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Tech at the Champs

sioux fan in phoenix

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What did Bochenski say about the trumpet guy? And while I'm asking, what did anyone who was at the game think of him? I thought it was something new and different, and it actually involved the fans more than anything else they've tried this year. Will we see this happening again next season (or something like it)?

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What did Bochenski say about the trumpet guy? And while I'm asking, what did anyone who was at the game think of him? I thought it was something new and different, and it actually involved the fans more than anything else they've tried this year. Will we see this happening again next season (or something like it)?

I thought it was cool, but in fact it was too little too late for this season.

I was also impressed by the Breezer macot. So much so, that I was praying for him to come to Section 108. Last game of the season, probably my last game as a UND student in the lower bowl (I might get to a few games next fall)... it might have been worth while to rip its head off and throw it on the ice. ???

My neighbor didn't like it much. But I thought it was a good idea that should have been implemented earlier in the season simply because it got the deacbeats in other parts of the arena to cheer.

In other news: I'm happy Prpich was alright.

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So what hotel is Tech staying at? Will they be getting a full week of car alarms, fireworks, phone calls, sirens, and "deliveries." every night all week? Not that the Sioux need will need it... ???

Why, UND doesn't need much help with beating Tech. I would tend to say that Tech will be 2 and done this next weekend.

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I still believe that CB should have sent a player over to say that the second goal should not count. That is a cheap way for the momentum to change. I realize we have had our share of goals taken away, but it still would have been the classy thing to do.

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Under the rules, the coaches have no say in it. It's the referee's call to make. In making the decision, he can only talk to the goal judge and the ARs. The replay can't be considered in the referee's decision.

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Under the rules, the coaches have no say in it. It's the referee's call to make. In making the decision, he can only talk to the goal judge and the ARs. The replay can't be considered in the referee's decision.

I realize that it can't technically be considered, but a UND player could have said that he saw it didn't go in. The ref would probably listen to him, no matter how the UND player got the info.

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So I am as close to certain as I can be on this, but I was told I was wrong last night. The goal could have been called off even though Mason said it was a goal, right? Mason could have talked to the goal judge and the goal judge could've said it wasn't a goal, therefore no goal, right?

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So I am as close to certain as I can be on this, but I was told I was wrong last night. The goal could have been called off even though Mason said it was a goal, right?

Yes, Mason could have waved off the goal if the goal judge or the ARs had told him that the puck hadn't gone in and he felt they had a better view of it than he did. But if you read the USCHO recap, you'll see that's not what happened.

Mason apparently was the only one of the officials who had a good view of it. Neither the ARs nor the goal judge could tell him that his intial call was wrong. Therefore, for lack of evidence to the contray, his call stood.

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I realize that it can't technically be considered, but a UND player could have said that he saw it didn't go in. The ref would probably listen to him, no matter how the UND player got the info.

I agree with you that it wasn't good for the momentum of the game to swing based on a non-goal. However, the players, coaches and officials have to stick to the rules. Mason followed the procedure outlined in the rules, which does not include getting input from players and coaches. Unfortunately, he had to make a decision and he made the wrong one.

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Under no circumstances do you ask the ref to take away one of your goals. It's a part of the game and it goes for any sport. "Sir I tripped that player can I get two minutes in the penalty box." You might keep your mouth shut, but you don't tell them it was a no goal.

The only reason we are having this discussion is because of the scoreboard at the Ralph. Maybe the WCHA should change the rule and allow replays in arenas that have the capabilities.

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Yes, Mason could have waved off the goal if the goal judge or the ARs had told him that the puck hadn't gone in and he felt they had a better view of it than he did. But if you read the USCHO recap, you'll see that's not what happened.

Awww...read....screw that. ???

I just wanted to make sure that the ref could ask others. Silly people questioning me.

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Under no circumstances do you ask the ref to take away one of your goals.

Very true, especially in a tie game. Another reason we're having this discussion is because we know that UND went on to score three more goals. With 20-20 hindsight, it's easy to say that we should have insisted that Fuher's goal not count. But if the Sioux had won 2-1, would people be so eager to give away the game-winning goal?

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Very true, especially in a tie game. Another reason we're having this discussion is because we know that UND went on to score three more goals. With 20-20 hindsight, it's easy to say that we should have insisted that Fuher's goal not count. But if the Sioux had won 2-1, would people be so eager to give away the game-winning goal?

Why would Blais tell Mason he made the wrong call on a goal? Mason would have had a better view of the play than Blais. Blais may think it was the wrong call, but you better be awfully certain you are right before you beg a goal to be taken from you.

Blown calls are part of the game. If you have a call go against you, you can't expect the other team to go to bat for you. If a similar situation happened later in the game, do you think the Tech coach or team would reciprocate? You don't know.

You let the refs make the calls. You complain when you think you got screwed. You know they won't change the call.

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Take anything you can get. The ref was quickly adamant that the Fuher's shot was a goal. His angle was not that good. Top corner. Who are we to say anything else, although I did not see any TV slo-mo replays.

From where I was sitting, I saw some rubber twitch the twine. That's a goal in my book.

Or does the entire puck need to be inside the cage?

What surprised me most is that they did not immediately drop the puck. Although it has already been said here earlier, I thought that there is no replay in the regular season.

Tech sucks. If we keep our focus, and look to jump on them early, we'll take two in relatively business-like fashion and hit the road for the real wars.

If we take them lightly, and I do not think that that will happen, it could turn into a struggle. I don't want a replay of that nail biter from last year for the right to go to the Final Five.

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