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RACK ME, I AM OUT!!!!!!!!


The Boston Bruins are going to win the Stanley Cup this season. Second choice is the Colorado Av's... Detroit is going to be lucky to get to the Division Semis.

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Boston isn't deep enough to make it to the Finals.

I'm not even sure the Devils will make it, but they are deep.

In any case, I'll say about Colorado as you say about Boston. ANYONE but Colorado. And, if that anyone is Detroit, I won't complain. :D

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Just in case any team but Toronto makes it to the Finals from the East, then I will root for ANYONE but Colorado to beat them. I hope this clears things up. I obviously want, and believe my beloved Red Wings can & will win it all this year!! I really want them to face Toronto in the finals.

........and by the way, our Detroit Tigers just beat the Toronto Blue Jays on opening day!!!!!!!


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The Av's are a playoff team, and will surprise many this year! I just hope their goaltending improves at the right time. They are deep with talent, so I hope they do well. It's just not the same cheering them on without Roy!

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Don't be surprised if the Islanders beat Tampa. The Isles went 3-1 and just seem to be one of those teams that Tampa struggles against.

That being said, the Isles haven't played so well lately and will lose.

I really think Toronto and Philly will be gunning for the cup. Too bad they are in the same conference.

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My pick for the Stanley Cup series?? Detroit versus Toronto. An Orginal Six matchup, with a Canadian team in the mix. Would be very good for the game to have an exciting matchup like that after the whole Bertuzzi deal and right before they try to hammer out that CBA.

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Detroit should be the favorite. Legace has proven himself this year.

Even with Brodeur, the Devils need Stevens back to win the cup.

I am amzed by Legace, myself. I always thought of him as an excellent clutch goaltender who was good for a game here and there as a backup. Actually, I thought of him as the best backup goaltender in the NHL.

I never thought of him as a legitamite starting goaltender as many backups for the Wings had gone on and failed terribly.

He is truly excellent and I am pleasantly surprised.

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As long as the Avs don't win it I'll be fine. I would not mind seeing the Red Wings go all the way, just to prove that old athletes can still play a physically demanding game at the highest level. However, I want to see Legace in net, he deserves a shot at carrying the team to the cup, besides Hasek is out, and Cujo has proven to be an injury wild card as well.

I will cheer for Nashville and Calgary first because they seem to be the underdog teams and everyone loves to see the underdog win...except maybe Avs fans (remember last year?...third year expansion team going to the 3rd round of the playoffs...priceless!)

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Boston isn't deep enough to make it to the Finals.

Please, please... Your speaking like a true Detroit Redwings fan. Boston is loaded and ready for the playoffs. Boston has one of the best line in hockey aka the 700 pound line. Boston had great big monser defensemen just like UND with two mobile defenseman to bring the puck up ice and run the power play. Slegar and Gonchar. The only question mark I see is Goaltending and Raycroft is awesome when he needed to be.

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I kinda like Canadian teams to make the playoffs too but I care more for the Western teams and Montreal than TO or Ottawa.

I don't understand the negativity towards new blood making the playoffs? I think it is more exciting to see different teams have a chance.

How can anyone care about seeing the boring, clutching Devils win again?

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I kinda like Canadian teams to make the playoffs too but I care more for the Western teams and Montreal than TO or Ottawa.

I don't understand the negativity towards new blood making the playoffs? I think it is more exciting to see different teams have a chance.

How can anyone care about seeing the boring, clutching Devils win again?

Great post. I hope Nashville kicks Detroits @$$. I think that would be great story almost as cool as Detroit losing to the Mighty Ducks last year. I want to see Boston play Toronto this playoff season so the mighty Bruins beat the Make Me Laughs so then I can rub it in my buddies face all summer when we are golfing, I love watching him flip out when the leafs lose, he threw a chair through the wall in our appartment after the great one score to bury his team (I believe it was 1992 or something like that). The year the Rangers won the cup he snapped after Pavel Bure scored to bury the Leafs again, he was taping the game, took the tape out of the VCR and threw into the street, the tape broke into pieces. Anger Management might be needed.

I like seeing Edmonton doing well from Canada but that is about the only team, hate the Dirty Habs, respect the Leafs but not a hugh fan. I really can't stand Vancover, care less about the Flames. Again hate the Canucks especially after Bertuzzis antics the last couple of years. Don't like the Senators style of play, too many euros on their team, will get bounced from the playoffs in the first or second round again this season.

Edited by Goon
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Ruffian is correct about the debbies. Other than the 6-7 people who actually know them and like them nobody else cares what happens to the debs. Ya see, debbies fans are the illegtimate offspring of Islanders fans who are nothing more than disgruntled Rangers fans---of which there are about 6-7 million the past seven years.

The East is totally up for grabs; as even as it has ever been. It's gonna be extremely difficult getting by Detroit in the West.

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Goon, you respect the Leafs but dislike the Canucks because of Bertuzzi? What about Domi's antics? Or Darcy Tucker's theatrics, acting like he's motally wounded only to come back the next shift? Marchment is more well known for dirty play than Bertuzzi excluding Bert's last act.

Neither the Leafs nor the Senators have my respect.

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Goon, you respect the Leafs but dislike the Canucks because of Bertuzzi? What about Domi's antics? Or Darcy Tucker's theatrics, acting like he's motally wounded only to come back the next shift? Marchment is more well known for dirty play than Bertuzzi excluding Bert's last act.

Neither the Leafs nor the Senators have my respect.

I think Domi has a role and does it well, however, that being said you probably won't see him very much during the playoffs a couple shifts a period, unless Domi starts pumping in goals. As for Marchment the guy is a thug, dirty player and I have no love for this guy, some of the things he as done on the ice the last couple of years is your basic goonary... I think Matts Sundin is a great player that needs to step it up if he team is going to advance in the playoffs. I have no problem with Darcy Tucker, I think he is a hard nosed player.

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I think Domi has a role and does it well, however, that being said you probably won't see him very much during the playoffs a couple shifts a period, unless Domi starts pumping in goals. As for Marchment the guy is a thug, dirty player and I have no love for this guy, some of the things he as done on the ice the last couple of years is your basic goonary... I think Matts Sundin is a great player that needs to step it up if he team is going to advance in the playoffs. I have no problem with Darcy Tucker, I think he is a hard nosed player.

I agree with your sentiments about Domi. He is a lot like Scott Parker in the fact that he is basically useless outside of a boxing ring.

Darcy Tucker is a diver, but there are a ton of those out there (Hockey East?). Marchment, I believe, isn't much of a cheap player other than a hard hitter. A lot like David Hale when he came back from injury. He hits everything and everyone in sight. He is also a strong defensive defenseman who can contribute, so I don't think Marchment is cheap.

I don't understand Bertuzzi or McSorley as to what caused them to "snap" on the ice. At least Bertuzzi had the reputation before the incident of not being particualarly cheap.

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