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1 hour ago, nd1sufan said:

And yet most on this board are begging for more FBS transfers to fill holes left by FBS transfers that either left or were kicked off the team. Anyboby seeing a trend and figuring out JUCO and FBS transfers are not the way to go? How many transfers have made significant contributions to UND FB the last 3 years? Would those scholarships have been beter utilized developing freshmen? 

I don't think UND is anywhere close to at the stage of "relying on transfers"...but when you inherit a talent deficient roster it doesn't hurt to take a few flyers to get some immediate help and depth.  Some have worked out...some have not...however I would agree I hope to see the trend decrease to the point where you are only taking them on in unique cases (like a running back you recruit that tries to play at a higher level and then comes back when the writing is on the wall...aka King Frazier). 

NDSU, while not historically relying on them, has more transfers on the team than one would think...although they tend to draw transfers from lower-division programs.  I personally don't like this trend...as it treats North Star and NSIC schools as de facto junior colleges...however most of these kids are walk-ons drawn to NDSU's success...so I can't fault your program for it at all.

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1 hour ago, nd1sufan said:

I am not saying never take one, maybe one or two a year tops, but if you have 15 to 20 on your roster, it is too many. Frazier is a kid Klieman and NDSU were recruiting whenhe was in high school. They knew him from back then. Thet is a little different than taking a kid that was kicked off his previous schools team.  

For following Sioux sports as much as you do, apparently you weren't aware that we were and are thin at CB and needed and still need some immediate help.  I'm pretty sure most all of us on here and Bubba as well would agree that it's not the intent to try and make a living off transfers and a couple of years from now I think we will rarely taking FBS transfers. However we are thin at some spots and we want to win now...not wait another 2-3 years.  It's really a simple concept, but I guess you don't get it (as well as some other Bison posters who like to bash us for it)  We should have made the playoffs last year, JIS played last year where as a true freshman that we could have given a scholarship to probably wouldn't have been ready to play last year.   I definitely agree that many do not turn out, however I'm still glad they are trying to fill the gaps where needed to win now.  Pretty easy to say that coming from your position of depth at every position after winning multiple championships. 

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8 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

For following Sioux sports as much as you do, apparently you weren't aware that we were and are thin at CB and needed and still need some immediate help.  I'm pretty sure most all of us on here and Bubba as well would agree that it's not the intent to try and make a living off transfers and a couple of years from now I think we will rarely taking FBS transfers. However we are thin at some spots and we want to win now...not wait another 2-3 years.  It's really a simple concept, but I guess you don't get it (as well as some other Bison posters who like to bash us for it)  We should have made the playoffs last year, JIS played last year where as a true freshman that we could have given a scholarship to probably wouldn't have been ready to play last year.   I definitely agree that many do not turn out, however I'm still glad they are trying to fill the gaps where needed to win now.  Pretty easy to say that coming from your position of depth at every position after winning multiple championships. 

Based on his post, I don't think he was saying UND has too many, more that teams need to be cautious about how many FBS transfers they bring in. These players can really be boom or bust, as we have seen. Tillman was a great asset for UND, as was Hanson. Whereas Arrington certainly didn't pan out (obviously there were some injuries.

FBS transfers should really only be brought in for two reasons, if they are a significant improvement over the players you currently have, or if you are think at the position. We could certainly use some additional depth at corner this season and maybe next season. After that we should be better positioned based on the recent recruits. I think it is okay to start a true freshman at CB, but to possibly start a few at the same time is a little scary.

Which team was it that had brought in a ton of transfers? Jacksonville St this past year, or Illinois St the year before? I feel like I remember one of those two teams were a bit of a surprise because they had brought in so many new players. 

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13 hours ago, nd1sufan said:

And yet most on this board are begging for more FBS transfers to fill holes left by FBS transfers that either left or were kicked off the team. Anyboby seeing a trend and figuring out JUCO and FBS transfers are not the way to go? How many transfers have made significant contributions to UND FB the last 3 years? Would those scholarships have been beter utilized developing freshmen? 

Last three years? CB Alex Tillman (Houston) was great and WR Clive Georges (Arizona), if he stays healthy, could have a huge season in 2016. Even Jordan Hinojosa (Minnesota) was solid before he left. The lack of overall commitment to the UND program is the major downside with some FBS transfers, so I'll agree with you on that. 

However, Bubba is entirely dedicated to developing local (North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin), high school talent through the program. That IS the way he is building the program; however, when certain spots are thin, are you supposed to just let those spots fail and negatively affect your team? Of course not. JUCOs and FBS transfers can play right away and that's their major draw. WR, CB, and even OL are thin positions on the squad so they are being addressed anyway possible, including JUCOs and FBS transfers. It's only year 3 of Bubba's program; still going to take another year or two to have the roster completely saturated with the players that Bubba's staff recruited.

