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  Diggler said:

All very true and also kinda funny to read. ???

I'm inclined to give the kid a break though for right now because I'm guessing he's 18 or 19 and there are alot of 18 and 19 year olds that are pretty self-centered. I was one of them. I used to think exactly like him. Screw all those other people who disagree with me, they are idiots. I'm going to the games to do whatever the hell I want and everyone who doesn't like it can kiss my arse. Then I went to a meeting about the issue and my viewpoint began to change. If he goes to this meeting and actually listens (might not happen, I know) to what other people say he'll begin to understand that people aren't completely against him. He'll get it and I think he'll change his tune. He'll begin to understand that a huge percentage of people who come to games don't have it out for the students and instead they, just like him, only want to have fun at the games. After this he'll be much more likely to sit down during the game and much less likely to join in on the swearing cheers.

I think you have given a pretty good assessment of the psychology for that type of student. I think we both hope that with the knowledge that comes from a broader perspective on things he will see things differently. Let's hope it works out.

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at the risk of repeating myself in past threads...I'll say it again. The students have practically no bargaining power in this whole deal. If they got together and walked out of the next game - UND and the Ralph would just offer a 2 for 1 deal on general admission lower bowl seats and laugh all the way to the bank!

Times have changed guys...sorry to say...Buning is career military and doesn't take any crap and the new Ralph management seems "keenly" aware of pissing off REAL paying customers....guess who loses? YOU DO! here's a modest proposal...

Don't just agree to move to a corner and clean up the language...EMBRACE IT! This might be your last chance to hold on to your cheap seats and still see a hockey game while you're still a student at UND.

It will all add up to something to build on...Come up with...dare I say...CREATIVE cheers that don't include "F*ck YOU" or "You suck SH*T"! (this is YOUR CHANCE to get the rest of the "paying" fans on your side to INCREASE your bargaining power in the future!)

Then - 5 years from now when the Ralph is talking about phasing out student seats ALLTOGETHER (don't think it might not happen) - the season ticket holders will actually side with YOU and defend your presence saying we NEED the students! (talk about irony ??? )


I don't think REA could get rid of the student section all together, could they? They could certainly move it and make it smaller, but I thought they have to have a student section.

  Diggler said:
I don't think REA could get rid of the student section all together, could they? They could certainly move it and make it smaller, but I thought they have to have a student section.

Indeed they do. The NCAA prohibits any arena hosting a collegiate game to not have a student section... at least during regular season play.

  redwing77 said:
The NCAA prohibits any arena hosting a collegiate game to not have a student section... at least during regular season play.

Really? :silly:

Search my NCAA manuals (in PDF) as I might, I don't find that. Maybe I don't have the manual where issues like that are addressed. Please don't tell me you "Don Adam'd" that one.

What my recollections tell me is that Mr. Engelstad intended there to be a student section in the arena.

  The Sicatoka said:

Really? :silly:

Search my NCAA manuals (in PDF) as I might, I don't find that. Maybe I don't have the manual where issues like that are addressed. Please don't tell me you "Don Adam'd" that one.

What my recollections tell me is that Mr. Engelstad intended there to be a student section in the arena.

I didn't make it up. I could have SWORE I saw it in writing that each college arena was required to have a student section of some sort....

  Diggler said:

Oh yea you got me, was it really that obvious. Gee jolly well I guess I better change my ways and listen to someone else ruin the students fun and turn the ralph into a great place to study during hockey games which is good because I have a lot of credits this semester that the state has to pay for so I better do well. I need to meet my friend there so we can talk about how Stafford might make some great moves and score a touchdown, and about what we are going to do after the game since my homework will be done. But it will be nice to here all the great chants the opposing fans have on neutral ice at UND.

All very true and also kinda funny to read. :silly:

I'm inclined to give the kid a break though for right now because I'm guessing he's 18 or 19 and there are alot of 18 and 19 year olds that are pretty self-centered. I was one of them. I used to think exactly like him. Screw all those other people who disagree with me, they are idiots. I'm going to the games to do whatever the hell I want and everyone who doesn't like it can kiss my arse. Then I went to a meeting about the issue and my viewpoint began to change. If he goes to this meeting and actually listens (might not happen, I know) to what other people say he'll begin to understand that people aren't completely against him. He'll get it and I think he'll change his tune. He'll begin to understand that a huge percentage of people who come to games don't have it out for the students and instead they, just like him, only want to have fun at the games. After this he'll be much more likely to sit down during the game and much less likely to join in on the swearing cheers.

  Diggler said:
I don't think REA could get rid of the student section all together, could they? They could certainly move it and make it smaller, but I thought they have to have a student section.

