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Since the Sioux will finish in FIRST PLACE. They will play the winner of the Thursday game. Which will most likely be Denver over the Goofers.

I belive in the past the First place Team has played the afternoon game. This is done to allow them the easiest route to the championship by playing a tired play in team winner from Thursday nights game. Of course if the Goofers do make it to the Final 5 and they do win the play in game they would get to play the night game. This would happen becasue they are the Goofers and they seem to make the rules in the WCHA. I of course don't agree with it but that seems to be how it is. After all Minnesota is the " State of hockey". That being said it is funny, I have lived in the Twin Cities since 1992 and the NEWS Papers and TV Sports shows hardly ever mention hockey. Basketball, Baseball and Football all dominate the airwaves but not much on hockey. Alos to get any info on college hocky one must use the internet. If the Goofers loose the story is burried in the back of the sports section. If they win it is front page. Very very odd. The Grand Forks Herald covers more hockey on a weekday than the Minneapolis Star Tribune does in a week.

The other oddity is I find myself starting to like Doug Woog. He seems to defend the Sioux when the games were on FSN now that he isn;t coaching. Very odd.

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The first place team is supposed to play on Friday night. The last 3 years the Gophers have been a 2 or 3 seed, so to increase ticket revenues they played in the night game, with 1 vs. 4 playing in the afternoon. The home team (if they make the tourney) always plays the night games to increase the attendence (hence increasing ticket and concession revenues). It just so happens the Gophers haven't been a 1 or a 4 seed the last 3 years.

Snake...Minnesota IS the state of hockey, take it from a former Minnesota (youth) hockey player.

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Since the Sioux will finish in FIRST PLACE. They will play the winner of the Thursday game. Which will most likely be Denver over the Goofers.

I belive in the past the First place Team has played the afternoon game. This is done to allow them the easiest route to the championship by playing a tired play in team winner from Thursday nights game. Of course if the Goofers do make it to the Final 5 and they do win the play in game they would get to play the night game. This would happen becasue they are the Goofers and they seem to make the rules in the WCHA. I of course don't agree with it but that seems to be how it is. After all Minnesota is the " State of hockey". That being said it is funny, I have lived in the Twin Cities since 1992 and the NEWS Papers and TV Sports shows hardly ever mention hockey. Basketball, Baseball and Football all dominate the airwaves but not much on hockey. Alos to get any info on college hocky one must use the internet. If the Goofers loose the story is burried in the back of the sports section. If they win it is front page. Very very odd. The Grand Forks Herald covers more hockey on a weekday than the Minneapolis Star Tribune does in a week.

The other oddity is I find myself starting to like Doug Woog. He seems to defend the Sioux when the games were on FSN now that he isn;t coaching. Very odd.

Actually TH was talking about this last year and I think that last year was supposed to be the last year this was going to happen. However, if the Goofers get into the thursday game and win and UND was the number one seed then this would mute point anyways wouldn't it.

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The other oddity is I find myself starting to like Doug Woog. He seems to defend the Sioux when the games were on FSN now that he isn;t coaching.

Yeah, especially when he talks about how UND always signs canadian kids, like it is a bad thing. Or how about when he talked for a couple weeks in a row on how UND always rewards phantom assists to its players when playing a home game.

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Don't kid yourself Woog does not defend the Sioux, He is as anti Sioux as anyone in that program, probably still holds a grudge for getting his ass kicked by the Sioux during his coaching tenure. I have heard him talk about the phantom assist thing on more than one occasion. Wooger Sucks!

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Two questions. How many national titles did Woog win during his tenure? How many national titles did the Sioux win during Woog's tenure? Answers later!!!!

So Blais is now anti-Minnesota because Lucia has two national titles during his tenure with the Gophers, while Blais has none?

How is that relevant? Woog didn't get his "ass kicked" by the Sioux. His career record vs. North Dakota proves that. Maybe he's anti-North Dakota because he's a former Gopher All-American. Or maybe because he was the head coach for 13-14 years. Or maybe because he's still employed by the University. Or maybe because he's working Gopher television broadcasts on Fox Sports North.

