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What time is everyone planning on getting to campus tomorrow. Are people lining up across from the REA and making a mad dash toward the entrance at 8:00? I'm going to be by my self (I just set myself up) I'm pretty sure I am the only law student trying to get students tickets. Anyway I'm hoping to get in line with some people from SS who don't mind me taking off for extended periods. I have class all day Fri, then I'm either going to the malpractice bowl or going to Fargo to see a friend in the hospital. I plan on being there early Fri and early Sat though.

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Looks like something may be wrong on the servers end. Now don't you feel stupid for making fun of the double poster earlier DMT? :p

Things are running a little slow the past week or so, which probably makes you tempted to hit "submit" a second time which would result in a double-post. My thread hijack over -- back to students trying to get hockey tickets.

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Just like to send out a big f you to the student senate and those responsible for changing the setup to a lottery. Congrats on making students sit outside for 7 hours before you tell them that you are going to give them less than 1 in 8 chances of getting tickets. Of course, when you have 300+ students sitting peacefully outside, theres such a huge chance of people getting injured, so obviously you need to spend 4 hours trying to figure out the best way to screw over the most die-hard fans.

As much as I want my seats, I would love to see the student section half empty because all of the "fans" who get tickets don't actually care about hockey, but just go every now and then because they don't have any frat to go to to play beer pong.

Good job to everyone involved, this really made my day and my weekend. :p

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No one has ever claimed that UND is student friendly. Name me one office on campus that cares more about the students than it does itself. Almost a month into school and I am still fighting with the financial aid office. I don't even know if I am getting financial aid yet this fall!!!! I am tired of UND thinking that it is some big company that is just here to turn a profit and doesn't care about anything else such as how things affect the students.

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Listen very carefullly everyone who think they got screwed. It said right on the sheet that it would be random this year, and that even if you were in the front of the line you wouldn't get priority. It was done similar to this 2 years ago and worked fine. The fact of the matter is that over 2000 students want tickets and there are only 600 lower bowl seats. No one screwed you over, it was YOUR choice to sit in line knowing that it would be random. I was in line havin a good time, i would love to get tickets, i have the past 2 years, but life isn't fair, get over it. The student body president(Jordan Schueltze) gave up all 90 student gov't tickets that they are always guaranteed. Even he isn't guaranteed a ticket, this is the fairest way to do it. None of this should be a surprise so get over it.

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Does anyone else think this is dumb? How are they planning on doing this if we have 8 people in a group do we all get to sit together or does it have to be in there 2 groups of four? People say last year wasnt fair...how is it not fair to wait your turn in line and then get a ticket. If you came out saturday night when everyone else was in line since thursday you arent going to get a ticket. Now groups larger then four arent gaunreented to sit together and people who are enough of a die hard fan to sit in line for 2 nights dont get prefrence over those who couldn't care less. I am very confused about how this whole lottery system is going to work tommorrow and I know a lot of other people are to. And if there are so many students who want tickets why dont they make more avaliable even if they are in the upper bowl, it would be nice to know oyu have a spot for everygame(ex GOPHERS). I have to agree with person who was talking about half of the seats being empty. I want to support the hockey team but I am sick of supporting the ralph and all of their stupid rules. We cant stand, we cant cheer how we want, and now we cant get tickets! Is anyone else as mad, angry, frusterated, and feed up as I am?

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I thought the lottery system was just for the last two rows of 108 and 109. The cards were marked first come first served and, once the remainder of seats in the lower bowl were filled, they were turned away by the guy marking the cards. This would eliminate those standing in line overnight only not to get a ticket?

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It said right on the sheet that it would be random this year, and that even if you were in the front of the line you wouldn't get priority. It was done similar to this 2 years ago and worked fine.

First, there was not supposed to be a randomization. That came about at approximately 2:30 last night. The original plan was to have people line up and stamp their place in line. The reason they did not do this is because too many people lined up last night and, "it wouldn't be fair to the others who came in the morning".

Also, 2 years ago they gave priority to those having bought season tickets the year before. They sent out a letter to them in the summer. All student tickets were GA, and any that weren't sold as a package were handed out the week of the game. The reason they abolished that system was that the Ralph did not want students lining up so early before a game in such high numbers.

So you are wrong, get off your soapbox.

The REAL fact of the matter is that they should not change the system the night before distribution, and that the whole system needs to be reworked AGAIN.

The student government, specifically, dropped the ball on this process, and I guarentee that a vast majority of those who did get tickets will agree. However, I do commend them for giving up their tickets because it was adhering to their "fair" policy.

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even if they are in the upper bowl, it would be nice to know oyu have a spot for everygame(ex GOPHERS). I have to agree with person who was talking about half of the seats being empty. I want to support the hockey team but I am sick of supporting the ralph and all of their stupid rules. We cant stand, we cant cheer how we want, and now we cant get tickets! Is anyone else as mad, angry, frusterated, and feed up as I am?

I totally, wholeheartedly, agree with that.

It's all about the money, and anyone who says it's not should take a hard look at what goes on.

And don't tell me we have it much better than some places...that's exactly my point...better comes at a price


Bring me back to the old ralph and let me tailgate...or even the barn. I just want to watch my *#%@ hockey team.

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No one has ever claimed that UND is student friendly. Name me one office on campus that cares more about the students than it does itself. Almost a month into school and I am still fighting with the financial aid office. I don't even know if I am getting financial aid yet this fall!!!! I am tired of UND thinking that it is some big company that is just here to turn a profit and doesn't care about anything else such as how things affect the students.

I swear some of you guys are over whinning about UND on http://www.UND-fraud.com. talking about how evil and repressive UND is and how the Administration does care about anything but money and it doesn't give people due process. I mean really UND isn't that bad and it doesn't owe you anything. Welcome to the real world. Also you guys are not the losers Vivian Nelson or Glenda Miskin are.

