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POLL: Should UND-NDSU Resume the Football Series?



220 members have voted

  1. 1. Should UND and NDSU Resume the Football Series?

    • Yes, play the game annually
    • On occassion, but not annually
    • No, we've gone our separate ways so let's focus on building new rivalries

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Not wrong. NDSU has been more competitive so far in Division I-AA than they were over their last decade in Division II. That is a fact, not just my opinion. The evidence is in the wins and losses. For you to tell me I'm wrong about that would be like telling me I'm wrong when I tell you the sky is blue.

We certainly know that the sky is NOT blue in your world :)

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I have looked in the mirror and I know that everybody else's idea of me is not correct. Let me say it again... things change but change is not always for the better. That doesn't mean that change is never for the better, just not always. It's really quite simple, yet some people are stuck on their misconceptions of me. Their problem, not mine.

Well why don't you admit that this time change was for the better and be done with it?

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I have looked in the mirror and I know that everybody else's idea of me is not correct. Let me say it again... things change but change is not always for the better. That doesn't mean that change is never for the better, just not always. It's really quite simple, yet some people are stuck on their misconceptions of me. Their problem, not mine.

Being right is not a problem for any of us.

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Because it wasn't for the better. D2 is small-time and so is I-AA. We lost all of our tradition with the move, so it was most definitely not for the better. Sorry if that bothers you so much, but it is what it is. My point that change is not always for the better must have gone way over your head if you still can't accept the fact that I don't see this particular change as being for the better.

No it wasn't for the better for YOU. How many people on this site agree with you that they all should have remained in D2???? THat should tell you right there.

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Because it wasn't for the better. D2 is small-time and so is I-AA. We lost all of our tradition with the move, so it was most definitely not for the better. Sorry if that bothers you so much, but it is what it is. My point that change is not always for the better must have gone way over your head if you still can't accept the fact that I don't see this particular change as being for the better.

Something tells me if UND was still the "Fighting Sioux" and were tearing it up in FCS you'd be singing a different tune.

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Rivalry aside, I'd really like to watch the UND offense vs the ac defense in a controlled scrim. In a full game I think the ac wins by at least a couple of scores. The UND defense is just too bad, and the ac would control the clock and limit possessions. But I'd really like to see who performs well in the one on one matchups.

Hypothetically (obviously), out of 10 possessions from their own 20, how many TDs would UND score?

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No it wasn't for the better for YOU. How many people on this site agree with you that they all should have remained in D2? ??? THat should tell you right there.

Dave k is 100% WRONG! UND and the other Dakota schools for that matter belong in Division 1. I will not support the flagship university playing teams like St. Clown and Bismarck. We are better than that!

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Rivalry aside, I'd really like to watch the UND offense vs the ac defense in a controlled scrim. In a full game I think the ac wins by at least a couple of scores. The UND defense is just too bad, and the ac would control the clock and limit possessions. But I'd really like to see who performs well in the one on one matchups.

Hypothetically (obviously), out of 10 possessions from their own 20, how many TDs would UND score?

who knows...UND only put up 17 against Poly and EWU. I presume those are the two best defenses they have went up against. Only one offense has scored more than one offensive TD against NDSU. UNI had three, one in garbage time. UND also has put up some big numbers as well. The only teams that have had any success against NDSU the past couple seasons have done it with balanced offenses. Could be an interesting matchup I suppose.

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Hate to say it, buy I don't think North Dakota would probably fare too well against Fargo right now. We have shown that we can score on terrible and average defenses. But we have'nt played anything close to a defense what FU is putting on the field right now.

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WOW, what a condescending jerk!!! Well, I guess you just proved me right. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with society in 2012. People in this day and age tend to be so much more snotty and disrespectful towards others than they were in the '70s and '80s when I was a kid. Based on your attitude I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess that you are of the younger generation. I'd be appalled if anybody my age or older conducted themselves the way that you do.

Pretty rich coming from the most closed-minded person around here.

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WOW, what a condescending jerk!!! Well, I guess you just proved me right. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with society in 2012. People in this day and age tend to be so much more snotty and disrespectful towards others than they were in the '70s and '80s when I was a kid. Based on your attitude I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess that you are of the younger generation. I'd be appalled if anybody my age or older conducted themselves the way that you do.

I'm sure you are right..........

But you are the only one doing the name calling there, Mr. Respect...........

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Rivalry aside, I'd really like to watch the UND offense vs the ac defense in a controlled scrim. In a full game I think the ac wins by at least a couple of scores. The UND defense is just too bad, and the ac would control the clock and limit possessions. But I'd really like to see who performs well in the one on one matchups.

Hypothetically (obviously), out of 10 possessions from their own 20, how many TDs would UND score?

Would be fun to see....

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Enough with the Scrappy Doo mentality. We're not playing the likes of Notre Dame, Michigan, and USC... nor should we be. There is a huge difference between Division I and Division I-AA. The difference between Division I-AA and Division II, on the other hand, is quite small.

I never once said that we should be playing teams like Michigan and Notre Dame...you assumed that is what I meant. Actually, we belong with teams like NDSU (they are way better than us right now for the record) Montana, and even up to the lower level FBS teams like Colorado State, Colorado, Wyoming, etc. We can compete with teams like that but once the athletic budget goes past 50 M we have a whole new class.

Long story short there is a big difference between a D1 FCS conference such as the Big Sky or MVFC versus a D2 conference such as the Northern Sun. You are completely delusional if you think there is only a small difference.

However, the lower half of FCS is another conversation. I believe it will work itself out in the next 5 - 10 years because the big boys of FBS are rapidly pulling away from the small guys of FBS; meanwhile the top half of FCS is proving that they are very competitive with the smaller FBS budgets.

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Matt - It would be very interesting to see the UND offense square off against the NDSU defense in a controlled scrimmage. I also think that if it were a full game you guys would win handily because NDSU is a far better team all around.

Even though we don't play in the same conference wouldn't it be pretty cool to have the annual spring game be against NDSU?

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Yes, Pitt State is a no name school. But so is NDSU, so is UND, so is Montana, so is Northern Iowa, and so on. I-AA, like D2, is made up of no name schools. I-AA is merely a glorified version of D2. But at least in the D2 days we had a conference made up of schools that are all located within a few hours from each other for the most part. It made for some great rivalries that we just don't have and never will have in I-AA. No, I'm not going to the game. I'm watching Michigan/Michigan State on Big 10 Network. I am a true fan of NCAA football and I liked the old NCC days way more than what is currently being played at the Alerus. Sorry I don't fit into your personal definition of what a fan of NCAA football should be.

In the FCS days we still have that! NDSU, SDSU, USD... those teams should sound familiar.

Other teams aren't located all that far away either.... UNI, ISUr, WIU, SIU, etc...

Looks like you picked the wrong conference to play in. Not our fault.

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Yet the Big Sky is the conference NDSU wanted to be in and was turned down...


Fullerton didn't sound too happy about that on the radio this summer. ;) Valley ended up being a more midwestern home for us anyway. Liking it a lot.

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