I would love to see the Ralph get rid of the student section....the crowd has seemed to be shirnking and shrinking over the past three years i have been a student here. It looks like the apeal of the Ralph is rapidly diminishing. I know the management is not stupid but if someone got that in their head i would think they would have to be drug out to the street and shot for being so stupid. That is taking the college out of college hockey. The difference between a college hockey game between an NHL game is the tradition and the cheers. Taking the students out of the arena would be hilarious. Now im not serious so nobody burn me at the stake here. But in all seriousness if that happened i would buy tickets and drop a pin every min and i bet you would hear 55 of those 60 pins if the student section were remove where you would only hear 50 of those pins with the current student section. Now as an actual reply to this post if the student section were to be reduce the prices would probably have to be reduced on other season tickets to fill up the stands or they would have to do what the twins do at the big inflatable toilet and throw up a sheet. If someone got creative they could paint an inebriated student section onto that sheet with some "well thought out constructive vulgarities" and we could have the same atmosphere as we do now. :silly:

  Diggler said:
Having students unite in a group like Sioux Crew is a great idea, but I don't think it would work. I don't know why either. At every other sporting event it works, Sioux Crew doesn't work at hockey games though. I have no idea why. Perhaps because 95% of students go to FB, BB, etc. for the game, while only 70% of students go to hockey for the game and 30% go to be seen or as an excuse to get drunk.

My guess the reason Sioux Crew doesn't work as well for hockey is the way tickets are given for hockey. In all of the other sports, SC members are given the opportunity to get first crack at the good seats (or at least that is how it used to be) so it is easy to have the die-hards sit together and be loud and fun. The current hockey season ticket arrangement doesn't work that way.

So is this the season where student season ticket holders alternate between lower bowl Fri. and upper deck Sat? I lost track of when that was to take effect.

I agree with Engel Bunny that some of the problems go back to how season tickets are dispersed. The year everyone had to stand in line for 3 days to get tickets I am guessing was a fun season. The idiots who want to go to a game to be "trendy" and drunk were weeded out by the die-hards.

Remind me again why they switched ticket dispersal..so students go to class instead of stand in line for hockey tickets? Is that really the reason?


Sioux Crew was tried the first year of the new arena when the whole student section was GA. It went over like a fart in church. Maybe it would be different now though, who knows.

The ticket dispersal was changed because of Kupchella, I'm pretty sure. He didn't want students skipping class to sit in line. This is what I've been told by the former student body president. Seems pretty stupid to me as the one year we did sit in line everyone I knew still went to class. It happened though and it's not likely to change unless Kupchella leaves or is somehow convinced to change his tune, which is doubtful.

  Siouxstudent1 said:

Oh yea you got me, was it really that obvious. Gee jolly well I guess I better change my ways and listen to someone else ruin the students fun and turn the ralph into a great place to study during hockey games which is good because I have a lot of credits this semester that the state has to pay for so I better do well. I need to meet my friend there so we can talk about how Stafford might make some great moves and score a touchdown, and about what we are going to do after the game since my homework will be done. But it will be nice to here all the great chants the opposing fans have on neutral ice at UND.

  The Sicatoka said:

Really? :D

Search my NCAA manuals (in PDF) as I might, I don't find that. Maybe I don't have the manual where issues like that are addressed. Please don't tell me you "Don Adam'd" that one.

What my recollections tell me is that Mr. Engelstad intended there to be a student section in the arena.

last time I checked General Ralphisco Engelstado is STILL DEAD :D (Heard Chevy Chase doing a SNL Weekend Update today on XM from 1974 - good stuff and couldn't resist) :silly:


Losing the student section would be among one of the worst things that could be done for the program. A lot of the current season ticket holders probably became Sioux hockey fans watching from the student section when they were students. Eliminating the student section would also serve the purpose of decreasing the future fan base for Sioux hockey. It wouldn't take long for students and future UND grads to lose ties with a program they have no allegiances to since they've never had the opportunity to see them play. Eliminating the student section would be incredibly shortsighted and would hurt the REA's pocketbook in the long run.

  siouxnami said:
I don't think that the student section will ever be eliminated. Too many pi$$ed alumni.

Are pissed off alums (and other old cranky people) the problem right now??

hopefully some of the "mandatory attendees" will give a recap of the meeting tomorrow night...

  Sioux-cia said:

Standing throughout a game makes me a better fan. Geeze how ignorant of me!! I stand during breakaways, goals scored (us), scuffles and other 'exciting appropriate to stand' moments as does everyone around me; THEN I SIT DOWN. I scream, cheer, yell, sing the beer song, etc. I even say "oh $hit" when the other team scores.

The Gopher series, hmm, I seem to remember that one. The EF the gophers chant, yeah that shows real team spirit.

What happened to the student spirit when we were losing? Where I sit, I didn't hear any students cheering on the team. And when I looked over at the student section, you were all sitting looking like mommy had just taken your blankie away. The 'old farts' around me, me too, were clapping, and trying to start up the 'GO SIOUX' chant. When the gopher fans were out cheering us, I tried to get things going, NOTHING from the student section. Don't try to tell me the students cheer the team on when we're losing. Usually DOESN"T HAPPEN!!

Now, if we're done trying to crap all over each other, why don't we act like SIOUX fans and work together. The main complaints are 1) Standing thoughout the game. Solution: Stand when it's appropriate according to the hockey action on the ice. Educate the ushers on what 'appropriate standing' is. Students police each other-tell the jerk next to you to sit down when there's no reason to stand. 2) Stop with the EF and Suck chants. Students police each other. Tell the jerk next to you to shut the EF up when he/she starts an inappropriate chant. Learn new cheers. When you were watching all those other games, I'm sure you did not hear any EF or suck chants.

