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On To Bowling Green


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On 9/8/2016 at 0:53 PM, ZiggyZoomba97 said:

Hope you folks are as ready as we (BG fans) are to put week 1 behind you and move on to week 2!!!   As I've posted before on this board, looking forward to this game a lot.   Playing Ohio State is interesting and nice pay-check for the school, and playing and beating teams like Maryland and Purdue last year was fun, but personally I really enjoy these non-conference games, with like-minded fans who follow and root for a non Power-5 team, and teams that are, for the most part, playing for a conference championship above all else.  

Making the drive back to BG from Chicago for this one...hoping to run into some Fighting Sioux fans...errrr, sorry, Fighting Hawks :)  at and around the tailgates.  If I see green it's a free beer for you.

Both teams need this win to get back on track so I'm expecting a good game.  Those in this thread who I saw are worried about your O-line opening up holes and running the ball, well, if BG has had a consistent weakness, even when they have had good teams, it's their run defense.  I see UND moving the ball well on the ground as long as you can keep the safeties honest with some play-action or at least a serviceable passing game.  BG needs to get their passing game clicking.  I was at the game last week against OSU and there were a number of plays where BG had wide open WRs but the QB (Knapke) didn't see them or threw the ball well behind them.  BG's chances to win this week's game hing on better QB play in my opinion. Personally I'd like to see James Morgan get more snaps over Knapke (the starter in the OSU game). The BG Oline did a great job last week so we are hoping that can continue.

So yeah, game probably comes down to that.  If UND can maintain long drives on the ground and control the clock, you win.  If BG can start hitting on the longer passes and get big plays from the WRs, BG probably wins.

Should be a good game!

Side note, if anyone is heading to BG for the game, stop in Myles Pizza Pub for a pizza...you won't regret it.




When are you guys gonna apply to the NCHC??  quit messing around in the WCHA.


Go Sioux, Beat Bowling Green pumpkin heads !!




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3 minutes ago, the cornerback teacher said:

Wow sad to hear that !

I should clarify.... the the two that left were and it appears Dulin isn't getting much done.  Chris Carter has been a positive addition all-around.  Sorry to lump them all together.

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