just hasn't happened. Granted he is a defensive forward but so was Rory McMahon and he could put the puck in the net. I hope Kaip can get a goal here soon. Lucky for him there are really no alternatives to take his spot in the line-up on a regular basis.

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It might have been ugly. Radke worked his dance partner pretty hard. It looks as if he has been in a few fights over the course of his career.

radke looked like he put his elbow pad on his fist. or it maybe "slipped". gosh, i bet prpich was throwing a hissy fit in front of Hak cuz he wanted to go out there..... :D

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i can tell that nobody saw the reason sparky got the DQ. After he got horsecollared and subsequently in the pile up of him, the landcow, and the two AR's, he took his right glove off and started throwing punches, most of them hitting one the AR's and/or missing all together (from my vantage point), but never the less, throwing bare fisted punches in the direction of the mav player. The whole game was frustrating for him, at least a fan's perspective, and I think he finally melted down (and who could blame him) as he was getting poked, and cross checked and cheapshotted, and held and all the other things that can wear a guy down all night long, even one as level headed as him, and the horsecollar-like mugging after five and a half periods was the straw that broke the camels back.

As far as the rest of the fight goes, Oshie is a f'n animal, he earned more of a penalty than he got, mostly because once the AR's split them up, he kept after it, he REAALLLY wanted a piece of that mav, but kudo's to him for breaking up the two on one with findlay and the two mavs at the beginning of the maylay, takes some stones for a 5-10 kid to push the 6-7 guy and tell him to use his head.

I have a new found liking for Radke. He and Jones played with more emotion in one game than they have all year. I especially cared for the uppercut he delivered to the mav with his jersey pulled over his head and watched him skate into the boards with his jersey still over his head while running like a scared little pu$$y. I didn't care for the "get it up" he did after that to draw more attention to himself, but the crowd sure enjoyed it. I thought it was a little Charlestown Cheifs to do something like that after a fight, for the show, and not the raw emotion from the situation.

Findlay's 10 minute was warranted, he went back into the scrum and threw some punches, which is what the enforcer is supposed to do, protect his scorers/playmakers like oshie and zajac and sparky, kind of a message sender, so he also earned his rest of the night off.

As for zajac, i didn't really see anything that he did, other than being there when it started and holding a guy back, but he kind of seemed disinterested in the whole thing, other than, like i said, initial "i'm here, that's bullsh!t what he just did to sparky, get off of him and let radke and findlay handle this situation, i have an empty netter to get tonight to end the game." :D

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i can tell that nobody saw the reason sparky got the DQ. After he got horsecollared and subsequently in the pile up of him, the landcow, and the two AR's, he took his right glove off and started throwing punches, most of them hitting one the AR's and/or missing all together (from my vantage point), but never the less, throwing bare fisted punches in the direction of the mav player. The whole game was frustrating for him, at least a fan's perspective, and I think he finally melted down (and who could blame him) as he was getting poked, and cross checked and cheapshotted, and held and all the other things that can wear a guy down all night long, even one as level headed as him, and the horsecollar-like mugging after five and a half periods was the straw that broke the camels back.

As far as the rest of the fight goes, Oshie is a f'n animal, he earned more of a penalty than he got, mostly because once the AR's split them up, he kept after it, he REAALLLY wanted a piece of that mav, but kudo's to him for breaking up the two on one with findlay and the two mavs at the beginning of the maylay, takes some stones for a 5-10 kid to push the 6-7 guy and tell him to use his head.

I have a new found liking for Radke. He and Jones played with more emotion in one game than they have all year. I especially cared for the uppercut he delivered to the mav with his jersey pulled over his head and watched him skate into the boards with his jersey still over his head while running like a scared little pu$$y. I didn't care for the "get it up" he did after that to draw more attention to himself, but the crowd sure enjoyed it. I thought it was a little Charlestown Cheifs to do something like that after a fight, for the show, and not the raw emotion from the situation.

Findlay's 10 minute was warranted, he went back into the scrum and threw some punches, which is what the enforcer is supposed to do, protect his scorers/playmakers like oshie and zajac and sparky, kind of a message sender, so he also earned his rest of the night off.

As for zajac, i didn't really see anything that he did, other than being there when it started and holding a guy back, but he kind of seemed disinterested in the whole thing, other than, like i said, initial "i'm here, that's bullsh!t what he just did to sparky, get off of him and let radke and findlay handle this situation, i have an empty netter to get tonight to end the game." :D

Thanks for the perspective on Sparky's role. There's so much more you can catch when you see it in person.

I do agree Oshie is an animal and would surely be a candidate for the C if he sees his junior year. I'm hopeful, but not expecting him to be here though... Finley is the 6'7" dude :D

And I think both Finley and Radke have turned the corner. They are showing a lot more confidence. Radke was the Captain of the Grande Prairie Storm (His BCHL team) before coming here and so I believe he's used to standing up for his teammates. I really was impressed that he'd take a stand towards a guy 4"-5" taller than him. Guts. I liked Radke when I first saw him. It's just taken him a bit longer to get himself more into a role.

