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Vancouver is also en fuego, but in a different kind of way. A melting down kind of way.

Last night getting blown up 9-1 by Anaheim. That included picking 2 fights with 7 minutes left and giving Anaheim 7 minutes of 5x3.

Yikes. I didn't see any of the highlights of that mauling...but I'll be looking them up.

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Vancouver is also en fuego, but in a different kind of way. A melting down kind of way.

Last night getting blown up 9-1 by Anaheim. That included picking 2 fights with 7 minutes left and giving Anaheim 7 minutes of 5x3.

(Yeah, I'm smiling inside. It couldn't be happening to a more worthy team.)

Man, that's just great! I saw the very end of that game and it was funny watching the Canucks melt down. And now that they've hired Tortorella to captain that sinking ship - what a great combo! :lol:

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Man, that's just great! I saw the very end of that game and it was funny watching the Canucks melt down. And now that they've hired Tortorella to captain that sinking ship - what a great combo! :lol:

He's not just captaining it. He's making sure the magazines explode with the ammunition aboard. (What kind of lunatic tries to go into the opponent locker room between periods to pick a fight? And how predictable was it that Calgary could get Tortorella that far off his game just by starting their 4th line?)

Monday, he gets an in person hearing with NHL brass, following which a fine and suspension are almost a certainty.

Next step will be Gordon Lightfoot writing a song about the wreck of the Vancouver Canucks.


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Fiction can be fun, but I find the truth to be more enlightening : http://www.amazon.co...g/dp/1118092228

In Mr. Proteau's book you will find facts and evidence that prove false beyond a shadow of a doubt all of the propaganda that is spewed in that silly book that you're currently reading.

Funny his book didn't get very good reviews. I like this one the best.

Now with the subtitle of the book, it should come as no surprise that this book is anti-fight and violence. I wanted to read it to gain an alternative viewpoint into the issue. This book takes a holier-than-thou approach to the issue and does a paltry attempt to address the other side of the coin. This book insults your intelligence at times and feels as if the author goes out of his way to prove his point (also some factual mistakes as well). This book was actually frustrating to read. Not a book as much as an essay trying to provide one argument without addressing the other side... actually there was one chapter to address common points made by pro-fighters, but the author makes the questions sound like they come from the lowest common denominator. I have read nearly all modern hockey books and this was one of the most disappointing.
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Way to cherry pick a single review that matches your narrow-minded opinion. Funny how you didn't choose this one:

Adam Proteau and I have never seen eye-to-eye politically, however, Proteau knows hockey and he also understands that if anything is truly killing our sport, it is on ice violence. The "old guard" will argue until they are blue in the face that violence & fighting need to be a part of the game, but AP puts the arguments to rest.

You left the name off your review...Adam Proteau's Mom
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Montreal defeated Boston 4-1 earlier tonight and Pittsburgh is currently leading LA 3-1 at the end of the 1st. What a great day for hockey! :D

HA - man, that's funny. Boston was just on a 4 game winning streak and had won 5 of their last 6 (their only loss was a shootout loss to the Blackhawks) and they also outscored their opponents 28-16 in that stretch, yet DaveK finds it necessary to come out here and specifically call out 1 loss and call it a great day for hockey! I think we know who has an obsession with a particular sports team from the New England area.

If you look up "troll" in the dictionary you will find a picture of DaveK.

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Mario Lemieux is a living legend. Sidney couldn't carry his jock strap.

I'm pretty sure Mr. Lemieux would disagree with you. Tough for me to say because Lemieux is my guy guy. For the record....Mario used to draw penalties with the best of them...diving, pulling opponents stick up around his face, etc all to draw penalties.

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Glass houses, my friend... glass houses. I am no more obsessed with a particular sports team from the New England area than you and many others here are with a particular sports team from the Twin Cities area. Ever heard of the Minnesota Golden Gophers? Next time you want to make an accusation against somebody, stop and take a look in the mirror first. Think about how that very same accusation might also fit yourself.

Glass houses? I guess I'm not sure what you even mean by that. I mean, I understand what the saying means, but I don't understand how it applies here. Because you and I have differing views on topics, favorite teams, etc...what does that have to do with this? Please enlighten me.

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