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Sioux at SCSU-Saturday


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Yeah yeah. The red headed stepchild that nobody wanted just went and won your cute little league. I certainly hope that sticks in your craw.

Goon - obviously all fanbases have their bad eggs. Over the last 10 years I've been routinely fallen on and sworn at by UND fans at Final Five. And Gopher fans. I've also watched UND fans barfing all over themselves because they were partying too hard all day. You're not special because you had your weekend ruined.

Obviously, all fan bases have their turd and jack bags... I had a great time at the MC's with three SCSU fans, one Gopher and a Sioux fan... You missed the point of this post. Where I owned one of the clowns from your fan base.

One of your fans took issue with a fan saying the Sioux after the home at the end of the anthem. And called them racist and Nazis, blah, blah, blah... Just pointing out the hypocrisy about your favorite school. Seriously, SCSU fans have no moral high ground when it comes to racism since SCSU has the worst civil rights record of any college in Minnesota.

Lastly, the worst fans of course from the Minnesota fan base, however, you're school's fan base seems to be taking over the void left from the Minnesota. That doesn't mean you guys don't have good fans in your fan base. You do.

Edited by Goon
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OK...let me put this in smaller words so you can figure it out.

I don't blame you for not appreciating being lumped in with all the widesweeping generalizations about what a UND fan is. Who WOULD like that? You're not a Nazi. Duh. Conversely, none of us are Roy Saigo. None of us were in some idiotic picket line denouncing how terrible your school's nickname is. The only reason I'm in favor of it is because it makes you guys mad and it makes me chuckle. Nothing personal. :)

Again, you should be annoyed at these generalizations. But why shouldn't SCSU fans be pissed about how all our female fans are called "Husky" by opposing fans (no...not just by UND fans in general or you personally)? Yeah yeah...I get it. That's our nickname. If you're going to insinuate for one second that it's not meant as a fat joke I will laugh in your face. Or why shouldn't we be insulted by everyone thinking we're idiots just because we have an STC on our sweaters? You want to persecute us for all of these wrongdoings. Some of them aren't any of our business and didn't involve us personally in the first place. Other things your fanbase (in general) are just as guilty of. You know...glass houses and stones and such.

I don't like people who act like tools in public thinking they're some big man. One year at Final Five there was some HAMMERED Gopher fan speaking just disgustingly at the UND cheerleaders. Who told that fat idiot to sit down and shut up? None of the UND fans in the area...it was me. Show respect to people around you.

I also apologize to all gingers out there.

Okay then.

And congratulations on winning the regular season title.

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I had to check out this thread for myself. It totally lived up to expectations.

Yeah Cory Thorson is such a toolbox for celebrating in his own rink. Here's a quick question...anybody seen this picture yet?


It'd be hard not to...it's been floating around social media for a week. I'd be willing to bet there were SCSU fans sitting behind that glass. But I'd also be willing to bet they don't have as much sand in their vaginas as you assclowns. If that's enought to get you butthurt you probably have a REAL hard time with real life.

Have you ever been to a game there? Not to nit-pick but i've been to UND games in St.Cloud for the last 15 years, excluding this year. i've never seen any seating on that end of the rink. so, maybe he was cocking off to the zamboni driver or something but your point is a bit of a stretch.

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Hello again. I was sitting third row in the section to your right. I don't doubt you'll recognize me in a minute.

Let's talk about "classlessness." Let's talk for just a minute about "minimal level of sportsmanship."

All night, you and your buddies were drunkenly chanting the sexist and classless "Husky Women!" chant, and when I called you out on it, someone's sportsmanlike response was to flip me off and call me a stupid whore. You scream "Sioux!" when UND has dropped the nickname due to it being offensive, and when everyone who runs your university, plus our conference and the NCAA, not to mention the Lakota (Sioux) nation, has condemned its use. You show up drunk as hell to a dry campus, and call our building a "parking garage" because we didn't accept money from a Nazi benefactor. You cussed and swore at the top of your lungs while young children sat in the seats in the row beneath me and behind me. You called my friend a bitch and my father a fat old man. You were obnoxious, rude, and out of line; you have NO ROOM to talk about being "classless" or having sportsmanship.

Cory Thorson scored a goal, skated over to the glass to celebrate, and taunted you a little bit. Of the two, I think that's about a thousand times less offensive.

Don't come back to my rink. Not only are you unwelcome, it's not worth the money to go home crying over a loss and a broken nose.

Can we all just agree that there are stupid fans for every fan base. From little league and pee wees to Pro sports. Do those fans represent the entire fan base? Of course not. So coming on a schools fan message board to complain about one fan and label ALL UND fans to be like that is not fair to the rest of us fans who are respectful during games. All of probably have that one (or more) experince with fan from an oppoisng team. I had a St Cloud fan the NHC flick me off and tell me "go f$#k yourself." Now do you really think that is fair for me to think that all SCSU fans are like that guy? Just ask yourself that and maybe you will put things a little more in perspective.

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Well, let's be clear about that photo. Thorson said in the paper he was taunting Sioux fans, and that team mates thought it would be cool.

I didn't see Caggiula say that anywhere, and it's not uncommon for a player to scream and jump into the glass, even if there is only 1 fan of his team in the vicinity. I think any attempt at comparing this photo to the Thorson thing is manufacturing something that isn't there.

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Well, let's be clear about that photo. Thorson said in the paper he was taunting Sioux fans, and that team mates thought it would be cool.

I didn't see Caggiula say that anywhere, and it's not uncommon for a player to scream and jump into the glass, even if there is only 1 fan of his team in the vicinity. I think any attempt at comparing this photo to the Thorson thing is manufacturing something that isn't there.

I had mentioned that I thought it was pretty hilarious and quite a compliment that SCSU players actually planned out a celebration towards our fans if they scored...especially since uh, it was at their home rink :lol:

It shows you that they recognize and are affected by the travelling Sioux fans, which is great.

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