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One would think that the REA would figure out that the biggest complaint about the facility is the parking situation. It IS the biggest gripe I hear from Sioux Hockey attendees. (A co-worker went to their 1st game at REA against Canisus, and will never go back.)

Since everything at REA is about the almighty dollar, it's amazing that haven't figured out a way to build a parking ramp and charge $3 - $5 a car and make money. (They probably wait until ticket demand decreases and use it as a marketing tool!)


they will never go back because of the parking? yeah ok. i will walk a fricken mile to see the sioux play when i am back in g-forks if need be but to say they won't go back because of the parking seems a little overboard to me.

will this be the 99th thread on REA complaints? hope not... go sioux!!!

One would think that the REA would figure out that the biggest complaint about the facility is the parking situation.  It IS the biggest gripe I hear from Sioux Hockey attendees.  (A co-worker went to their 1st game at REA against Canisus, and will never go back.) 

Since everything at REA is about the almighty dollar, it's amazing that haven't figured out a way to build a parking ramp and charge $3 - $5 a car and make money.  (They probably wait until ticket demand decreases and use it as a marketing tool!)


Did someone say "parking ramp"?

I'd like to see it go somewhere north of the Memorial Union and south of REA (kind of like the story says, "behind Tabula coffee shop") and then connect it to both via skyways.

Then again, what I'd like to see isn't what is most likely.


I have always thought that would be the best place for a parking ramp, the current parking lot behind Tabula's. It seems to be in the middle of campus, and it is close to the REA. Why would they build a ramp on the edge of campus and make them cross a busy street (Columbia).


I have been a season ticket holder since moving into the new arena. A parking ramp is definitely needed, or open up the lots that are rarely close to full to the public.

they will never go back because of the parking? yeah ok. i will walk a fricken mile to see the sioux play when i am back in g-forks if need be but to say they won't go back because of the parking seems a little overboard to me.

will this be the 99th thread on REA complaints? hope not... go sioux!!!


It does seem a little extreme to say someone isn't going to EVER go to another hockey game because of the parking situation. Obviously your co-worker NEVER attended UND -- the parking has ALWAYS been an issue (for students and for fans). For years there have been discussions regarding the parking or lack there of, hopefully with the new arenas there will be another push for alternative parking solutions. A parking ramp would be sweet. For the local casual or non-hockey fan fighting the traffic/parking might be enough for him/her to say "never again"; it would benefit the REA to come up with closer parking access (although I've heard that the shuttle bus system works well -- anyone care to comment on the shuttle system?).

I've heard that the shuttle bus system works well -- anyone care to comment on the shuttle system?).

Shuttle system works great. I have a parking pass for Sioux this year but used the shuttle in previous years and just used it for 2 weeks with the WJ Tourny. There is only 1 drawback as far as I'm concerned. The lines for the bus after the games. If it is really cold out it is awful to stand out there in -25 - -40 windchill. If there was some way to load closer to the doors and form the lines inside it would help a lot. Even as it stands it is much better than walking several blocks.


I enjoy the FREE parking behind Tabula right now. If they build a ramp behind Tabula they better not charge, because you still have to walk two blocks to the arena.

If it's next to the Ralph, then charge. The free parking has always been a nice feature. Most sporting events you walk a long ways and still pay over 5 bucks to park.


It's not just my co-worker. I talked to a number of out-of-towners at the WJ games. When I asked how they like the arena.....all but one commented on the parking.

When you add on the Betty, eliminate some of the existing parking, then have basketball and hockey games at the same time...it only makes the situation worse.

My point is....who wants to be the BEST HOCKEY ARENA in the country.....with the WORST PARKING ?!?!?


I'm definitely up for opening the spots that aren't full to the general public even if the logistics aren't all that easy to do.

But as for basing your entire experience based on the parking: I think it's best that they didn't come back for a few reasons:

1. That leaves one-two parking spaces elsewhere for those who care enough about Sioux hockey to walk it.

2. If they are entering the Ralph already upset about the parking situation, that tends to cloud judgement and shorten restraint, which leads to b****ing about those fans who don't sit there and watch quietly.

Heck, I wait outside for nearly 2 hours to get a good seat upstairs PLUS I park in the Med School parking lot (when I can't park behind that frat). Dedication is all it comes to. If they (or you) want convenience, stay home and tune in on the TV. I hear refreshments are cheaper as well. :(


There's been so much new development around the Ralph, and with plans for more to come, I'd think that adding additional parking would be a logical step in the area's development. A parking ramp just south of the arena and connected to the Ralph would make the most sense to me. It could be used by UND students, faculty and staff during the week and by fans for weekend athletic events.


your right i am just a person who makes it to the ralph 2 or 3 times a year for hockey from az. i do understand improving and it would great to have a ramp near the arena. trust me i understand that. i agree i was just stating that i would never come back because of parking was a little extreme. no big deal.

wow! nice shot a the job reference, you must know that i am a bum that does not understand anything when it comes to MAKING MONEY. i wish my college education would have explained that to me.thanks for the info though. i don't believe i was taking a shot at you, just talking about your co-worker regarding the parking.

happy new year and go sioux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:ohmy:

There's been so much new development around the Ralph, and with plans for more to come, I'd think that adding additional parking would be a logical step in the area's development. A parking ramp just south of the arena and connected to the Ralph would make the most sense to me. It could be used by UND students, faculty and staff during the week and by fans for weekend athletic events.


Just like PCM said, with all the development going on and with plans for more development, they are going to have to think of something like a parking ramp. You just can't keep pushing the parking further and further away from the building, and this includes season ticket holders with parking passes. It is only logical that more parking spots will probably be lost, the more the area is developed.

It is only logical that more parking spots will probably be lost, the more the area is developed.


Unfortunately logic and REA go together like a dress shoe and a box of macaroni.


I have a parking pass with my season tickets and am very happy with the job the parking lot attendants have done this year. ;) Last year was a fiasco, I saw people actually drive so that if the attendant did not move, they would have run them over---not real fun on a cold night. :silly: Many times last year I would have to park far away and then walk through the lot that I paid to park in and see hundreds of cars without passes??? Very tempting to hawk a lugie or key some of these vehicles(I didn't, but it was a thought). It amazes me with all the publicity that the parking situtation has received in all forms of media that it never fails that every game people are driving up and being directed away from the lot and seeing them flip the bird or swear at the attendants or jump the curb or run over barricades??? ;) There are so many ways avaialble to get to the games that I am sorry, but I have no sympathy for the way some people act....pony up $$$ or find another way to the game. That said, I have noticed that with the attendants doing a better job this year, that there are always several spots available in the restricted lots this season. could some one count the spots available and someone else count out the passes issued and subtract the smaller number from the larger one and make some more spots available? :angry:


maybe the rea should have made the soccer field directly to the east on columbia and the once open lots that now have the strip malls on it into extra parking for fans........but that would have made too much sense then wouldnt it? :silly:

could some one count the spots available and someone else count out the passes issued and subtract the smaller number from the larger one and make some more spots available? :silly:


Great post petey and I have wondered for a while why don't they do something like this. I know plenty of people who would have no problem coughing up $5 bucks or so to park in some of these spots, it would be a win/win for everyone.


Why does the REA not have a parking ramp? Because it costs millions of dollars to build them! UND is working on building parking ramps and they will likely build two in the parking lots by Memorial Stadium, one on each side of Columbia Road, with a walkway connecting the two. They are still in the begining phases of it, though.

It would be nice to have a ramp at the REA, especially when the temp drops below 0. But one can always ride a bus from various locations and be dropped off at the main entrance...

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