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It IS with great pride that the UND athletes wear their uniforms.


As a former athlete, I can back this up. Every one of my teammates was (and still is) proud to wear the Fighting Sioux name and logo, and we represented our school with class, dignity, and honor. We would often get comments from places we competed regarding how respectful and well mannered we were.

I, like Sioux-cia, feel that I am Sioux, and I think all my teammates would say the same thing. We may not all be Native American Indians...but we are all Sioux.

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As a former athlete, I can back this up. Every one of my teammates was (and still is) proud to wear the Fighting Sioux name and logo, and we represented our school with class, dignity, and honor. We would often get comments from places we competed regarding how respectful and well mannered we were.

I, like Sioux-cia, feel that I am Sioux, and I think all my teammates would say the same thing. We may not all be Native American Indians...but we are all Sioux.


Same here.

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Is that a threat?  The land you are on, you don't think it "wasn't" Indian land at on point?  Instead of crying around about what other Universities are or aren't doing, why don't we focus on what UND needs to do?  Change the name/logo, now that's a good start........


I believe PCM's point was those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Is that a threat? 

No, it's a question. What university in this region should UND be more like? NDSU? SDSU? USD? Minnesota? SCSU? Iowa? Wisconsin? Because the NCAA thinks they're all just fine for Native Americans, given the animal nicknames of their sports teams. And that's really what's most important in your world, isn't it?

The land you are on, you don't think it "wasn't" Indian land at on point?
That's not the point. The point is that whenver UND's use of the Sioux nickanme and logo is discussed, suddenly the land taken from the Indians in the Dakotas is relevant. But in Minnesota, it's not relevant. Why? They've got Goldie Gopher for a mascot, and that enables them to sweep their state's history with Indians under the rug. When UND has a nice, noncontroversial name that makes the high-paid NCAA bureaucrats sitting in their plush offices in Indianapolis, Indiana, happy, it can begin the process of becoming equal.

Instead of crying around about what other Universities are or aren't doing, why don't we focus on what UND needs to do?  Change the name/logo, now that's a good start........


When all the universities I mentioned above come anywhere near doing what UND does for American Indians, then it will be a start.

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Instead of crying around about what other Universities are or aren't doing, why don't we focus on what UND needs to do?  Change the name/logo, now that's a good start........


Why don't you stop crying about UND changing the logo?

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Come on, you didn't really expect anything different from the student newspaper of the flagship university of the People's Republic of Minnesota, did you?


I resent that statement. Governor Pawlenty signed into law legislation making us the People's Democratice Republic of Minnesota just last week.

You hafta love the NCAA, don't you? We don't hear a peep about The Ohio State University and the Maurice Clarett situation anymore. Minnesota doesn't even have a banner recognizing their basketball Final Four team from a few years ago thanks to the scandal involving their coach and players having homework being completed for them. Florida State and Miami have a competition going as to who can recruit the most convicted felons for their programs. The University of Colorado has its hands full with a coach and football players who can't quite control themselves around attractive women. Until he was canned recently, Bob Huggins graduated what, like 1 player in the past 16 years from Cincinnati?

But we brush those issues under the rug and get to an issue that needs real attention and immediate action: school logos. :lol:

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I resent that statement. Governor Pawlenty signed into law legislation making us the People's Democratice Republic of Minnesota just last week.

You hafta love the NCAA, don't you? We don't hear a peep about The Ohio State University and the Maurice Clarett situation anymore. Minnesota doesn't even have a banner recognizing their basketball Final Four team from a few years ago thanks to the scandal involving their coach and players having homework being completed for them. Florida State and Miami have a competition going as to who can recruit the most convicted felons for their programs. The University of Colorado has its hands full with a coach and football players who can't quite control themselves around attractive women. Until recently, Bob Huggins graduated what, like 1 player in the past 16 years from Cincinnati?

But we brush those issues under the rug and get to an issue that needs real attention and immediate action: school logos. :lol:


You also got to love Minnesota's FB recruiting practice of bringing kids to the strip clubs.

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Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette: Letter calls for Schools to Shun Illinois, North Dakota

A letter signed by 90 people, mostly faculty members from various universities, was sent Tuesday to the presidents, chancellors and athletic directors at more than 300 universities. The letter specifically calls for a policy that precludes competition with the UI and the University of North Dakota, which uses the nickname "Fighting Sioux."

  Those signing the letter include 30 UI faculty; 24 faculty from the University of North Dakota; a former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; and representatives from religious, American Indian and other organizations.


Secondly, Kaufman said, "Student-athletes should be aware that Illinois and North Dakota have a problem in their athletic programs, and they should be asking themselves if this is the institution they should come and invest their academic and athletic (talents) in.

  "It certainly gives fuel for other athletic directors to raise this issue with student-athletes and I think it's an issue that should rightfully be raised," Kaufman said. "I can't imagine a student-athlete would want to come and play football at the University of Illinois if they can't play in a bowl game, should they get that far."


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