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Humorus Observations 2004-2005 Sioux


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We always enjoy the laughs we get at Fighting Sioux hockey games. Here are a few.

One of the refs as he excorted a complaining player to the box saying "Get in the box, ya F%$*ing Punk!

Drinking from the opponents water bottle! Or screwing the cap off the bottle so the goalie spills the whole bottle on himself!

Shepard seeking to be the "center of attention" in every way possible!

Walking very slowly out of the Xcel, thoroughly enjoying the moment, after beating the Goofs on their turf!

We could go on but won't you all please share a few of your favorite moments as well?

"Premere Fighting Sioux Hockey Fans of Western North Dakota"

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We always enjoy the laughs we get at Fighting Sioux hockey games. Here are a few.

One of the refs as he excorted a complaining player to the box saying "Get in the box, ya F%$*ing Punk!

Drinking from the opponents water bottle! Or screwing the cap off the bottle so the goalie spills the whole bottle on himself!

Shepard seeking to be the "center of attention" in every way possible!

Walking very slowly out of the Xcel, thoroughly enjoying the moment, after beating the Goofs on their turf!

We could go on but won't you all please share a few of your favorite moments as well?

"Premere Fighting Sioux Hockey Fans of Western North Dakota"


Like I have to tell the goofers----the Exel is not the Mariucci!!! Even though they think it's their arena--- it's not.

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One of the funniest things I saw this season was Andy Schneider getting his stick stuck in the Zamboni door seam behind the net at the Xcel. It was like King Arthur's sword in the stone. Nobody could pull it out. ???

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One of the funniest things I saw this season was Andy Schneider getting his stick stuck in the Zamboni door seam behind the net at the Xcel. It was like King Arthur's sword in the stone. Nobody could pull it out.  ???


What was funnier was the result of it getting stuck. Andy skates by, it gets stuck, and Andy doesn't let go. The result? Andy flies onto his backside. He's quickly back on his skates and tries to get the stick, but it won't come out.

I laughed so hard. And, IIRC, it actually threw Woog and Masucko off their game for a while.

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What was funnier was the result of it getting stuck.  Andy skates by, it gets stuck, and Andy doesn't let go.  The result?  Andy flies onto his backside.  He's quickly back on his skates and tries to get the stick, but it won't come out.

I laughed so hard.  And, IIRC, it actually threw Woog and Masucko off their game for a while.


Not only that, but he tried getting it out, but couldn't. Then he had to go make a play over in the corner, went to deal with that, puck got moved away, he went back to try for the stick AGAIN, and failed again, then finally gave up.

The moment that's on my mind right now is in the 2nd period of the championship game, Prpich was mouthing off to Mannino for quite some time. He was just skating circles around him (literally) just yappin away and laughing like he always does. It was hilarious because you could tell Mannino was fuming.

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My favorite funny of the season was up in Houghton. This series was over Thanksgiving weekend, one week after the UND/Michigan Tech football playoff game. During the Saturday Sioux/Huskie hockey game, things got out of hand near the end of a lopsided Sioux victory. Some fairly obvious penalties went uncalled and some of the locals were getting a bit ticked at the official and were pretty vocal about it. The Sioux brought the puck into the zone with about a minute left and a Tech defenseman literally tackles the guy (sorry, I can't remember the names). The referee blows the whistle (no penalty) as the puck was under the two players now laying on the ice. All is quiet and I stand up and yell:

"Hey Schmidt, the football game was LAST Saturday" in reference to the nice tackle he made on the Sioux player.

Again, I'm not sure what the kid's name was now, but I had the correct name at the game. I just put Schmidt 'cuz it's the first thing that came to mind here. Anyways, I heard several Huskie fans around me chuckle and looked below to the Sioux bench right in front of me and saw a few players bust out laughing.

On a more personal note, it was also the weekend Jordan Parise spent his Friday night on the bench teasing my three year old by making scary faces at him and putting a piece of chewing gum on the boards for him to come and get. He also tossed me a puck after it deflected into the bench. I was pretty happy, but my son wanted to give it back and started crying, saying, "dad, they need it to play hockey." I pretended to toss it back, then put it in my bag for later. Every fan, security guard, and ticket taker I saw the following night walked by saying, "hey, there's the Sioux kid who didn't want the puck." Yep, that's my boy. Five months later, I still ask him who his favorite hockey player is and he shyly responds "Jordan Parise."

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Matt Greene's comment during Tuesday's Sioux Fan Appreciation Night at the Ralph was pretty funny. A video from the Frozen Four was shown on the scoreboard's big screen. Erik Fabian's goals against Minnesota and his celebrations after them were prominently featured. Greene said, "I'd like to thank the Fabian family for making that video." :lol:

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Jake Brandt during the Frozen Four. The Sioux came out from the end of the rink where they were in net twice. So at the start of the second period on both nights, Brandt would skate through the opposing goaltender's crease and scrape his skate across. I think Manneno (sp?) noticed and tried to complain to the refs about it.

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This was during the series against Wisconsin at home late in the season. There was a pileup in front of the net after a whistle but the face off was to be outside the zone. Matt Greene and Robbie Earl were jawwing back and forth the whole way and then Prpich skates by and "taps" Earl in the helmet with his fist which is stll on the end of his stick. I thought it was pretty funny. He reminds me of Marty Shriner.

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3. How many times did Prpich drink the other teams water bottle? 2 or 3 great stuff either way.


At least 2 times - the first I saw it was during the Friday night game against St. Cloud at the Ralph. I saw it live, and my seat was right there at that net. That was a great laugh. Therefore, I wasn't surprised to see him do it during the NC game.

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Everything I did this year was greatly entertaining and humorous.


Don't remember the team against but remember the comeback. Andy was asked by the commentator why the other team was picking on him, Andy's reply, "I guess it's because I'm so good looking."

I have enjoyed Prp all year, drinking out of the water bottle, knocking it off the net as he skated by, his little love taps as he passed the other guys but most of all his big smile as he was making conversation with the opposition--what ever he was saying sure ticked them off. I'm sure he was only making polite conversation about their sexuality, how much he enjoyed meeting their girlfriends, etc. Even when he came out of a scuffle that same great grin was on his face. :lol:

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I would have to say one of the funniest i saw this season was the first game of the wisconsin series at the ralph. I was sitting down on the glass next to the sioux bench, not far from where jake was standing and about half ways thru the game, robbie earl was digging the puck off the boards in front of us, brandt was leaning around the glass and heckling robbie, and then he says heads up Robbie, robbie looked up and preceded to get leveled by one of our defensemen. I about fell out of my seat laughing so hard. I'll never forget that.

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