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No one has ever claimed that UND is student friendly. Name me one office on campus that cares more about the students than it does itself. Almost a month into school and I am still fighting with the financial aid office. I don't even know if I am getting financial aid yet this fall!!!! I am tired of UND thinking that it is some big company that is just here to turn a profit and doesn't care about anything else such as how things affect the students.

The reality is that UND is a big business, so is REA. In other words it cost money to run a college and their various department. You can't expect the citizery (tax payers like me and other) to just pick up the bill in the form of higher taxes, I am paying too much the way it is right now. Thats whey they charge fees and tuition.

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Looks like I'll be watching the games on TV. I'm happy to report the student section will have plenty of Freshman girls that will spend 1/2 their time on their cell phones. Of course they'll only go to the games if they don't have any sorority events planed. :p:love::D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Looks like I'll be watching the games on TV. I'm happy to report the student section will have plenty of Freshman girls that will spend 1/2 their time on their cell phones. Of course they'll only go to the games if they don't have any sorority events planed. :love::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:angry:

If I was a young single college guy I would be too upset with that. :huh::0:p

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My student experience at UND isn't particularly apropos, since in the early 90s we could just walk into the games at will (free / not full). I know that after the championship in '97 demand surged while student admission was still free so students would stand outside for hours before each game for admission.

It seems like it would be nice to still have a number of student seats that were individually available for each single game in a first-come first-server manner. That way a student could still go out of their way to get into a few games if they were willing to put in the effort.

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: :love::D:D:D:D

If I was a young single college guy I would be too upset with that. :D:D:p

They should require a basic hockey test for those that want tickets, it would weed out about 1/2 of the people. Then just put chearleader uniforms on the ditzy girls that just go to the games to pick up guys and talk on their phones. So we would easily have enough cheerleaders for each section, plus all the students get tickets. Problem solved.

Is any student on here getting tickets?

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Give me a break. For years, it has been first come first serve at UND. Usually this brought the most die hard fans to the front. If they would have been upfront about this right away, and not had students wait in line for hours before breaking the bad news, then I wouldn't be quite as upset about the whole thing (and im not even a student).

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The reality is that UND is a big business, so is REA. In other words it cost money to run a college and their various department. You can't expect the citizery (tax payers like me and other) to just pick up the bill in the form of higher taxes, I am paying too much the way it is right now. Thats whey they charge fees and tuition.

This discussion has nothing to do with how much money they charge. Its the way they handled the situation that angers many people. I would be happy to pay much more than that if I had any type of security of the seat. When I graduate I am still (assuming I don't move away) going to get tickets.

I just think they put the highest buck above the average student. Students make the team. I pay taxes in this town as well as tuition, so in reality students fork over quite a bit of money to get the "discount" rates on tickets. I also realize that our tuition/taxes/fees and ticket prices are all much lower than many other places, but that can only be used as a cop out answer so many times.

So REA and UND are big businesses...make it worth our while to support the team, and in turn you will make more money.

-"If you build it they will come"

But when you get here you are not guarenteed a ticket, and coming from across the country does not matter. You must stand in line for two days, stand on one leg and keep one eye closed the entire time. Then you can buy your ticket and any

I can't do this anymore. I'm just upset. I couldn't do a better job, so I shouldn't harp on others for that. Its selfish to think Im one of the only people who cares that much about the team.

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I don't know about 'die hard fans' but it appears those with friends on student government got tickets pretty easy. Some had 20-30 tickets on them, each card carrier was supposed to have one.

Overall the process isn't really 'unfair'. It just ticks me off the number of students that go to the games because of the social event, not the game.

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friends of student government were given no priority whatsoever. The fact that you even bring that up is absurd. If you ask many of the good friends to the president or other members of the committee, they also did not recieve tickets. The fact of the matter is if they had more than one lottery ticket, they cheated the system, and that is simply beyond the control of those in charge. You cant blame Jordan for this, and those of you who do, should be ashamed.

And one more fact, we also sit in the center seats in the greatest hockey arena in college sports. There is no bad seat in this whole arena, and anyone who says so is simply wrong. For all of you who are gonna complain about the situation, please keep it to yourselves, or actually take the initiative to give some input into the hockey ticket distribution program.

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friends of student government were given no priority whatsoever. The fact that you even bring that up is absurd. If you ask many of the good friends to the president or other members of the committee, they also did not recieve tickets. The fact of the matter is if they had more than one lottery ticket, they cheated the system, and that is simply beyond the control of those in charge. You cant blame Jordan for this, and those of you who do, should be ashamed.

And one more fact, we also sit in the center seats in the greatest hockey arena in college sports. There is no bad seat in this whole arena, and anyone who says so is simply wrong. For all of you who are gonna complain about the situation, please keep it to yourselves, or actually take the initiative to give some input into the hockey ticket distribution program.

From my experience with the last two ticket distributions I've found they are very unorginized, they change the way they do things at the last minute. If they are going to have a lottery - then have a lottery. I saw the person handing out tickets give a couple of arm lengths worth to his buddies. I just assumed this person was with the student government. I still think I assumed correctly.

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I saw the person handing out tickets give a couple of arm lengths worth to his buddies.

Though you always hate to be the jerk, raising a very public stink when you see something like that happening will usually shame them out of it. Bringing it to the attention of his/her boss probably even gets the friends all DQ'ed and the employee reprimanded/fired. After the fact, there's not much that can be done.

I agree that the big mistake here seems to be the last minute change in procedures. If everyone knew in advance how the system was going to work it could have been carefully planned and people would be disappointed when they didn't get tickets, but wouldn't feel they were treated unfairly.

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