Blais takes shots at Minnesota and its players when he's interviewed...nobody here points out that bias...why?

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TC . . . . .

You do your initials disfavor. Do you really think that Blais would have left the most storied program in all of college hockey, with a world class arena on the drawing board, to step into the rat's nest left by Coach Woog?

Blais has had a level of success during his tenure at North Dakota that Don will match only in his dreams. Sure, back to back. Can't take that away from you Jimmy Carter. Who, pray tell, will be president when the Gopher ship next passes this way again?

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Sorry. I forgot. He's still bitter they picked Lucia over him in 1999. Thanks for the reminder.

So you ARE that obtuse. Also so obtuse that you forgot that Deano was your team's first choice and when UND signed him to a long term deal, your team went after, and got, Donnie "The Mercenary" Lucifer, even though CC made him a very lucrative offer to stay.

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Blais has had a level of success during his tenure at North Dakota that Don will match only in his dreams.
While my comment was tongue-in-cheek, the above is a ridiculous statement.

Level of success like two national titles (Lucia did that), a runner up at NCAAs (Lucia did that), three straight league titles (Lucia did that first), a 67.8 winning percentage (Lucia has that at CC and Minnesota).

I'm sure most Minnesota fans would agree that both are outstanding hockey coaches...as well as, we wouldn't trade the Don for any other coach in the country. I'm sure NoDak feels the same way about Blais.

So you ARE that obtuse. Also so obtuse that you forgot that Deano was your team's first choice and when UND signed him to a long term deal, your team went after, and got, Donnie "The Mercenary" Lucifer, even though CC made him a very lucrative offer to stay.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Blais signed the deal after Dienhart and Schemmel hopped on a plane to talk to Lucia. They were on a plane to Denver within two hours of Woog's press conference.

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Got to admit that Lucia did a hell of a job winning 3 league titles in CC (no NCs), but went to MN and won 2 NCs (no league titles). Coaching style change?

Good for him. I still say I like Blais better...and I wonder why?? ???

The teeth? ;)

It's a no-loose choice IMO. Both good guys, good recruiters, & outstanding coaches. Blais may have the advantage, being a MN alum and all. :D

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Well let me put it this way Woog got his as# kicked by the Sioux during the Blais era. The Sioux were down in the early 90's. Even most goofer fans will say Woog is an airhead. Too bad he is not still the coach. 1979 and Golden Chokers would still be very prevalent in taunting the Goofies.

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...the most storied program in all of college hockey...

NDH, Oh for please ;) ....UND is NOT the most storied program in all of college hockey...it is ONE of the most storied along with several others, but to say it is the most storied is as ridiculus as some of TC's comments!

Deal with it, UND is not the only program in college hockey, that is the Gopher's fans perspective! ???:ohmy::D

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There is no way no how that any sane minded person would trade Blais for Lucia. Both good coaches, no doubt. But Blais is a risk taker and I love that part about him and that reason alone puts him above Lucia. Case in point.......Against BC inthe NC game he pulled the goalie with almost four minutes left and almost stole that championship game if it wasn't for Clemenson making an unbelievable save on Whitey Lundbohm rocket in OT. I tjink Blais also pulled the goalie I think in 2000 as well on St. Cloud and almost took the Final five that year as well. Lucia has never done that....that I have seen. Blais is the best in the land....period.

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Thanks PCM - I've been in (paying attention WPoS / AKA dinner party guy???? ) Palm Desert, CA for a week of sun, golf, and general laziness.

With the Gophers taking a SCSU like swoon my enthusiasm has not been very high so I've been lurking some and posting little.

Congrats on your impending WCHA title. :D

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Thanks PCM - I've been in (paying attention WPoS / AKA dinner party guy???? ) Palm Desert, CA for a week of sun, golf, and general laziness. 

With the Gophers taking a SCSU like swoon my enthusiasm has not been very high so I've been lurking some and posting little.

Congrats on your impending WCHA title.  ;)

CA, FLA, what difference does it make...except CA has more hockey players!

When have I EVER paid attention to you GE?!?!? Not on the ice that's for sure! :D


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