Zajac got 2 minutes for roughing, IIRC. He was there when it all first broke out. Other than that, I don't know what he did either.

Sweeney was mentioning something about what can happen to spectating players if they hang around the fight too long on Friday when Phil skated away from the fight. I'm not familiar enough with the rulebook to quote anything. I thought, at the time, that Phil wanted nothing to do with the stuff going on.

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i can tell that nobody saw the reason sparky got the DQ. After he got horsecollared and subsequently in the pile up of him, the landcow, and the two AR's, he took his right glove off and started throwing punches, most of them hitting one the AR's and/or missing all together (from my vantage point), but never the less, throwing bare fisted punches in the direction of the mav player. The whole game was frustrating for him, at least a fan's perspective, and I think he finally melted down (and who could blame him) as he was getting poked, and cross checked and cheapshotted, and held and all the other things that can wear a guy down all night long, even one as level headed as him, and the horsecollar-like mugging after five and a half periods was the straw that broke the camels back.

As far as the rest of the fight goes, Oshie is a f'n animal, he earned more of a penalty than he got, mostly because once the AR's split them up, he kept after it, he REAALLLY wanted a piece of that mav, but kudo's to him for breaking up the two on one with findlay and the two mavs at the beginning of the maylay, takes some stones for a 5-10 kid to push the 6-7 guy and tell him to use his head.

I have a new found liking for Radke. He and Jones played with more emotion in one game than they have all year. I especially cared for the uppercut he delivered to the mav with his jersey pulled over his head and watched him skate into the boards with his jersey still over his head while running like a scared little pu$$y. I didn't care for the "get it up" he did after that to draw more attention to himself, but the crowd sure enjoyed it. I thought it was a little Charlestown Cheifs to do something like that after a fight, for the show, and not the raw emotion from the situation.

Findlay's 10 minute was warranted, he went back into the scrum and threw some punches, which is what the enforcer is supposed to do, protect his scorers/playmakers like oshie and zajac and sparky, kind of a message sender, so he also earned his rest of the night off.

As for zajac, i didn't really see anything that he did, other than being there when it started and holding a guy back, but he kind of seemed disinterested in the whole thing, other than, like i said, initial "i'm here, that's bullsh!t what he just did to sparky, get off of him and let radke and findlay handle this situation, i have an empty netter to get tonight to end the game." :D

yes, on TV I didn't see Spirko throw 'em. He was getting hacked during that game, I noticed several times and it looked he was kind of targeted, like Oshie was in Mpls.

I had initially forgotten about Oshie breaking up Finley early in the altercation, but now I remember it. He pushed Finley as hard as he pushed the Mav player. Yes, Oshie, once started, DID NOT want to quit. He had both guys on top of him (player and ref) and was still working on standing up. Amazing.

Zajac is not a fighter. He proved that in Mpls and again here. No problem with that, as he still tried to protect his own guy. But I'll bet in a year or so if another Zajac is in the same situation the "protection" might be handled a bit differently. Last week Zajac was holding Chucko off from going after anyone, and finally taking on Oshie. This week he's trying to off-load Sparky, but he seems to try a more "passive restraint".

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I just watched selected parts of the saturday game. Wow, is Mankato ever a cheap team. I like how their #2 just skated away from Radke after getting it in the mouth a few times, what a tough guy, start a fight then run away. It seems obvious that the dirty play comes from Jutting. I have never liked Jutting, he is often smirking and smiling behind the bench and gets into it with fans, not something a head coach should be doing.

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my understanding is that spirko's dq was taken away and was just a misconduct

One more time...


Supplementary Discipline

SECTION 10. The proper disciplinary authority may, at the conclusion of the game, and at its discretion, investigate any incident that occurs in connection with any game and may assess additional suspensions for any offense committed before, during or after a game by a player, coach or non-playing personnel, independent of whether such offense had been penalized by a referee. The proper disciplinary authority may not decrease any penalties assessed before, during or after the game by the on-ice officials.

Note: The proper disciplinary authority has a responsibility to identify the proper penalized player.

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The proper disciplinary authority may not decrease any penalties assessed before, during or after the game by the on-ice officials.

Note: The proper disciplinary authority has a responsibility to identify the proper penalized player.

So, I hope that Spirko gets to play. Hak was chomping at the bit to talk to Zelkin after the game. Especially what with Momma and Poppa here from across the Atlantic. Maybe that is what is driving any reconsideration that may be going on, aside from the fact that it was a lousy and botched call.

Switching the game DQ from Spirko to Finley would not be a "DECREASE of any penalties assessed" during the game, but would instead be simply a REALLOCATION of those penalties based on the NOTE that the PDA has a responsibility to identify the proper penalized player.

This said, having both Radke and Finley sit out Friday could make for a world of hurt.

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