If you can't come up with reasonable alternatives to what is going to be presented to you at your meeting, you are going to lose. Even if it means Grand Forks will become a ghost town and UND shuts it doors, you will lose. I know that we need students to liven up the joint but that doesn't give you free reign to do and act as you please. If you can't do it at home, you can't do it at the Ralph.

Excellent post.

It is possible to have a lot of fun and make a lot of noise suporting your team without having to stand throughout the whole game and without using obscenitites. Little kids and anyone else who objects to foul language have a right to not be subjected to it.

The sense of entitlement to act any way they chose from some of the students is apalling.


I have looked at this site for almost 2 years now to get all my news about Sioux hockey team. I just could not just stand and be quite when it comes to this matter of our student section. This meeting that the university wants to have is a joke. What is going to happen if we dont come? I think its rubbish. But first off, IMO I think that our student section is one of the worst that I have seen in the WCHA. We have no good chants, other than f@@* the ref's and F the opposing team(which I participate in every home game). Second, the decision to move the band down to the lower bowl was a good decision because you can actually here them now, however they really need to take a road trip to Madison and get some pointers from them. The band in Madison actually has more than 3 songs that they play over and over again, and when they play them everyone has a good time and gets into them, because they are actually songs that get you cheering. I believe that if the band had better songs at REA that the students would be more inclined to get up and cheer and not have as much F@#$ the ref chants(Also, Madison doesn

  SiouxH@ckey said:
We have no good chants, other than f@@* the ref's and F the opposing team(which I participate in every home game).

Agreed. More creativity that doesn't rely on obscenties would be appreciated. You'd also get more cheering participation from other fans.

Second, the decision to move the band down to the lower bowl was a good decision because you can actually here them now...
Moving the band down with the students was a good decision. But the idea that this would serve to mask the obscene chants hasn't proven true.

however they really need to take a road trip to Madison and get some pointers from them.

I've never been to a game in Madison, but I know from attending the WCHA Final 5 that Badger fans are among the best I've seen at supporting their team in an organized fashion.

The band in Madison actually has more than 3 songs that they play over and over again, and when they play them everyone has a good time and gets into them, because they are actually songs that get you cheering. I believe that if the band had better songs at REA that the students would be more inclined to get up and cheer and not have as much F@#$ the ref chants...
I could be wrong, but I believe UND's pep band plays more than three songs. If you're going to be critical, be fair about it. I don't think the band is the problem.

Third thing, I can see where the F#(*ing chants will make families feel uncomfortable, however it is a college campus, and in almost every college kids vocab lies some foul language, and where better to use it at a high emotional setting as in a game that you love to watch and love to cheer for and argue for.

Well, maybe if you were hurling obscenties at the TV in your dorm room, this would make sense. But you're not. You're in public and you're projecting the image of the university. You're also interacting with people who consider swearing in public rude, obnoxious and low-class, which it is.

I realize that profanities are going to pop out of fans' mouths now and then. However, nobody goes to a sporting event with the expectation that they'll be bombarded with organized cheers using the worst sort of obscenities.

Let's put it this way: You're at a movie theater and I'm sitting directly behind you with a friend. Throughout much of the movie, my friend and I are discussing plot points, acting ability, special effects, etc. You get annoyed because we're interfering with your ability to hear and enjoy the movie that you paid to see. You turn around and tell my friend and me to be quiet. In response, I say, "What's the problem? There's no better place to discuss movie directing, acting and production than while I'm at the movies."

Just because I can rationalize my behavior doesn't justify or excuse it. The games at the Ralph aren't played in a vacuum. They're broadcast over TV and radio, which means they also serve as a window to the outside world. At every game, there are people in attendance from outside the university who judge UND based on the behavior of Sioux fans. It might be the only impression they ever get. What do you want them to leave Grand Forks remembering about UND?

The forth and Final thing, our student section is a f@3ing joke. I have to been to St.Cloud, Mankato, Wisconsin, Denver, and CC. Every one of these Schools have better student sections than ours. They actually haveGOOD Cheers, and they actually are able to stand up for all the game whenever they want, and people don
  SiouxH@ckey said:
I just could not just stand and be quite when it comes to this matter of our student section. This meeting that the university wants to have is a joke. What is going to happen if we dont come? I think its rubbish. But first off, IMO I think that our student section is one of the worst that I have seen in the WCHA. We have no good chants, other than f@@* the ref's and F the opposing team(which I participate in every home game). Second, the decision to move the band down to the lower bowl was a good decision because you can actually here them now, however they really need to take a road trip to Madison and get some pointers from them. The band in Madison actually has more than 3 songs that they play over and over again, and when they play them everyone has a good time and gets into them, because they are actually songs that get you cheering. I believe that if the band had better songs at REA that the students would be more inclined to get up and cheer and not have as much F@#$ the ref chants(Also, Madison doesn

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