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We then talked about what could be done to better things at the Ralph atmosphere wise.

We talked about the technology at the Ralph.  I brought up your points about the song lyrics and stuff.  He told me that, when he brought that up, Roger Thomas took the blame for neglecting that.  There are plans to put up a similar display during the Sieve chant that the Pepsi Center in Denver does when Colorado scores a goal.  There will be waves of water that run around the marquis with the words "SIEVE" either along the wave or on the jumbotron.  They are working on the lyrics bit.

Now if you could get Hennin to shut his yap while the puck is in play, I would be a happy man! :p

As for the facia ring I thought that they were going to have the scores from the WCHA and the rest of the NCAA! What happened? :huh:

Keep up the great work RW77!

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Now if you could get Hennin to shut his yap while the puck is in play, I would be a happy man! :p

As for the facia ring I thought that they were going to have the scores from the WCHA and the rest of the NCAA! What happened? :huh:

Keep up the great work RW77!

We talked about that too. Forgot to put it in the post. We said that whatever the band is required to do in terms of when and when not to play should apply to Scott.

We talked about how more technology and what is said needs to be less commercial and more student oriented. He's going to mention it. He didn't like Hennin hogging up the talk during puck play either. Who knows if anything will come by it

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What are they going to do clear out the student section.

I'm beginning to think that there are many people who would like to see that happen, and sadly, these are people who hold positions of power.

Are some of the chants tasteless and vulgar? No doubt

Are there some fans who get out of hand? OF course and they can deal with these types of people accordingly.

Anytime this is brought up, people like to say that they are not trying to single out the students nor do they want to take anything away from the atmosphere the students bring to the games, but if you look back over the last couple of seasons, the students have had to give up a lot and it looks like Kupchella's head hunting mission could only make it worse.

It is a hockey game, not a church service.

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Every School has its share of obnoxious fans, as do we. i sure would not want to go to a school that is labeled as being classless, but UND doesnt have a bad reputation what so ever. I think a great thing about our mascot is that nobody can really make fun of it..i mean the gophers come to town..and we show clips of caddyshack..and gophers gettin hit and stuff, but you can bet your @ss that when the sioux played 2 weekends ago that at the mariucci they werent showing graphics of someone shooting squanto..;)

I wonder if Kupchella knows about hte little knows clause of "Double Secret Probation"..hhahaha

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Hey!!!! I stated that. Not that putz Redwing. :lol:

"Roll out the barrel...

We've got the blues on the run.."

Nothing like singing, swaying, and playing that song.

Sorry, I had a problem with the quoting deal. My Mom played the beer barrel polka at her wedding last September. :p

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...i mean the gophers come to town..and we show clips of caddyshack..and gophers gettin hit and stuff, but you can bet your @ss that when the sioux played 2 weekends ago that at the mariucci they werent showing graphics of someone shooting squanto..;)

They didn't show anything at The John, because they don't have big-screen video.

They do have a pretty funny public address guy, tho.

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