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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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A few more quotes in the neverending saga:


KVLY-TV reported that Brian Pearson, the tribal treasurer, says it should already be clear that the tribe does not approve of UND's "Fighting Sioux" nickname

If so, then why not pass the new resolution and get it over with? Why cancel the meeting?

And wasn't it the Tribal Council, and not UND, that wanted to hear from UND before considering a new resolution?

This cancellation doesn't make any sense.

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This cancellation doesn't make any sense.


The Spirit Lake band's tribal treasurer says the tribe won't be discussing the nickname issue with UND anytime soon and that they're getting tired of the issue.

They're tired of not discussing the issue with UND?

You're right. It makes no sense.

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Here is the KVLY story on Spirit Lake's cancellation of Kupchella's visit (scroll down).

Adding to the "this makes no sense" chatter is a statement by Chancellor Robert Potts:

But, meanwhile, the chancellor of the university system says this latest round between UND and the NCAA over the nickname is a UND issue. Robert Potts stated,
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The hell with it.  Just change the God Damn name.  I am so sick and tired of this sh^t.  Screw it. Be the UND Surrending Wusses or something, I don't care anymore.


Don't be going wobbly on us now, Diggler. :huh:

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It's a complete witch hunt. Someone just do something. I'm tired of reading about everyone waiting for everyone else to do something. Meanwhile UND tries to do something and nobody will even talk to them. Screw it. Either change the name now or tell everyone to blow it out their ass and plaster even more stuff all over the place.

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Someone just do something.  I'm tired of reading about everyone waiting for everyone else to do something. 


The problem is that we don't know what's being done or not being done. While I agree that recent developments are very frustrating, your reaction is exactly what the name-changers want.

D-Day: War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.

Bluto: What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

Otter: Germans?

Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.

Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the going gets tough . . . the tough get going. Who's with me? Let's Go! Come on! AAAAEEEEEGGGHHHH!!

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The hell with it.  Just change the God Damn name.  I am so sick and tired of this sh^t.  Screw it. Be the UND Surrending Wusses or something, I don't care anymore.


I am beginning to see just how broad your wisdom is, Diggler. I, too, am sick of the whole thing. This is the last time I will read the "Sioux Name" thread. I am tired of the NCAA; tired of the name-change crowd; and, sadly, tired of reading yet another reason why the NCAA is wrong.

I don't want to see the "Sioux" stripped off the uniforms of my favorite hockey team. But this is a losing battle.

They are the NCAA, and as long as they make the rules, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. There is no logic involved in this decision, on either side. The issue is a personal, emotional one that won't be settled on logic, nor on a point of law.

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I am tired of the double standards of society concerning race. Why is everybody so concerned with the Native American names when they see nothing wrong with the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame? I guess white people can't be offended. Excuse me while I go puke.

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Continuing.... where do the offensive names end?

Should white people be offended by the Minnesota Vikings, who glorify caucasion warriors of years past? How about the Trojans, Bucs and Spartans?

Team names like the Cyclones, Hurricanes, Storm and Wave should be immediately put to rest in the wake of Katrina. Talk about insensitivity!!!

Humane Societies should peition the NCAA to ban all offensive names towards domesticated animals, starting with the Bulldogs of Georgia.

Don't get me started on wildlife! The thought of a Bald Eagle, an endangered species and our national bird, used as some sort of a glorified symbol standing on sidelines across America, is traumatic.

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On tonight's WDAZ News, Spirit Lake tribal chair Myra Pearson was quoted as saying that the council wanted to meet with Kupchella in private. The Sioux name issue wouldn't be included on the council's general meeting agenda. She was also quoted as saying that the council was split on the issue.

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On tonight's WDAZ News, Spirit Lake tribal chair Myra Pearson was quoted as saying that the council wanted to meet with Kupchella in private. The Sioux name issue wouldn't be included on the council's general meeting agenda. She was also quoted as saying that the council was split on the issue.


I grew up in Chicago during the end of Mayor Daley's (Sr.) reign. Boy, right now I wish I could just slip someone a C-note and turn the tide in our favor. :huh:

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Thanks for the link, but I've read through that a bit before. All it seems to say is Dakota. Which is also the way you see it on casinos and street names and sign designating tribal land. Yet quite often NA's will write it is as Dacotah. I'm just curious if this is a tribal thing or the proper way to write it.

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On tonight's WDAZ News, Spirit Lake tribal chair Myra Pearson was quoted as saying that the council wanted to meet with Kupchella in private. The Sioux name issue wouldn't be included on the council's general meeting agenda. She was also quoted as saying that the council was split on the issue.

I'm not sure why but I find this strangely encouraging. It would seem the council isn't interested in airing this stuff publicly any longer. They're being barraged by the other tribes, that much is already clear. If they were just going to pull back their support for UND using the name, I think they wouldn't mind that being done in a public forum. Seems they want to have a quiet discussion with Kup, and that makes me think they might want to make sure they have a forum conducive to discussion, and not a public forum. Maybe they want to hammer out some concrete conditions upon which their support would be based. Yes, apparently some of that has happened in the past, but maybe this time the expectations would be more clear. Kupchella can agree or disagree to meet whatever those conditions are. And they figure they can't have that kind of meeting with GrahamKracker in attendance.

Who knows. I'm reading a whole lot into this. Just a gut feeling.

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Who knows.  I'm reading a whole lot into this.  Just a gut feeling.


My gut agrees with your gut. :huh:

You know darn well that what the NCAA and the anti-Sioux name forces want more than anything is a resolution from Spirit Lake that rescinds the tribe's 2000 resoltuion. So if the votes are there, why not do it, make everyone happy and end the debate that they claim is so bothersome?

But that's not what's happening. It seems like the last thing Jeanotte and company want at this point is an open vote in a public forum. Why? Because they know that they'd lose, which would then leave the NCAA up the creek with no paddle.

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