NDSU and Bohl used plenty of JUCOs when getting their program first rolling, and currently, NDSU will expect a couple transfers to contribute. To imply UND is building their program with transfers is just silly because that's entirely inaccurate. 

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I watched HUDL video for each of our CB's. It appears they had no issue with man coverage coming in. This is why were offered a chance to play at the collegiate level. Put a player in the right scheme and preach the proper technique and they tend to do well and even excel. Not sayin our guys won't get beat on occasion because the opponents are on scholarships also. Guys at the pro level get beat.  But we do have guys that can play at high level. 

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9 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

Last three years? CB Alex Tillman (Houston) was great and WR Clive Georges (Arizona), if he stays healthy, could have a huge season in 2016. Even Jordan Hinojosa (Minnesota) was solid before he left. The lack of overall commitment to the UND program is the major downside with some FBS transfers, so I'll agree with you on that. 

Siouxfan512 is right. I am not saying UND takes more transfers than a lot of FCS schools. I just don't think it is a good practice. I would guess that at least half of the FBS transfers end up leaving before their eligibility is up. That is not good for the program. And what difference does it make if you go 3-8 and 6-5 instead of 5-6 and 7-4? In the long run it is better to take your lumps with 4 and 5 year program kids, even if it means you lose a couple of extra games. 

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3 minutes ago, nd1sufan said:

Siouxfan512 is right. I am not saying UND takes more transfers than a lot of FCS schools. I just don't think it is a good practice. I would guess that at least half of the FBS transfers end up leaving before their eligibility is up. That is not good for the program. And what difference does it make if you go 3-8 and 6-5 instead of 5-6 and 7-4? In the long run it is better to take your lumps with 4 and 5 year program kids, even if it means you lose a couple of extra games. 

It makes a huge difference for the perception of the program. Each win is massively important in this rebuilding process. The FBS guys brought in by Bubba have all contributed even if they didn't stay till graduation.  It's better than throwing a true freshman out there before he's ready.

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18 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

It makes a huge difference for the perception of the program. Each win is massively important in this rebuilding process. The FBS guys brought in by Bubba have all contributed even if they didn't stay till graduation.  It's better than throwing a true freshman out there before he's ready.

Exactly....last year we were 7-4 which is definitely better than 6-5 and by most peoples opinion we should have made the playoffs.  Making the playoffs should help you in recruiting the following year and help the perception of the program.  We want to win now, not wait another 2-3 years from now.   I don't at all consider us mortgaging the future for short term gain by picking up one or two more transfers than we normally would in the off season. In another year or two those types of transfers will drop.

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34 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

It makes a huge difference for the perception of the program. Each win is massively important in this rebuilding process. The FBS guys brought in by Bubba have all contributed even if they didn't stay till graduation.  It's better than throwing a true freshman out there before he's ready.

I am  not for playing true freshmen either. But maybe a redshirt freshman could have been out there gaining valuable experience instead of sitting behind a transfer who was only going to play in some cases 1 year. That experience a young player or players gets may result in an extra win or two when you are competitive and vying for playoff positioning.

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58 minutes ago, nd1sufan said:

I am  not for playing true freshmen either. But maybe a redshirt freshman could have been out there gaining valuable experience instead of sitting behind a transfer who was only going to play in some cases 1 year. That experience a young player or players gets may result in an extra win or two when you are competitive and vying for playoff positioning.

This was not the case at DT and CB for us. Those two FBS guys were essential to fill a need which allowed guys to redshirt or be brought along slowly as true fr. The WR was also a need because we lacked explosive edge guys and he had a couple years of eligibility to contribute and allow the coaches to bring in guys behind him. Right now I can't think of any other FBS guys brought in by Bubba.

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Most FBS transfers drop down to FCS to either get playing time that they were not getting at the FBS level or they had "minor" infractions that necessitated the transfer. So skill and maturity wise...there isn't much difference between a true or red shirt freshman and a FBS transfer in my opinion. If a guy is lighting it up at the FBS level, would he really consider playing FCS? 

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On 7/9/2016 at 10:56 AM, geaux_sioux said:

But everyone had Santiago pegged to get his RS pulled and contribute immediately. His hs film was amazing.

I will admit this guy initially got my attention 

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On 7/9/2016 at 10:56 AM, geaux_sioux said:

But everyone had Santiago pegged to get his RS pulled and contribute immediately. His hs film was amazing.

I will admit this guy initially got my attention 


I'm more of a defense guy 

I hope UND will have a outstanding O line for Santiago

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